Bites: January 2015

News and notes about the metro Detroit food scene from Molly Abraham and the Hour staff.

Almost Triple Time

Chef John Fleming will make the move from Detroit’s riverfront, where he has been executive chef at Sindbad’s, to take over the same post at the Triple Nickel in Birmingham when it opens — possibly as early as mid-January. He’ll still be working for Marc Blanke of the Sindbad’s family, who is the operating partner at the upcoming restaurant in the 555 building on Woodward Avenue (formerly Crush). The Triple Nickel will have its main space on the first floor, with two spacious patios, one on the west side and the other on the east. Meanwhile, back at Sindbad’s, Otis Carridine has taken over the executive chef position …

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Sweet Expansion

Sweet Lorraine’s Fabulous Mac n’ Cheez has gone national. The first out-of-state satellite will open in Chicago under franchise-holders Jeff and Carolin Huh. Lorraine Platman and Gary Sussman’s fast casual spots in Michigan are at Somerset Collection, Great Lakes Crossing, and East Lansing, with more planned — including a franchise in the Renaissance Center and a company-owned outpost in Midtown.

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By the Numbers

Local restaurants have been chalking up impressive anniversaries. Patrick Coleman’s Beans and Cornbread in Southfield is a mature 17, and Ayse Uras’ Ayse’s Turkish Café in Ann Arbor is 21. But those pale in comparison with Café Cortina, where proprietors Rina Tonon and her son Adrian will celebrate the restaurant’s 40th anniversary with special five-course dinners Jan. 19-20. Michigan wines will be featured and seating will be limited. The Farmington Hills restaurant will continue celebrating throughout the year with tastings and other special events from time to time, says Rina Tonon, who established the restaurant in 1976 with her late husband, Adriano.

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Cellar Dweller

Chef Anita Kern has left O’Mara’s in Berkley, where she put together such special events as themed weekly afternoon tea parties, to join the Cellar Door Club, the Auburn Hills event planner, catering, and special events spot. She is involved in cooking classes and “mystery” dinners.