The Community House — a Birmingham-based nonprofit that provides resources for professional, philanthropic, and recreational pursuits — is hosting its 37th annual Our Town Art Show & Sale starting this week. The show includes more than 250 pieces by Michigan artists, including paintings, pastels, sculptures, photography, and more.
Kim Fujiwara of Rochester Hills (the Best of Detroit winner who painted our June 2019 cover featuring Aretha Franklin), Rose Marie Starke of Farmington Hills, Jerry Basierbe of Livonia, and Louise Malinowski of Redford are among the creatives displaying their work. Megan Swoyer, a frequent Hour Detroit contributor and the editor of Hour Media’s Detroit Design magazine, will also be showing her watercolors. Professional photographer Laurie Tennent and Barbra Heller, who is the director and conservator of special projects for the Detroit Institute of Arts, served as jurors for the show.

A ticketed Opening Night VIP Party will take place on March 31, and a free and public Open House will take place on April 1. Award-winning and honorable mention pieces will be on display during both in-person events — which will be held at The Community House at 380 S. Bates St. in Birmingham — and guests can view all the artwork in the Our Town Art Show on screens in the Wallace Ballroom.
All for-sale artwork from the show will be available for online viewing and purchase from April 1-15 on the nonprofit’s website. Sixty-five percent of the proceeds will go directly to the artists, and 35 percent will benefit The Community House’s outreach programs for adults and youth.
For more information, and to purchase tickets for the VIP Party, visit communityhouse.com.