Happy Hour

With the “spring forward” time change on March 9, we may get to drive home from work without headlights. Lighter evenings open up a world of possibility.
Happy Hour
Illustration by James Yang

1. Step out of the house and get reacquainted with your neighbors.

2. Open your car’s sunroof.

3. Have a cocktail party and push the season with summery libations.

4. Create a “sun” play list. Here’s a start: “Good Day Sunshine, A Place in the Sun, Black Hole Sun, Here Comes the Sun, Can’t Stop the Sun, Cold Day in the Sun, The Dark of the Sun, Evening Sun, House of the Rising Sun, I’ll Follow the Sun, Sunrise Sunset, Sunshine of Your Love, On the Sunny Side of the Street, You Are the Sunshine of My Life.”

5. Watch the sun set behind the Ambassador Bridge from the Coach Insignia bar/restaurant atop the Renaissance Center Detroit Marriott.

6. Take the dog for a long walk.

7. Buy new sunglasses.

8. Eat lighter. (More revealing clothes are on the horizon.)

9. Wash the car.

10. Brighten up your face with a shine product like Bliss “That Gal” face brightener.

11. Shop for spring clothes.

12. Walk around the yard after work and make landscaping plans.

13. Stop by the plant nursery and buy some cold-weather hardy pansies for the porch.

14. Have ice cream before dinner at an outdoor stand. Some, like Dairy Deluxe on Woodward in Birmingham, are already open.

15. Buy a bunch of tulips on your way home.

16. Showcase the time change on a wristwatch that has a pastel or bright band.

17. Go to the batting cage.

18. Go to the driving range.

19. Barbecue something for dinner.

20. Plant sweet pea seeds. (Folklore says they should be put in the ground on March 17.)

21. Tune in a Tigers spring-training game.

22. Buy pussy willows.

23. Hang backyard birdhouses.

24. Fly a kite.

25. Take your kids to the park.

26. Lighten up.