Wheel Deal

Circle the (Station) Wagons at the Motor Muster

This year’s Motor Muster at Greenfield Village promises to be something special —including the running of the Mustang Serial #1 on its storied streets. Good timing, since Ford Motor Co. is also putting out a Mustang 50 Year Limited Edition, modeled on the Mustang GT fastback. They’ll make only 1,964 vehicles — in honor of the year the car was introduced.

The June 14-15 weekend will be an auto enthusiast’s dream — with glamorous classics from the 1930s on up to brawny muscle cars of the 1970s.

During the entire weekend, the village’s streets and lawns will be filled with some 500 classic cars, vintage trucks, motorcycles, military vehicles, bicycles — and even a fire engine or two.

Come stroll the grounds and meet the owners of these vehicles. There’s a Saturday night cruise and “sock hop,” too. Motor City will be dancing in the streets.

For more information, visit thehenryford.org or call 313-982-6001. — Steve Wilke