Grown-ups complain endlessly about the snow — driving in it, shoveling it, even looking at it. The kvetching seems only to prolong the winter, and there’s not a blessed thing anyone can do about the snow and cold anyway.
Young folks, on the other hand, have the right idea. Instead of whining about winter, they join forces with it, exulting in tobogganing, sledding, skating, making snow angels and snowmen, or maybe engaging in a playful snowball fight. And there’s always the hope of a school-free snow day to enjoy.
These boys, decked out in 1920s-style knickers and caps on an undisclosed Detroit street, appear to be having a blast rolling a giant snowball, perhaps to make a gargantuan snowman. This year, the long-range winter forecast for metro Detroit calls for below-average temperatures and above-average precipitation, so it’s probably best to take a leaf from the kids in this picture and make the best of it.