This is news we’ve been waiting to hear! Real Estate is moving again.
Home and condo sales in metro Detroit climbed a respectable 9 percent during the last half of 2011 and, as this year began, early sales continued on pace. What’s more, the median sale price has been trending upward and the average number of days that a home stays on the market has declined. There has even been a shortage of homes available for immediate occupancy in some communities. Southeast Michigan’s REALTORS® have been busy!
None have been busier than the Real Estate All-Stars recognized by Hour Detroit for their ability to breathe life back into the real estate market. To discover just who these outstanding REALTORS® are, Hour turned to Realcomp II Ltd. of Farmington Hills. This is the largest multiple listings service in the state, serving more than 10,000 Realcomp REALTORS®
— many of whom work in the well-known realty firms with prominent lawn signs in your neighborhood. Realcomp identified the top 2% of REALTORS® with the highest sales volumes over a one-year period ending November 1, 2011. Realcomp then contacted these 200 individuals, and those who consented to public recognition became our Real Estate All-Stars.
The REALTORS® in this special section are among Michigan’s best. If this is the year you’re buying or selling a home, these REALTORS® have a proven record; they are the REALTORS® willing to raise the bar and go beyond what is expected. Check out these pages and then visit their Internet sites. When you’re buying or selling a home, don’t go it alone. This is too big of an investment to make without professional advice from those who have the most knowledge about the market.
Market research: Realcomp II Ltd., January 16, 2012, February 13, 2012. Metro Detroit sales reflect Oakland, Wayne, Livingston, and Macomb transactions. Real Estate All Stars identified from Realcomp subscribing members.