Top Dentists 2015



The Value of a Smile

It’s an endearing moment in childhood and, as soon as it happens, everyone cheers as if they’ve never seen such a magnificent thing before! A child’s first baby tooth magically appears, bringing new dimension to a precious, gummy smile. It’s an event rivaled only by the day (just a few years later) when a child’s tooth wobbles — and his or her little hands encourage it to fall out.

You were only 5 or 6 years old when you put your first loose tooth under your pillow and discovered just how valuable teeth could be. What was the going rate where you grew up? Did the tooth fairy leave a dime, a quarter, a dollar? Now your teeth are more valuable than ever, but their real worth comes in keeping, protecting, and beautifying them.

In the spirit of helping you achieve a more healthy and attractive smile, Hour Detroit has enlisted a professional marketing company, PRS, to identify the Top Dentists in southeast Michigan. Together we surveyed general and family dentists, orthodontists, periodontists, and other specialists, asking them who made their families’ smiles unforgettable? Their go-to dentists appear on the following pages, listed by specialty. Those on our list have been scrutinized for the legitimacy of their licenses as well as their status with the Michigan State Dental Board. While there are outstanding professionals who aren’t listed here, we hope you’ll give these dentists special consideration.

At Hour, we’re always looking out after your best interests, and so we have to ask: When you’re happy, do you let your joyfulness, your playfulness, your enthusiasm, show in a big, beautiful, uncontainable smile? If not, do you know how easy it is to improve the quality and the beauty of your teeth?

For teeth that are broken or bent, bonding and implants can improve chewing function, plus they appear more natural. When teeth are especially crooked, some people find that wearing — dare we say — braces is still the best option; newer versions are easier to wear and far less visible. What about your mouth’s overall health? Would you know if sleep apnea and/or TMJ are affecting your sleep and quality of life? A good dentist can help you find out. From regular cleanings and maintenance to restorations and painless root canals, southeast Michigan dental professionals are achieving results today that were never possible just a few years ago. Have you talked with a top-notch dentist lately? It could it be that your beautiful smile is just a conversation away.