The following list contains the doctors in adult and pediatric specialties, as voted by their peers. Top vote getters are denoted with an asterisk (*). In some categories, there are ties.
Addiction Medicine
Boyle III, Michael D.O., Henry Ford
Brower, Kirk M.D., U-M
Christensen, Carl M.D., DMC/
Harper University Hospital
Fox, Michael D.O., Botsford
Malinoff, Herbert M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Sidiropoulos, Andreas M.D., U-M
Vervaeke, Rudy M.D., St. John
Wrobel, Agnes M.D., Henry Ford
Allergy & Immunology
Akin, Cem M.D., U-M
Appleyard, Jennifer M.D., St. John
Baker Jr., James M.D., U-M
Baldwin, James M.D., U-M
Fordyce, James M.D., Oakwood
Lauter, Carl M.D., Beaumont
Magdea, Ilie M.D., Oakwood
McMorris, Marc M.D., U-M, Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Tawila, Mohamad Y. M.D., Beaumont,
St. John
Zoratti, Edward M.D., Henry Ford
Barbas, Nancy R. M.D., U-M
Cardozo, Lavoisier M.D., DMC/
Detroit Receiving Hospital
Gilman, Sid M.D., U-M
Heidebrink, Judith L. M.D., U-M
Maddens, Michael M.D., Beaumont
Shatz, Rhonna D.O., Henry Ford
Steinberg, Joel M.D., DMC/Detroit
Receiving Hospital
Brown, Morris M.D., Henry Ford
Lau, Wei C. M.D., U-M
Naughton, Norah N. M.D., U-M
Proudfoot, Matthew D.O., Oakwood
Reynolds, Paul I. M.D., U-M
Tremper, Kevin M.D., Ph.D., U-M
Burn Treatment
Balakrishnan, Chenicheri M.D., DMC/
Detroit Receiving Hospital
Cullen, Marc M.D., Oakwood, DMC/
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Maggio, Paul M.D., U-M
Wahl, Wendy M.D., U-M
Wang, Stewart M.D. Ph.D., U-M
White, Michael M.D., DMC/Detroit
Receiving Hospital
Almany, Steven M.D., Beaumont
Dabbous, Samir M.D., Oakwood, St. John
David, Shukri M.D., Providence
Eagle, Kim M.D., U-M
LaLonde, Thomas M.D., St. John
Lee, Cheng-Chong M.D., Oakwood
Pinsky, David J. M.D., U-M
Riba, Arthur M.D., Oakwood
Rubenfire, Melvyn M.D., U-M
Schreiber, Theodore M.D., St. John, DMC/
Harper University Hospital, Beaumont
Cardiology (CONT.)
Shea, Michael M.D., U-M
Sohal, Chaman M.D., Oakwood
Weaver, W. Douglas M.D., Henry Ford
Cardiovascular Surgery
Bassett, Joseph M.D., Beaumont,
St. John Providence
Bove, Edward M.D., U-M
Deeb, G. Michael M.D., U-M
Gordon, William M.D., St. Joseph Mercy
Oakland, St. John Providence
Harrington, Steven M.D., Henry Ford, St. John
Kafi, Ali M.D., DMC/Harper University Hospital, Henry Ford, St. John, Beaumont, Oakwood
Kong, Bobby M.D., St. Mary Mercy,
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Prager, Richard M.D., U-M
Pruitt, Andrew M.D., St. Mary Mercy,
Saint Joseph Health System
Sakwa, Marc M.D., Beaumont,
St. John Providence
Sell, Timothy M.D., Oakwood, Henry Ford,
St. John, DMC/Harper University Hospital
Washington, Bruce M.D., Beaumont,
St. John, Oakwood
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Burney, Richard M.D., U-M
Cleary, Robert M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Colletti, Lisa M. M.D., U-M
Deshmukh, Ganesh M.D., Oakwood, Beaumont
Eggenberger, John M.D., Henry Ford
Finlayson, Emily V. M.D., U-M
Hain, Jon M.D., Crittenton
Kadro, Omar M.D., Beaumont
Klein, Steven M.D., Beaumont
Landes, Raymond V. M.D., Beaumont,
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Morris, Arden M.D., U-M
Szilagy, Eric M.D., Henry Ford
Turfah, Fuad M.D., Oakwood, Beaumont
Wasvary, Harry M.D., Beaumont
Weaver, Donald M.D., DMC/Karmanos
Altman, David M.D., DMC/Harper University Hospital, St. John, Beaumont
Berry, Ali M.D., Oakwood
Chapel, Thomas M.D., Oakwood
Johnson, Timothy M.D., U-M
Lim, Henry M.D., Henry Ford
Sachs, Dana L. M.D., U-M
Voorhees, John M.D., U-M
Emergency Medicine
Barsan, William G. M.D., U-M
Bauer, David M.D., Crittenton
Brautigan, Mark M.D., DMC/Sinai-
Grace Hospital
Desmond, Jeff M.D., U-M
Garfield, Mitch D.O., Oakwood
Kronick, Steven L. M.D., U-M
Sendi, Jeffrey D.O., Oakwood
Silbergleit, Robert M.D., U-M
Sweeny, Padraic M.D., DMC/Detroit Receiving
White, Suzanne R. M.D., DMC hospitals
Endocrinology & Metabolism
Arvan, Peter M.D. Ph.D., U-M
Burant, Charles F. M.D., U-M
Edelson, Gary M.D., DMC/Sinai-Grace Hospital, DMC/Detroit Receiving Hospital, Beaumont
Estigarribia, Juan M.D., Oakwood, DMC/
Harper University Hospital
Khoury, Sleman M.D., Oakwood
Lash, Robert M.D., U-M
Ospina, Luis M.D., Beaumont
Sanfield, Jeffrey M.D., Saint Joseph Mercy
Health System
Whitehouse, Fred M.D., Henry Ford
Family Practice
Apgar, Barbara M.D., U-M
Dziobak, David M.D., Oakwood
Misch, Paul M.D., Beaumont
Peggs, James M.D., U-M
Schwenk, Thomas M.D., U-M
Sheikh, Kamran M.D., DMC/Sinai-Grace
Hospital, St. John Providence
Thiry, Steven J. M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Welker, Donald M.D., Oakwood
Workings, Michael M.D., Henry Ford
Arman, Mohammed M.D., Oakwood
Barnett, Jeffrey L. M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Brown, Kimberly M.D., Henry Ford
Cannon, Michael M.D., Beaumont
Chey, William D. M.D., U-M
Duffy, Michael M.D., Beaumont
Elta, Grace M.D., U of M
Goo, Robert M.D., DMC/Huron
Valley-Sinai Hospital
Moseley, Richard H. M.D., U-M
Nostrant, Timothy M.D., U-M
Puccio, Jeffrey M.D., Oakwood
Scheinfeld, Benjamin M.D., Henry Ford
Stoler, Robert L. M.D., St. Mary Mercy,
Saint Joseph Health System
Veneri, Robert M.D., St. John
General Surgery
Chang, Alfred M.D., U-M
Courtney, James M.D., Beaumont
Czako, Peter M.D., Beaumont
Knol, James A. M.D., U-M
Lee, Sophia M.D., Oakwood
Mulholland, Michael M.D. Ph.D., U of M
Napolitano, Lena M. M.D., U-M
Robbins, James M.D., Beaumont
Talpos, Gary M.D., Henry Ford
Turfah, Fuad M.D., Oakwood
Weaver, Donald M.D., DMC/Harper
University Hospital, Henry Ford
General Vascular Surgery
Brown, O. William M.D., Beaumont
Corcoran, Paul M.D., Oakwood
Gupta, Ashish M.D., Oakwood, St. John
Long, Graham M.D., Beaumont
Oppat, William F. M.D., St. John Providence
Reddy, Daniel M.D., Henry Ford
Rodriguez, Francisco M.D., St. John, Bon Secours
Shepard, Alexander M.D., Henry Ford
General Vascular
Surgery (CONT.)
Stanley, James M.D., U-M
Upchurch Jr., Gilbert M.D., U-M
Wakefield, Thomas M.D., U-M
Whitehouse Jr., Walter M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Ginsberg, David M.D., U-M
Gruber, Stephen B. M.D., Ph.D., U-M
Omenn, Gilbert M.D., U-M
Petty, Elizabeth Marie M.D., U-M
Wolf, Barry M.D., Ph.D., Henry Ford
Geriatric Medicine
Alexander, Neil B. M.D., U-M
Blaum, Caroline S. M.D., U-M
Cardozo, Lavoisier M.D., DMC/
Detroit Receiving Hospital
Dengiz, Alan M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Halter, Jeffrey M.D., U-M
Kamath, Satish M.D., Oakwood
Krol, Gregory M.D., Henry Ford
Maddens, Michael M.D., Beaumont
Mohs, Jacqueline M.D., Oakwood
Carretero, Oscar M.D., Beaumont, Henry Ford
Flack, John M.D., Harper, Children’s Hospital, Detroit Receiving, Huron Valley, Sinai-Grace
Jamerson, Kenneth M.D., U-M
Koelling, Todd M. M.D., U-M
Spahlinger, David A. M.D., U-M
Steigerwalt, Susan M.D., St. John,
St. John Providence
Weder, Alan M.D., U-M
Infectious Disease
Band, Jeffrey M.D., Beaumont
Blackburn, Gerald D.O., Botsford, St. John
Chenoweth, Carol M.D., U-M
Cinti, Sandro M.D., U-M
Cushing, Ralph M.D., DMC/Detroit Receiving Hospital, Bon Secours, St. John
Engleberg, Cary N. M.D., U-M
Gordon, James M.D., DMC/Huron
Valley-Sinai Hospital
Gowda, Sachi M.D., Crittenton, Beaumont
Healy, Shaun M.D., Beaumont, Crittenton
Kaufman, Carol A. M.D., U-M
Kaul, Daniel M.D., U-M
Kazanjian, Powel M.D., U-M
Lauter, Carl M.D., Beaumont
Levine, Donald M.D., DMC/Detroit
Receiving Hospital
Otto, Michael M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Sobel, Jack M.D., DMC/Harper
University Hospital
Sunstrum, James M.D., Oakwood
Thyagarajan, Rama M.D., Oakwood
Varanasi, Neeraja M.D., Oakwood
Zervos, Marcus M.D., Henry Ford, Beaumont
Internal Medicine
Del Valle, John M.D., U-M
Fine, Paul M.D., U-M
Internal Medicine (CONT.)
Flanders, Scott M.D., U-M
Keimig, William M.D., U-M, Henry Ford
Lash, Robert M.D., U-M
O’Connor, Thomas M.D., U-M
Popovich Jr., John M.D., Henry Ford
Siddique, Mohamed M.D., DMC/
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Lipid Disorder
Brook, Robert D. M.D., U-M
Douyon, Liselle M.D., U-M
Doyle, Michael M.D., Beaumont
Rubenfire, Melvyn M.D., U-M
Liver Specialists
Brown, Kimberly M.D., Henry Ford
Fontana, Robert M.D., U-M
Gordon, Stuart M.D., Henry Ford
Lok, Anna M.D., U-M
Marrero, Jorge A. M.D., U-M
Moonka, Dilip M.D., Henry Ford
Mutchnick, Milton M.D., DMC/Harper
University Hospital
Saad, Richard J. M.D., U-M
Shehab, Thomas M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Dancik, Jerry M.D., Beaumont, St. John, Crittenton
Dumler, Francis M.D., Beaumont
Holzman, Lawrence M.D., U-M
Kumar, Chilakapati V. M.D., Oakwood,
Henry Ford
Messana, Joseph M.D., U-M
Prasad, Pinnamaneni M.D., Oakwood
Segal, Jonathan H. M.D., U-M
Speck, John P. M.D., Beaumont
Ummadi, Sudheer M.D., Oakwood
Yee, Jerry M.D., Henry Ford
Cullis, Paul A. M.D., St. John
Elias, Stanton B. M.D., Henry Ford
Fink, David M.D., U-M
Feldman, Eva M.D., Ph.D., U-M
Glass, Lionel M.D., North Oakland Medical Center
Kodrik, Amy D.O., Botsford
Leuchter, William M.D., DMC/Huron
Valley-Sinai Hospital
Lisak, Robert M.D., DMC/Harper
University Hospital
Mounayer, Sami M.D., Beaumont
Segall, John M.D., Saint Joseph Mercy
Health System
Selwa, Linda M.D., U-M
Singer, Daniel D.O., Oakwood
Voci, James M.D., St. John
Neurological Surgery
Chandler, William M.D., U-M
Guthikonda, Murali M.D., Beaumont
Johnson, II, Robert M.D., Oakwood,
St. John Providence
Junn, Fred M.D., Beaumont, Henry Ford
Malik, Ghaus M.D., Henry Ford
Muraszko, Karin M.D., U-M
Rock, Jack M.D., Henry Ford, Beaumont
Neurological Surgery (CONT.)
Rosenblum, Mark M.D., Henry Ford,
Beaumont Sagher, Oren M.D., U-M
Soo, Teck-Mun M.D., St. John Providence,
St. John, Beaumont, Botsford
Thomas, Geoffrey M. M.D., Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Thompson, Jr., Gregory M.D., U-M
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Davidson, Brent M.D., Henry Ford,
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Delancey, John O. L. M.D., U-M
Johnson, Timothy M.D., Beaumont
Kreil, Duane M.D., Oakwood
Malone Jr., John M.D., DMC/Detroit Receiving Hospital, Karmanos, St. John, St. John Providence, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Morgan, Daniel M. M.D., U-M
Nugent, Clark M.D., U-M
Pearlman, Mark M.D., U-M
Reynolds, R. Kevin M.D., U-M
Shade Jr., George H. M.D., DMC/
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Vervaeke, Rudy M.D., Bon Secours,
Cottage, St. John
Occupational Medicine
Florek, Kevin D.O., Crittenton
Harbut, Michael M.D., Providence,
St. John Providence
Upfal, Mark Joe M.D., DMC/Detroit
Receiving Hospital
Appel, Joel L. M.D., DMC/Sinai-Grace Hospital
Chapman, Robert M.D., Henry Ford
Decker, David M.D., Beaumont
Eckenrode, John M.D., Oakwood,
St. John Providence
Eisbruch, Avraham M.D., U-M,
St. John Providence
Gordon, Craig D.O., Botsford, St. John Providence
Hayes, Daniel F. M.D., U-M
Khan, Parvez M.D., Oakwood
Lawrence, Theodore M.D. Ph.D., U-M,
St. John Providence
Leonard, Robert M.D., St. John
Margolis, Jeffrey M.D., Beaumont, St. John
Pierce, Lori J. M.D., U-M
Sandler, Howard M.D., U-M
Signori, Oscar M.D., Oakwood
Thomas, Shanti M.D., Oakwood
Todd III, Robert M.D. Ph.D., U-M
Valdivieso, Manuel M.D., Karmanos, DMC/Harper University Hospital
Wolf, Gregory T. M.D., U-M
Abrams, Gary M.D., DMC Kresge Eye Institute, DMC/Hutzel Women’s Hospital, Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Hatem, Ghaleb M.D., Oakwood
Juzych, Mark S. M.D., DMC/Sinai-Grace Hospital
Lichter, Paul M.D., U-M
Nelson, Christine C. M.D., U-M
Sletten-Farjo, Karin M.D., Oakwood
Trobe, Jonathan M.D., U-M
Oral Surgery
Clayman, Lewis M.D. D.D.S., Beaumont,
St. John, Oakwood
Teknos, Theodoros M.D., U-M
Wolf, Steven D.D.S., DMC/Detroit Receiving Hospital, St. John, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland, Beaumont, Henry Ford
Organ Transplant
Abouljoud, Marwan M.D., Henry Ford
Campbell Jr., Darrell A. M.D., U-M
Gruber, Scott M.D., Harper
Merion, Robert M. M.D., U-M
Orringer, Mark M.D., U-M
Punch, Jeffrey M.D., U of M
West, Miguel M.D., Harper, Detroit Medical Center
Carpenter, James M.D., U-M
Faulkner, Alfred D.O., Oakwood
Ference, Robert J. M.D., DMC/Sinai-Grace Hospital
Greene III, Perry M.D., Beaumont
Higginbotham, William M.D., DMC/
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Silberg, Eric M.D., Oakwood
Steffes, Matthew M.D., Oakwood
Urquhart, Andrew G. M.D., U-M
Vaidya, Rahul M.D., DMC/Detroit Receiving Hospital
Wojtys, Edward M.D., U-M
Baker, Shan R. M.D., U-M
Benninger, Michael S. M.D., Henry Ford
Bradford, Carol R. M.D., U-M
Kewson, Daniel M.D., Providence
Pinnock, Lascelles M.D., Oakwood
Telian, Steven A. M.D., U-M
Wolf, Gregory M.D., U-M
Appelman, Henry M.D., U-M
Flint, Andrew M.D., U-M
Goldstein, Neal S. M.D., Beaumont
McCormick, Thomas M.D., Oakwood
Myers, Jeffrey L. M.D., U-M
Sakr, Wael M.D., DMC/Harper University Hospital
Schaldenbrand, Michael M.D., Oakwood
Visscher, Daniel W. M.D., U-M
Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine
Bair, Derek M.D., Oakwood
Donn, Steven M. M.D., U-M
Nugent, Clark M.D., U-M
Treadwell, Marjorie Clark M.D., U-M
Van DeVen, Cosmas M.D., U-M
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Alhimiri, Ali M.D., Oakwood
Hurvitz, Martin Edward M.D., U-M, Beaumont
Leonard Jr., James A. M.D., U-M
Nelson, Virginia S. M.D. Ph.D., U-M
Richardson, James M.D., U-M
Yoon, In Kwang M.D., Oakwood
Borovoy, Marc A. M.D., DMC/Huron
Valley-Sinai Hospital
Fallat, Lawrence M.D., Oakwood
Ismail, Bilal M.D., Oakwood
Preventive Medicine
Eagle, Kim M.D., U-M
Freed, Gary M.D., U-M
Rubenfire, Melvyn M.D., U-M
Coffey, C. Edward M.D., Henry Ford
Greden, John M.D., U-M
Kahn, Ashar M.D., Oakwood
Marcus, Sheila M. M.D., U-M
Ramesh, Vijaya M.D., Oakwood
Riba, Michelle M.D., U-M
Silk, Kenneth M.D., U-M
Tancer, Manuel M.D., Wayne State
Eichenhorn, Michael M.D., Henry Ford
Grum, Cyril M. M.D., U-M
Haapaniemi, John M.D., D.O., DMC/
Sinai-Grace Hospital, St. John
MacDonald, Lawrence M.D., DMC/Harper University Hospital, St. John Providence
Mahajan, Devinder M.D., Oakwood
Martinez, Fernando J. M.D., U-M
Simon, Richard M.D., U-M
Toews, Galen M.D., U-M
Ventimiglia, William M.D., Beaumont,
Henry Ford, St. John
White, Eric M.D., U-M
Brown, Manuel M.D., Henry Ford
Gross, Barry M.D., U-M
Helvie, Mark A. M.D., U-M
Mukherji, Suresh K. M.D., U-M
Shields, James J. M.D., U-M
Williams, David M. M.D., U-M
Brennan, Timothy M.D., Bon Secours, St. John
Clauw, Dan J. M.D., U-M
Daghar, Ali M.D., Oakwood
Fox, David M.D., U-M
Laing, Timothy J. M.D., U-M
McCune, W. Joseph M.D., U-M
Santos, Delfin M.D., Crittenton
Torregrosa, Luis M.D., Henry Ford
Yung, Raymond L. M.D., U-M
Sleep Disorders
Chervin, Ronald M.D., U-M
MacDonald, Lawrence M.D., DMC/Harper University Hospital, St. John Providence
Rowens, Bradley M.D., Providence, Beaumont
Victor, Lyle M.D., Oakwood
Sports Medicine
Anderson, Kyle M.D., Beaumont
Carpenter, James M.D., U-M
Housner, Gregory M.D., Oakwood
Karageanes, Steven D.O., Oakwood
Lemos, Stephen M.D., Michigan Orthopedic Specialty Hospital
Milia, Marc M.D., Oakwood
Teitge, Robert M.D., DMC/Michigan
Orthopedic Specialty Hospital
Wojtys, Edward M.D., U-M
Thoracic Surgery
Camero, Luis M.D., St. John, DMC/
Detroit Receiving Hospital
Chang, Andrew M.D., U-M
Chmielewski, Gary M.D., Beaumont
Hilu, John M.D., Oakwood, St. John
Lau, Christine M.D., U-M
Orringer, Mark M.D., U-M
Welsh, Robert M.D., Beaumont
Bloom, David M.D., U-M
Dimitriou, Robert M.D., Oakwood
Faerber, Gary J. M.D., U-M
Guz, Brian M.D., Henry Ford, St. John
Hollander, Jay M.D., Beaumont
Menon, Mani M.D., Henry Ford
Montie, James M.D., U-M
Sarle, Richard M.D., Oakwood, St. John Providence
Solomon, Hugh M.D., Saint Joseph Mercy Healthcare System
Telang, Dinesh M.D., St. John, Bon Secours
Triest, Jeffrey M.D., DMC/Karmanos, Oakwood
Pediatric Medicine
Adolescent Medicine
Marshall, Sharon M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Rosen, David M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital, St. John Providence
Sawni, Anju M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Allergies & Immune Disorders
Badr, Itemad M.D., Oakwood
Hurvitz, Martin M.D., St. John Providence,
St. Joseph Mercy, St. John, Beaumont,
U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
McMorris, Marc M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Moore, Ellen M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Tsai, Wan Chong M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Ensing, Gregory J. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Forbes, Thomas M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland,
St. John Providence, Crittenton
Gomez-Fifer, Carlen A. M.D., U-M C.S.
Mott Children’s Hospital
Humes, Richard M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland,
St. John Providence, Crittenton
McDonald, Dick M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Rocchini, Albert M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Orringer, Mark M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Shwayder, Tor M.D., Henry Ford
Voorhees, John M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Developmental &
Behavioral Pediatrics
Felt, Barbara T. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Gahagan, Sheila M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Lozoff, Betsy M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Bacon, George E. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Cakan, Nedim M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Chen, Ming M.D. Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Edwin, Chandra M. M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, St. John
Kasa-Vubu, Josephine Z. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Menon, Ram M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Vazquez, Delia M. M.D., U-M
Brown, Pamela I. M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Dickinson, Chris J. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
El-Baba, Mohammad M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Lopez, M. James M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Lyons, Hernando M.D., St. John, St. John Providence, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Bawle, Erawati M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan, St. John
Innis, Jeffrey M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Keegan, Catherine E. M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Martin, Donna M. M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Hand Surgery
Chung, Kevin Chi M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Infectious Diseases
Asmar, Basim M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Blackwood, R. Alexander M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Freij, Bishara J. M.D., Beaumont
Gilsdorf, Janet M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
LiPuma, John J. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Thirumoothi, M.C. M.D., St. John
Brophy, Patrick D. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Hildebrandt, Friedhelm M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Kershaw, David M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Nephrology (Cont.)
Mattoo, Tej M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Valentini, Rudolph M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Chugani, Harry M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Finkel, Paul Harold D.O., St. John, Michigan Institute for Neuro Disorders
Hoban, Timothy F. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Leber, Steven M.D., Ph.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Robertson, Patricia M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Woodruff, Brian M.D., Oakwood, St. John Providence
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Dabrowski, Edward M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, St. John
Gilmer-Hill, Holly M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan, St. John, Beaumont,
St. John Providence
Ham, Steven D.O., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, St. John, Beaumont, St. John Providence
Maher, Cormac O. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Muraszko, Karin M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Sood, Sandeep M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan, St. John
Boxer, Laurence M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Castle, Valerie M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Cushing, Barbara M.D., DMC/
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Levine, John E. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Mody, Rajen J. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Taub, Jeffrey M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Yanik, Gregory M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Baker, John M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Beaumont, Oakwood
DelMonte, Monte A. M.D., U-M Kellogg Eye Center
Nelson, Christine C. M.D., FACS, U-M
Kellogg Eye Center
O’Malley, Edward M.D., Henry Ford, St. John
Roarty, John M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Henry Ford, St. John, Beaumont
Orthopedic Surgery
Caird, Michelle S. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Craig, Clifford L. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital , Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Orthopedic Surgery (cont.)
Hensinger, Robert M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Zaltz, Ira M.D., Beaumont, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland, Henry Ford
Andreae, Margie C. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Barone II, Charles J. M.D., Henry Ford
Castle, Valerie M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Freed, Gary M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Park, Stephen M. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Surgery
Ehrlich, Peter F. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital, St. John
Geiger, James D. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital, St. John
Hirschl, Ronald M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital, St. John,
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Klein, Michael M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital
of Michigan, Oakwood
Langenburg, Scott M.D., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Oakwood
McCrudden, Kimberly W. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, St. John
Polley Jr., Theodore M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Stockmann, Paul M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Teitelbaum, Daniel M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Saint Joseph
Mercy Health System
Fluent, Thomas E. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Hanna, Gregory M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Leleszi, Jimmie P. M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Rosenberg, David M.D., D.O., DMC/Children’s Hospital of Michigan, St. John Providence
Annich, Gail M. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Arteta, Manuel M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Filbrun, Amy Goldstein M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Hershenson, Marc M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Nasr, Samya Z. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Niedner, Matthew F. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Shanley, Thomas P. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Toder, Debbie M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Adams, Barbara S. M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Hafftel, Meryl Hilary M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Moore, Ellen M.D., DMC/Children’s
Hospital of Michigan
Bloom, David M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Kass, Evan M.D., Beaumont
Park, John M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Wan, Julian M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Other Specialties
(Additional specialties and doctors
named by survey respondents)
Pediatric Critical Care
Thomas P. Shanley, M.D., U-M C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery
Edward L. Bove, M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Orthopedic Surgery
Roderick Claybrooks, M.D., St. John Providence
Interventional Cardiology
Syed Mahmood, M.D., St. John Providence, DMC/Sinai-Grace and Harper Hospitals
Pediatric Otolaryngology
(Ear, Nose, Throat)
Glenn E. Green, M.D., U-M C.S. Mott
Children’s Hospital
Disclaimer // Top Doctors are nominated exclusively by M.D.s and D.O.s in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, and Livingston counties. Winning physicians are not selected by any member of the Hour Detroit staff. Doctors’ names and specialties are taken from online surveys submitted by physicians. Hour Detroit tabulates the votes and fact-checks names and affiliations of winners. Please note: Hospitals listed after winners’ names indicate, in most cases, physicians’ primary affiliations. Most doctors practice out of one hospital/health system, but have admitting rights/attending privileges at other locations. Also: Doctors’ names are typically listed in association with one or more umbrella health care provider but may work out of a specific hospital within that system.