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5th Annual Swing into Spring

May 8, 2023

Join us for the 5th Annual Swing into Spring Charity Golf Outing where portions of the proceeds will benefit New Paradigm Family Services, which provide individuals and families with tools and services, including assistance, support, education, advocacy, problem solving, job training, clothing and shelter. Included in your ticket price is green fee’s, golf cart, range balls, lunch at the turn, golfer gift bag, dinner & awards ceremony. Registration starts at 8:30am and shotgun start at 9:30am. Tickets and sponsorship packages are available now through Professional Golf Planners of America (PGPA). Tickets can be purchased in advance online.


Professional Golf Planners of America


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Professional Golf Planners of America
Please list the organization name(s) that benefit from proceeds of this event.
New Paradigm Family Services
Please explain what this charity supports, i.e., programs, services, etc.
New Paradigm Family Services believes families who experience physical, economical or cultural challenges are valuable contributors to the quality of our diverse community. All families have strengths and can be empowered to overcome the barriers to achieving their goals. We are growth agents who provide individuals and families with tools and services, including assistance, support, education, advocacy, problem solving, job training, clothing and shelter. We strive to help families and individuals who are the most vulnerable within our communities.
Which categories does this event fall under? (Please check all that apply)
Fundraiser, Golf Outing
Which categories does this agenda fall under? (Please check all that apply)
Awards Ceremony, Dinner, Golf
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Greystone Golf Club
67500 Mound Road
Washington,MI48095United States
+ Google Map