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Rhonda Walker Foundation 20th Anniversary Gala – Transforming Lives. Impacting Futures

October 14, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


The Rhonda Walker Foundation is celebrating 20 years of empowering inner-city teen girls with its 20th Anniversary Gala: Transforming Lives. Impacting Futures on Saturday, October 24, 2023, at One Campus Martius 16th Floor from 6- 10 pm. The modern black-tie event will include dancing, world-class entertainment, fine cuisine, live music, and more. Please join the RWF Family as we celebrate our milestone year and the success of our award-winning Girls into Women Program!


October 14, 2023
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


One Campus Martius -16th Floor
1 Campus Martius - 16th Floor
Detroit,MI48226United States
+ Google Map


Organizer Name
Rhonda Walker Foundation
Organizer Phone
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Organizer Email
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Rhonda Walker Foundation
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Rhonda Walker Foundation
Please explain what this charity supports, i.e., programs, services, etc.
The Rhonda Walker Foundation, founded in 2003, works to educate and empower inner-city teen girls towards becoming strong, confident, successful and moral future leaders through our 5-year, award winning Girls into Women Program
Which categories does this event fall under? (Please check all that apply)
Black-Tie Affair, Gala
Which categories does this agenda fall under? (Please check all that apply)
Afterglow, Awards Ceremony, Dancing, D.J., Music
Registration Requirements
Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased at https://rhondawalkerfoundation.org/20th-anniversary-gala
Dress Code
Modern Black Tie
Parking Guidelines
Self Parking is available at the One Campus Martius Garage 1188 Farmer StreetValet Parking may also be available
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