Stay Dapper This No Shave November with These Products

Stow the razor and grab these goods to keep your beard under control
no shave november
Photo: IStock

Each November, men turn their mugs into billboards for cancer awareness by forgoing shaving — an act of solidarity with patients who lose their hair while battling the disease. These local products will help you stay dapper while doing your part this No Shave November.

no shave november - kent monster beard brush
Kent the Monster Beard Brush, $55, at Mills Pharmacy and Apothecary, 1744 W. Maple Road, 248-644-5060; Birmingham; Detroit Metropolitan Airport, McNamara Terminal;
detroit beard collective - no shave november
Detroit Beard Collective Riverwalk Beard Oil, $19, at Detroit Beard Collective,
detroit grooming co - no shave november
Detroit Grooming Co. Beard Wash, $21, at Detroit Grooming Co.,


whisker wax - no shave november
Damn handsome grooming co. HAIR & WHISKER WAX, $24, at Damn Handsome Grooming Co.,

forefathers grooming - no shave november

burton and levy - no shave november
Burton and Levy Andrew Ryan and Berel Beard Combs, $28 each, at Forefathers Grooming, 43536 Van Dyke Ave., Sterling Heights; 586- 580-3591;
proaraso beard balm - no shave november
Proraso Beard Balm, $18, at Mills Pharmacy and Apothecary, 1744 W. Maple Road, 248-644-5060; Birmingham; Detroit Metropolitan Airport, McNamara Terminal;