Joseph Daniel Fiedler
In illustrating this month’s story about a sex-abuse lawsuit (page 18), Fiedler says he wanted to convey aspects of the “devilish abuse of power and its effect.” Fiedler, who was born and reared in the Appalachian hill country of western Pennsylvania, studied at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. His work has received several professional citations, including a silver medal from the New York Society of Illustrators. Fiedler’s illustrations have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and Prevention Magazine.
Mark Kurlyandchik
Other than legitimizing his self-image as a writer, Kurlyandchik, who graduates from Wayne State next year, says the time he spent at Hour Detroit underscored his strong connection to metro Detroit. “For the past few years, I’ve been hatching plans to leave Detroit after graduation,” he says. “But after writing about and researching local businesses, events, and culture, I feel that this is where I belong.” During his magazine stint, he says he lost sleep mulling over idioms for July’s “Hot Stuff,” and learned that “peruse” means to read thoroughly — not just to skim.
Trina Mannino
While interning at Hour Detroit, Mannino, a spring 2009 graduate of the University of Michigan, says she strengthened her local pride by writing about the Detroit River Hydroplane races, local libraries, and the July “Hot Stuff” list. She also looks forward to pursuing her other interest — dance. “Growing up, I always wondered what dancers were like offstage, and I’ll finally get to ask the questions I’ve been dying to ask.”
Sallyann Price
Before entering her sophomore year at Loyola University Chicago, Price came back to metro Detroit to study her hometown. She reveled in the task of exploring details of local events and venues and delighted in bickering with her fellow interns about exactly the right word for any given situation. An English literature and international studies major, Price says her foray into journalism as an Hour Detroit intern offered her the chance to pursue writing while learning more about what’s happening in her community.
Jake Bolitho
Now entering his junior year at Central Michigan University, Bolitho began his Hour Detroit internship looking to improve one skill. “The funny thing is, if you ask my editor at the CMU student paper, he’ll tell you I’m a hard-news reporter, not a feature writer.” That may have been true to a certain extent, but a magazine internship allowed him to add to his repertoire. In addition to that, Bolitho says he developed a newfound appreciation for the area where he was born and bred. He also enjoyed the free Starbucks.