Aleanna Siacon
At just 18 years old, Aleanna Siacon takes pride in often being the youngest person at meetings. As a freshman at Wayne State University, Siacon rose to features editor of the student newspaper, The South End, and has served as a media intern for the Detroit City Council. A double major in journalism and political science, Siacon has covered the Democratic presidential debates in Flint and President Barack Obama’s UAW-GM address in the midst of the International Auto Show. As an Hour Detroit intern, Siacon hopes her contributions will shed light on normally overlooked stories in the city.
Joe Vaughn
Photographer Joe Vaughn has traveled nationally and internationally capturing images for such publications and clients as Mario Batali, Conde Nast Traveler, Martha Stewart Living, Sports Illustrated, GQ, Food Network, and Travelocity. This month’s “Ode to Michigan Foods” feature was “Michigan heaven” for the food photographer. “A corner piece of Loui’s pizza with extra pepperoni, American Coney Island with extra onions and mustard, almond boneless chicken was the only thing I ordered as a kid (and still love it). Ackroyd’s chicken pasty, no toppings, ever. And finish with the Mackinac Island peanut butter fudge.”
Sarah Farnam
Though Sarah Farnam has had her mind set on an English major since she was in elementary school, the Hour Detroit intern explored both music and communications studies before settling on a minor in business. Now, she is preparing for her senior year at Manchester University where she is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, The Oak Leaves, and an intern for the marketing department. When she isn’t writing papers or crafting advertising campaigns for her classes, she is touring the Midwest with her band, Infinity Now. She has been singing and playing guitar for over 10 years, and creating songs and lyrics gives her another excuse to spend her time writing.
Melina Glusac
A metro Detroit native, Melina Glusac is tickled to join Hour Detroit as an editorial intern this summer. For eight months of the year, she calls the bustling Ann Arbor home as a junior at the University of Michigan, where she pursues a double major in English and communication studies. Glusac finds time amid blabbering about Vladimir Nabokov’s brilliance to be a senior arts editor at her award-winning college newspaper, The Michigan Daily. You can also find her work in the Metro Times, where she was an intern last summer. As an aspiring music journalist, Glusac geeks out over all things MC5, Mariah Carey, and Meat Puppets. She’s most excited to uncover and explore Detroit’s music scene during her time at Hour Detroit — and, as always, to write about it.