Contributors: December 2009


Father Bob McCabe

McCabe is a Catholic priest who serves as pastor at St. Pius X Parish in Southgate. Father Bob, as he likes to be called, has been taking photographs for most of his life, and says most of them document scenes in and around Detroit. As a young man, he worked at Tiger Stadium and was frequently seen coming and going with his camera. In recent years, and especially when he was a pastor in Detroit, Father Bob has focused his lens on the poor, the homeless, and those struggling to get by (page 34). A first-time contributor to Hour Detroit, he recently had one of his photographs (of the Renaissance Center) published in Sports Illustrated.

Eve Silberman

Oak Park native Silberman holds degrees from Duke and the University of Windsor, where she received a master’s in English and creative writing and studied with novelist Joyce Carol Oates. A staff writer for the Ann Arbor Observer, Silberman contributed chapters to the just-published Liberty, Equality, Consensus & All That Jazz at the Del Rio Bar (Huron River Press). She has also taught journalism at U-M. For this issue, she talked with Ann Pearlman about her new novel, The Christmas Cookie Club (page 23). Four years ago, she interviewed Pearlman about the non-fiction book she co-wrote on gang life. Cookie Club, a vastly different book from the earlier stark tale, has Silberman planning some kitchen experimentation. “All I’ve ever ‘baked’ are chocolate chippers,” she says, “straight from the package.”

John Roe

Though he typically photographs in the fast lane — cars, motorcycles, and watercraft — Roe also has a strong foundation in fashion, skills he put to use for the gift guide (page 41). When approached about shooting from overhead, Roe says, “I was all about it. It brought back memories of Robert Longo, an artist I really like.” For the shoot, he and his producer, John Kwiecien, built a platform in his Detroit studio. “It was a bit sketchy getting on it for the first time,” Roe says. Last month, his commercial work took him to Namibia, where he celebrated Thanksgiving and his birthday. As for his own holiday wish list, Roe says he wants his kids, family, and friends to be healthy and happy.

Dave Manney

When Manney first heard Time Inc. had purchased a house in Detroit, sent a reporter to live here, and committed the resources of the media giant to cover the city for an entire year, he couldn’t help but smile. “As magazine, newspaper, and TV news budgets are being slashed, it’s an amazing commitment — and it’s exactly what Detroit needs,” he says. Manney would know. As a former director of communications for the City of Detroit, he frequently dealt with reporters parachuting in from around the country, with no understanding of the region. To find out how Time is changing the game, Manney visited the magazine’s Motown correspondent, Steven Gray (page 26), at the house Kid Rock dubbed the “D-Shack.”