Cybelle Codish
For this month’s issue, Detroit-based photographer Cybelle Codish was truly all over the map, covering bridal fashion and Cabresto Tequila. “One week I was deep in the countryside of Jalisco, Mexico, drinking the best (and most) tequila I have ever had, and the next week I was in a freezing cold warehouse with the best (and most) elegant wedding gowns,” she says. “These were both vastly different and equally as wonderful. If only I could marry the two …” When Codish isn’t drinking in her assignments, she can be seen palling around with her heartbreaker bulldog, Johnny Cash Money, her favorite subject of all.
Martina Guzmán
Martina Guzmán is an award-winning reporter and documentary filmmaker who was born and raised in Southwest Detroit. Guzmán is passionate about her Mexican roots and eagerly agreed to write this story about Tequila Cabresto because of her admiration for the hardworking immigrant entrepreneurs. In addition to her work as a reporter, Guzmán consults on large-scale cultural events such as Frida, The Opera, Holy Mole!, and Las Momias: The Eternal Residents of Guanajuato.
Mark Kurlyandchik
A recent trip to his Baltic homeland rekindled Mark Kurlyandchik’s affection for a good steam at the banya, the Russian-style bathhouses at the center of Slavic culture. For this issue, Kurlyandchik braved the heat and humidity of the steam room at Detroit’s own banya, the Schvitz Health Club. “It’s a bit of a winter tradition to go to The Schvitz with my dad and his Russian friends,” Kurlyandchik says. “But my dad was out of town, so I made the trip without him for the first time.” It wasn’t the same, he explains, because nobody else’s steam can literally take your breath away like his father’s.
Josh Scott
Contending with dimly lit rooms and the hot steam of Detroit’s oldest bathhouse made for a challenging assignment for freelance photographer Josh Scott. “But a visit to the Schvitz is full of mystique and folklore. It’s a place every Detroiter needs to hang out (in more ways than one) at least once,” he says. “Come on … 1930s Detroit, Purple Gang? What more do you need to say?” You can see the steamy results of his efforts here. Scott, who has been contributing to Hour Detroit since the beginning of his career, also works for clients such as Road & Track, Popular Mechanics, and Panasonic.