We debated long and hard about what to include in our “Hidden Detroit” City Guide. After all, if one or two of us knew about an interesting historic fact, an invite-only dinner, or even an international banjo conference (yes, there is one), just how “hidden” could it be?
Granted, some of you are bound to know of at least a few items we included. But it’s a safe a bet you won’t know them all. Or even a majority.
Case in point. I’ve lived in every one of our tri-counties but I couldn’t believe I’d never heard of some things we uncovered.
Many are fun. Like who knew a curling club in Detroit was founded in 1885? Not I. Others are valuable — if uncomfortable — history lessons. Like why did I never hear of the “Berwick Wall” — a physical reminder of the bad old days (the 1940s) when racism was blatant — and government sanctioned?
Also, thanks to Travis Wright for turning us on to Stef Chura and other musicians you might not hear on commercial radio…yet.
This issue also takes a peek at the gardens and living space of a remodeled Palmer Woods gem, asks a real estate pro what might be Detroit’s next cool neighborhood, and turns our gaze toward some inspiring spring fashion.
The metro Detroit region is filled with tales — hidden and in plain sight. And we love to bring them to light. That said, if you know of a “gem” you’d care to share, drop us an email at editorial@hourdetroit.com, or you can contact us via Twitter @hour_detroit, on Facebook @hourdetroit, or on Instagram @hourdetroitmagazine.
We won’t hold it against you if we’ve already heard about it.