Letters from Readers: April 2012

WE’VE GOT MAIL… Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you.

North of the Border

I’ve retired and moved to Mexico but will return this summer and once again enjoy the excellent food at Giovanni’s. Thanks for the review [“Culinary Beacon,” February 2012], which reminded me how great the food still is at one of Detroit’s truly great restaurants.

Denis Bloch, Mexico


Beer Cheers

Thank you for the beautiful piece [“Good Brews,” February 2012]. Being that we’re such a new business, [your writing about] Eight Degrees Plato Beer Company was beyond anything we could have hoped for.

Brigid Beaubien and Tim Costello, Ferndale


Heartfelt Praise

Thanks again for the piece [“Wholeheartedly Vegan,” February 2012]. So many people commented how packed it was with information, references, and content. Good work. Great article. Really well written. Love the title.

Joel Kahn, M.D., Detroit Medical Center


Sweet on Ferndale

I really enjoyed the article on Eight Degrees Plato Beer Company in the February issue. There’s another great small business in Ferndale that deserves attention: the Woodward Avenue Candy Shop on Woodward across from New York Bagel. Besides carrying a great assortment of nostalgic candy, the owner, Janie DeJaeghere, makes incredible homemade desserts and specialty treats.

— Liz Trombley, Ferndale