Letters from Readers: March 2013

WE’VE GOT MAIL…Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you

Positive Messages

It’s wonderful to read an article [“Two Funny,” January 2013] that has a positive message, good things to say about good people, and a positive view of Detroit. There are so many good things going on here and good people doing them. Keegan-Michael Key, Margaret Edwartowski, Marc Evan Jackson, PJ Jacokes, Dave Davies, Inga Wilson, Jules De Ward, and Rich Goteri are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a warm inviting smile. They all encourage teamwork, making others the shining star, and a sincere feeling that you can make a difference. They are all part of a great side of Detroit that is usually overlooked. Once again — an amazing article.

—Tim Zajkowski, Wyandotte

Props for ePaint

One of the great little businesses we happen to have in Southwest Michigan. Thanks ePaint Recycling [January 2013] for helping keep our walls colorful!

—John Schmitt, Kalamazoo

Raising Awareness

Monica Mercer’s article, “Word of Mouth,” [February 2013] detailing the McNally family’s heartbreak over the loss of their precious daughter to pertussis, shed light on a surprisingly misdiagnosed condition. Last February, after visiting three different doctors in 10 days, our four-month-old was finally diagnosed with pertussis. We were skeptical about what doctors had been telling us: “It’s dry air … get a humidifier and the coughing will stop.” “It’s drainage from a cold … prop her crib mattress up at night.” We pushed to have her tested for croup and RSV, which both came back negative. (After) one of my husband’s clients mentioned that her 6-year-old had been diagnosed with whooping cough, we asked for our daughter to get tested. We were shocked when it came back positive; I can’t even begin to think about what would have happened if we hadn’t done so.

While pregnant, I read about how to take care of myself to benefit my baby. I took every precaution to ensure a healthy pregnancy, but never came across anything about parents having to have a Tdap booster. If I had, everyone around me would certainly have gotten it. Thank you to the Franny Strong Foundation for raising awareness of pertussis and to Mercer for bringing attention to it.

— Amanda Holdsworth, South Lyon