The [houses of worship] photos [“Praiseworthy,” September 2012] are really a tribute to the importance of worship and the historical significance of Detroit. They’re testimony to Detroit’s richness of art. Thanks, Hour Detroit.
— Gary Grzymkowski, via
Battling Ovarian Cancer
[“The Stealthy Specter,” September 2012] is a wonderfully written article. Thank you. With people like you telling the world about ovarian cancer, soon it will be a silent killer no more.
— Amy Reeves, via
Your article on ovarian cancer was fabulous [“The Stealthy Specter,” September 2012]. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to carry our message to a broader audience.
— Thomas S. Nantais, chief operating officer, Henry Ford Medical Group
Keeping Animated
[Voiceover actor] Rob Paulsen is one of the best at what he does [“Shell Game,” September 2012], and has brought so much joy to millions of us animation lovers.
— Jim Blankenship, via
Hot Wheels
[The benefit motorcycle] is a must-see in person [“Custom Cause,” September 2012]. It’s awesome. Thanks to Joel Walendowski and The Ted Lindsay Foundation. End Autism-Find a Cure.
— Elaine Streiff, via