Letters To The Editor: February 2014

Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you.


Great article about Tom Woolsey … and andrews on the Corner (“river- town Survivor,” December 2013). Well done, Tom! Love the perch and cold blue Light.
—Jennifer Smith Palmer via hourdetroit.com


Fantastic, uplifting article of a harrowing artistic journey! (“The Fat Lady Keeps on Singing,” December 2013) Thanks to the brilliant, creative, and resourceful minds of these men and the hard work of so many others, I am certain this story has and will continue to have, a very happy ending. Thanks to all for recognizing and supporting a most integral, powerful, and essential cultural institution! braVO!
— John Przybyla, principal partner at Java Master, via hourdetroit.com

Fabulous! a tribute to David DiChiera and his creative genius both on and off the stage. and kudos to Detroiters who “got it” and responded with their financial support. Developing new audiences in response to the new demographics in our country is long overdue but vital to the success of our economy and social contract. Detroit, once again, can show the way to a successful future for all people.
— Edythe Harrison via hourdetroit.com


I know you’re the best, but more than being the best, Matt (“a Taste of Paris,” December 2013), it will be much better and much perfect to see you again … may your days bring you happiness and joy! until we meet again!
— Abed Knio via hourdetroit.com

The best chef in the world!
— Joumana Hamawi via hourdetroit.com


Thanks so much for the great article (“Philanthropy 2.0,” December 2013). you really did a great job capturing all the great stuff going on. Humbled to be paired with those amazing folks. Keep up the terrific work.
— Nick Gorga, co-founder of Hatch Detroit


Thought it might give you a laugh to know a few quirks about your magazine. It’s one of the first that folks pick up to read. One can never thumb through it because of the many interesting articles and illustrations. The size adds to the allure. I’ve seen Hour in banks with “Do Not Take” signs. I laugh because that’s the first thing that comes across one’s mind. Now I’m not a thief … so I politely ask if I can have the copy. I’m grateful to be able to read and write at 85 years old!
— M. Battles, Detroit


I don’t read Hour Detroit much but when I do, I find gems like this (“Candy Cane or Coal?” December 2013). Too bad they didn’t mention my dad’s rivertown neighborhood project that just opened providing affordable assisted living and hundreds of jobs for the citizens of Detroit. (editor’s note: brian Carnaghi is CFO of Presbyterian Villages of Michigan.)
— Ashley Carnaghi via Facebook