We’ve Got Mail…

Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you.

On-Target Editorial

As a die-hard Detroiter (and having had the good fortune to have been part of the strategic planning of the turnaround of several cities), I commend your on-target editorial (“Of Race and Restaurants,” February 2015). Long-term true success is based on education, education, education [and] inclusiveness and targeting funds at quality of life issues for the masses. You’ve hit the right hot buttons that more citizenry have to question and drive in the right direction if the civic energy apparent is to meet the [many] challenges. With hope the “Detroit Miracle Turnaround” can really happen, keep pushing the issues you raised.
Stan Eichelbaum,  Miami/Fort Lauderdale


Viva Varvatos

This is a great story (“Coming Home,” March 2015). It is such an exciting time in Detroit and Michigan! We are so proud to be a part of it.
Scotty O’Hotty (habanero and pepper sauces) via Facebook 


Touting Torino

(Editor’s note: Comments below are about our selection of Torino in Ferndale as Restaurant of the Year.)

// Yay!!! I love it here and I feel so lucky to be able to experience food (and the best cocktails ever) like this a few blocks from home!
— Liz DeLandsheer via Facebook


// Now it will be impossible to get in!
— Norman Demetrios Fletcher, via Facebook


// Huzzah! And there’s some tough competition, too!
— Monique Herzig, via Facebook


Repeat the Beat

Oak Park’s Book Beat deserves every tribute imaginable (“The Beat Goes On,” March 2015). I stocked my school media center with (co-owner) Colleen’s recommendations.
— Nancy Kozlowski,  University of Michigan, via hourdetroit.com


// I remember never knowing what book to buy. It was like I was the only one there because they spent so much time with me. I always left with the right book. Amazing store.
— Ina Katz, Mumford High School, via hourdetroit.com


It’s Your Lead

The only place my husband controls our moves is on the dance floor (“Come Dancing,” March 2015). He loves dancing!
— Daisy Juco Nogoy via hourdetroit.com