We’ve Got Mail…

Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you.

Garden Variety

It has been proven that neighborhoods with community gardens have significantly lower levels of crime (“Toward a Leaner, Greener Detroit,” April 2013). My community garden in suburban Minneapolis was “eaten up” by an airport expansion, and the city made it a huge priority to find a new location for it. During the three years between gardens, the city saw crime rise. There is no real scientific explanation for this phenomenon. It just is something that really happens.
—Doris Rubenstein, Minneapolis, Minn.

The Riet Stuff

So wonderful to highlight this wonderful woman (“Sowing Seeds of Change,” April 2013) and all her wonderful work! We love you, Riet Schumack!
—Carolann McCain Morykwas, Birmingham

Riet is a wonderful, hard-working, intelligent, loving woman doing a great job in Brightmoor.
—Janet Damian, Dearborn

Park Progress

Wonderful to read about urban progress (“Detroit’s ‘Other’ Jewel,” April 2013) in the once (and future) great city where both of my maternal grandparents were born and spent the first three decades of their lives. Long live Detroit!
—Jim Breitinger, Salt Lake City, Utah

We used to go ice skating on the pond in the winter and could rent a horse and wagon to drive around the park in the summer. There were always ducks on the open water of the pond.
—Mary Phillpotts, Leominster, Mass.

Solid Grounds

Excellent! Go get ’em, (“Grass-roots Effort,” April 2013) Navin Field Grounds Crew!
—Jason Roche, Detroit

This is what being a Tiger fan is all about! Wish I lived closer…
—Jeffry Luchies, Kalamazoo

No Place Like Gnome…

We were so pleased to host your photo shoot (“The Hour of Enchantment,” April 2013) in our greenhouse at Goldner Walsh Garden & Home. I had no idea how you could take our space, add a few of my vintage gnomes, some plants, and all the other accents from our friends in the Garden District of Oakland County to make such a beautiful spread. All of the staff of Hour were amazing to work with, along with the great extras you brought to the set from “Oz.” Great job! This is by far the most creative fashion feature I have ever seen and was thrilled to be part of it.
—Timothy Post Travis, Waterford

Juiced About Drought

This is a phenomenal article (“Juiced Up,” April 2013) on a company [that] is obviously dedicated and passionate to the raw food trend. I can’t wait to try some Drought Juice myself!
—Kayla Marie, Milwaukee, Wis.