In Seventh Heaven
We are most grateful to George Bulanda for his coverage of Mariners’ Church [“Anchored in Rich History,” November 2010].
We are indeed proud of the historic role Mariners’ Church has played in the Great Lakes region since 1842. As stated in the article, “Mariners’ is no ordinary church.” Known internationally, it has provided a safe harbor for sailors, a lighthouse for the Detroit Renaissance and Civic Centers, a refuge for slaves during the Underground Railroad, and was immortalized in Gordon Lightfoot’s ballad, “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”
Thanks to Julia Anderson’s vision, Mariners’ remains “free and independent,” a “house of prayer for all people,” a living church. Graced with loyal members, a committed staff, and the leadership of our Rector, Richard W. Ingalls Jr., Mariners’ Church shall continue to open wide its doors to all seeking a spiritual home.
Again, we express our deepest and sincerest appreciation for the article and photos, which so eloquently summarize what we at Mariners’ Church (now in its 169th year) are all about.
— For the Trustees of Mariners’ Church, Detroit, Peggy A. Pennock, Trustee
Positive Picture
I received your November issue and enjoyed it, as usual. I wanted to let you know that I am particularly pleased with your portrayal of blacks as business people and spiffy dressers [“Best Dressed of 2010,” November]. Positive images are so important for youths, but blacks youths in particular are starving for such morale boosters. Thank you.
— Henrietta Alexander, Brownstown Township
More of Macomb
As a proud metro Detroiter, I am pleased with a majority of the content in Hour Detroit. I love the coverage of local businesses and events, as well as the unabashed enthusiasm for Detroit. As a young man growing up in the metro area, I hope that the often negative sentiments my peers hold about Detroit and Michigan can be changed by your publication. [However], the majority of restaurants and businesses written about are from Oakland and Wayne counties. The human-interest pieces usually originate from the same areas. Do not misunderstand me; I do not dislike Oakland County — in fact, I love it. But when the upscale areas of Oakland and Wayne counties are heavily focused on, you cheat readers out of a full and truly diverse sampling of the great and unique culture here. The posh and artsy areas of Oakland and Wayne are just as relevant as the blue-collar and tight-knit areas of Macomb. Mount Clemens, Sterling Heights, and St. Clair Shores are a few prime examples of the unique, working-class atmosphere. Macomb’s sports bars, eateries, and icons are just as important. I hope the magazine devotes a little more time to recognizing this in the future. In the meantime, I will continue to read your magazine with an open and hopeful mind.
— David Busacca, Shelby Township
Good & Bad Words
In “40 Words and Phrases Not to Use” [December 2010], I agreed with all except one phrase: “Sleep Deprived.” You surmise that it’s used in place of being tired, but that would be a presumption on your part. To be sleep deprived means to lack sleep but not necessarily to be tired. The argument can also be made that one does not need to be sleep deprived to be tired. I have been tired without being sleep deprived and I have also been deprived of sleep for more than 24 hours without being tired. The term and the word are not interchangeable.
P.S. I am a forever fan of Hour Detroit, and I have been a subscriber for about four years now.
— Mariaeleana Perkins, Clinton Township
I loved the third annual roster of assaults on the English language by George Bulanda and Rebecca Powers. I would like to suggest an addition. When many people, including professional commentators, are asked a question on TV, they begin with: “Well, what I mean is, …”. They haven’t said what they mean yet, so they don’t need to explain the meaning of it. Just answer the question.
— Buzz Stillinger, Riva, Md., via e-mail
I want to tongue-kiss the people who wrote this. Thank you! … Great grammar tips from Hour Detroit magazine.
— Erin L. Cummings, Detroit 1-8-7 star, via Twitter
Highland Park Highs
Thank you for the positive article in your December 2010 issue by Mark Kurlyandchik entitled “Staying Put in H.P.” which highlighted 14 longstanding businesses in the city of Highland Park.
Although Highland Park was once home to such businesses as Sanders, Highland Appliance, and Winkelman’s, we are proud to have attracted over 50 national and regional retailers since 1993 to the Highland Park Town Center. The Highland Park Town Center consists of Model T Plaza, Highland Park Place, and the recently completed Shops at Woodward Place.
Thank you again for the positive article and also including photos by Beth Hoxie [Midnight Hour] from our 2010 Annual Event, “A Salute to Our Business Legacy,” Sept. 30.
— Perrin T. Emanuel, President, HP Devco Inc., Highland Park
Blue Ox Is Tickled Pink
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the article you did on our restaurant [“Smokin’ Hot,” October 2010]. It has really helped draw customers from all over Michigan, and I’ve even gotten to meet some ex-Oklahomans who now live in Michigan. I honestly can’t thank you enough.
— Neal Ellis, owner/operator of Blue Ox BBQ, Lake Orion