We’ve Got Mail…

Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you.

Belle of the Ball

What a great way to kick off a new season, featured in the best local magazine (“Handmade Healing,” May 2015) alongside a feature on the rebirth of Belle Isle (“Reappraising the Jewel”). The little Detroit girl inside of me is glowing. — Little Flower Soap Shop, via Facebook


// So many happy memories! Our dad taking us there Saturday afternoons in the ’40s to watch the boats, courting with the love of my life while watching the “submarine races” in the ’50s, taking our sons to the children’s zoo in the ’60s, and just last week when we had another jaunt around the “Island.” Thank you for a great feature. — Kay Shaw, born and raised in Detroit


// The bike shelter should be restored to a bike-centric destination. — Craig Wood via Facebook


Roses for the Rouge

Kudos to the Friends of the Rouge (“Reclaiming the Rouge,” May 2015) who keep the Rouge River improvement a priority. I lived across Shiawassee Road from Edgewater Park in Detroit growing up, and at the time, the portion of the river was filthy. My parents told us if we ever got wet to come home immediately and take off our clothes and get in the bathtub. We thought nothing of going down in the gully to play along a riverside path animals and Indians helped to create. The river frequently overflowed, which always caused a stench to arise from the sewers. I distinctly remember as a girl making this sacred wish: “I want this river to be clean enough one day to play in.” Belonging to FOTR is my way of helping me make my wish come true.
— Gabrielle Lucci


// Required reading for all residents in the Rouge watershed. — Rita and Tom McNulty, Redford, via Facebook


Road House Road Trip!

My wife and I live 4 blocks from The Round House (“Down River Barbecue, Not Down South,” April 2015) and ate there tonight. They have awesome food … the smoked turkey is phenomenal! — Ken Krumm, Trenton