Life Directions

To motivate young adults ages 13-35 to become mature, responsible, and productive adults through self-direction.
Give Detroit – A Charitable Registry
Life Directions Summer Celebration


To motivate young adults ages 13-35 to become mature, responsible, and productive adults through self-direction.


Validated studies show that our programs promote peace-building that reduces addiction, violence, and the high school dropout rate.

Peer Motivation brings young people on a positive path together with struggling students. Peers inspire peers to take charge of their lives and make a difference.

Neighborhood Enrichment connects adults from local and business communities to mentor, organize service-learning projects, and lead young adults and teens toward college and quality careers.

Peer Mentor trains achieving Peer Motivation students to lead at-risk eighth graders to make high school work for them.


Board of Trustees

Luke Jacobi — Chairman, Benzinga

Jim Schmid — Vice Chairman, Resolution Experts, PC

Terrence B. Larkin — Treasurer, Lear Corporation (ret.)

Mark Aiello, Foley & Lardner LLP

Hon. Thomas M.J. Hathaway, Third Circuit Court (ret.)

Shaelese King, Comerica Bank

Kristina Mackinder, VP Para Union Plymouth Canton Ambassador MEA

Beth McKenney, KPMG LLP

Timothy O’Brien, O’Brien Construction (ret.)

Patrick A. Rugiero, Roman Village Restaurant Group

Robert Santavicca, Western International High School

Michael Scamardella, Lino Realty

Bruce Wojciechowski, Troy High School

Scott Wrobel, N1 Discovery

Detroit Board of Advisors

Ed Peper
Eric Madison
Gary Walley
Hansen Clarke
Paul Glantz
Tony Michaels

Life Directions — National

Rev. John Phelps, C.Ss.R., President

Life Directions — Detroit

Gregory J. Chancey, MBA, Executive Director


Life Directions needs your support to reach more than 3,500 young adults each year, most of whom live in underserved communities. Your financial support can make all the difference right now and in the future of a young adult.


5716 Michigan Ave., Ste. 2200
Detroit, MI 48210