April 2008
Going Healthy
For most people, sitting down to a home-cooked family dinner à la the Cleavers is as remote as black-and-white TV.
A Choice Location
Probably few guests at the Rochester Chop House notice the inscription on the wall above the kitchen door as they settle into their cozy armchairs in the softly lit restaurant on downtown Rochester’s Main Street.
Kevan Hall
After years of creating sweeping gowns and separates for a clientele that includes some of Hollywood’s most elite, Kevan Hall has a formula that seems less about the precision of components and more about the inspiration behind them
Sarah Spratt
For upstart designer Sarah Spratt, a Downriver childhood and Cass Corridor education provided an outsider sensibility that’s serving her well.
Kirsten Haglund
While most of her peers back home were grappling with midterms and summer-internship applications, 19-year-old Kirsten Haglund was making the rounds of Jimmy Kimmel Live and Live with Regis and Kelly.
For Art’s Sake
Interlochen Summer Arts Camp is a bucolic place where youth do far more than just have fun in the sun
Power Players
The winds of change are gaining momentum for greener technology, and several Michigan companies are energetic sources for ideas.
Smart Move
The latest warm-weather alternative to fall and winter professional football is the All American Football League, which has as one of its six franchises an organization known, for now, simply as Michigan.
Serious Look At Playing
Making mud pies, climbing trees, catching insects, and walking to the corner store are the building blocks of imagination and, more and more often, missing elements in the typical American childhood.
Station Identification
By branding its programming appeal as urban, independent and family-owned WADL-TV has made it a channel to watch on several levels
Mayoral Messes
The embarrassing Kwame Kilpatrick scandal puts his administration in a dim light, but other Detroit mayors made some blunders, too.
Savor Seder
Passover (beginning on April 20) observes the exodus of Hebrew slaves from Egypt. The traditional Seder meal, which is served on the first two nights of the eight-day holiday, follows a defined menu.
Jean Scene
This season, jeans are as fashionable as ever. Follow these tips for a smart spring purchase.
Lisa O’Donnell and Bonnie Fishman
Their stylish menus are enticing enough to attract a loyal clientele of discriminating diners, but no matter how expert they are, restaurant people like to take a break from their own kitchens for a taste of someone else’s cooking.
Anita’s Kitchen
A former ice-cream shop strategically located on Woodward south of Nine Mile Road got a witty Ron Rea redesign.
22 Tips for Earth Day
Get down-to-earth with these 22 facts and tips, just in time for Earth Day 2008 on April 22.
We’ve Got Mail… April 2008
Praise us or pan us, but just put it down in words. Bravos or boos, we want to hear from you.
Contributors: April 2008
Molly Abraham, Annabel Cohen, Matthew Moore, Cybelle Codish
Juliette Okotie-Eboh
As senior vice president of community affairs for MGM Grand Detroit, Juliette Okotie-Eboh often finds herself dressing, shopping, and living in a business-to-party mode.