October 2010
A Dose of Living Well
Unlike buildings, trees draw their lifeblood from nature — unless a human with a bulldozer severs the roots, that is.
Contributors: October 2010
Jim McFarlin, Ilene Wolff, Jack Lessenberry, Jacqui Oakley
Arts and Entertainment
October 2010: Arts and Entertainment calendar
Polio Vaccines at Herman Kiefer Hospital
This snaking line of people at the old Herman Kiefer Hospital in Detroit wait for oral vaccines, which, in 1964, was the recommended treatment.
Metro Detroiters seek adventure through iPhone apps.
The Revival of Detroit’s Sugar Hill
Midtown’s Sugar Hill takes shape as an arts center.
The Hazards of Estrogen
Plant and environmental estrogens may contribute to breast cancer.
Celebrities on the Prowl in Metro Detroit
Ashton Kutcher, Neil Patrick Harris, Erin Cummings, Hugh Jackman, Anne Heche make the scene and tweet about the Motor City.
Books: The Michigan Murders, by Edward Keyes
Edward Keyes, a New York journalist who died in 2002, presents an eerily suspenseful chronicle of Collins’ brutal rampage (the murders were all marked by unspeakable savagery), and he re-creates the panic of the time almost palpably.
Books: Ladies of the Lights, by Patricia Majher
Patricia Majher details devoted women lighthouse keepers.
Books: The Hanging Tree, by Bryan Gruley
Bryan Gruley’s novel creates a dark mystery around Starvation Lake.
Books: ‘Boneyards’
A new volume by Richard Bak explores metro Detroit’s cemeteries and burial customs.
Frank Kelley: The ‘Eternal General’
An interview with Michigan’s long-serving attorney general.
Music Man Ron Harwood’s Illuminating Concepts
The former manager of Sippie Wallace has bright ideas.
Metro Detroit’s Popular Bloggers
Web writers post news and views on the city.
Weight Loss: Weight Watchers is Chuck Bennett’s Gain
Wiser food choices, exercise, and Weight Watchers are helping him to make the right kinds of gains.
Weight Loss: Larry Sherman Loses 370 Pounds Through Yoga
After being morbidly obese, Larry Sherman turned to the physical and mental benefits of yoga to lose weight
Weight Loss: A Sterling Heights Family Fights the Obesity Threat
A Sterling Heights family fights the threat of obesity by striving to maintain a healthful existence.
Doctor’s Orders
Expert advice on maintaining muscle, heart, brain, skin, bones, and mind.
Restaurant Review: Pizzeria Biga
The Southfield sister of Bacco has the right ingredients.
Appetizer: Blue Ox BBQ in Lake Orion
Wood-smoked meats give Blue Ox BBQ in Lake Orion its distinctive flavor.
Matt Schellig & Paul Yan
Their stylish menus are enticing enough to attract a loyal clientele of discriminating diners, but no matter how expert they are, restaurant people like to take a break from their own kitchens for a taste of someone else’s cooking.
Over a Barrel
Winery samples seldom reflect how the wine will taste when it hits the shelves, so beware when buying a bottle.
Spa Spy: Truth Beauty & Wellness
Truth Beauty & Wellness puts on a fresh new face in Birmingham.
A Salute to Our Business Legacy
A Salute to Our Business Legacy was held Sept. 30 at the Model T Automotive Heritage Complex in Detroit.
Documenting Detroit
Filmmakers focus on the Motor City.
The Nino Salvaggio Charitable Foundation for Children in Need
The Nino Salvaggio Charitable Foundation for Children in Need held its fourth annual charity event on Oct. 1 at Andiamo in Warren.
The Michigan Opera Theatre’s 24th annual Opera Ball
The Michigan Opera Theatre’s 24th annual Opera Ball, Honoring the Past and Launching the Future, was held on Oct. 2 at the Opera House in Detroit.
Strategic Staffing Solutions
Strategic Staffing Solutions celebrated 20 years of service at the Detroit Athletic Club.
Kadima benefit
On Sept. 28, the annual Kadima benefit was held at the Max M. Fisher Music Center in Detroit.
PBS Premiere Night for Detroit Public Television
The ninth annual PBS Premiere Night for Detroit Public Television was held on Sept. 30 at the Detroit Athletic Club
Home Slice
Home Slice, a benefit for the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit was held on Oct. 8 at Eastern Market’s Shed 3 in Detroit.
Showtime, starring Scintas
Showtime, starring Scintas, was held on Sept. 29 at Penna’s of Sterling.
Funky Fresh Fashion Show
On Oct. 7, the Funky Fresh Fashion Show was held at the Atheneum Hotel in Detroit.
On Oct. 6, BRAvo was held at Bianchi’s Salon and Spa in Clinton Township.
Girl’s Night Out
Mijo-a’ Beauty Studio in downtown Rochester hosted Girl’s Night Out on Oct. 7.
Detroit’s 100 Leading Ladies
On Oct. 6, Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS) hosted Detroit’s 100 Leading Ladies at The Gem Theatre in Detroit.
A Swan Song to Joan Sutherland, a Detroit Favorite
Dame Joan Sutherland, who died on Oct. 10 at the age of 83, was such a force of nature that she could, in fact, compete with nature.
Michigan Uncorked
2 local authors share their passion for Michigan wines — and their travels to the state’s top culinary destinations.
Holiday Mart
On Oct. 14, the 52nd annual Holiday Mart was held at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial in Grosse Pointe Farms.
Prechter Bipolar Research
The Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Fund hosted its annual luncheon at The Henry hotel in Dearborn on Oct. 14.
March of Dimes
The March of Dimes 2010 Signature Chefs auction was held on Oct. 18 at The Henry hotel in Dearborn.
Women of Vision
The National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Detroit Section, hosted Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post.
Dr. Tom Rifai discusses America’s obesigenic society on WJR
Listen as John Balardo and Dr. Tom Rifai discuss the 11th annual Hour Detroit’s Top Docs list and America’s obesity epidemic on WJR with Frank Beckmann.
Color: Using Fabrics, Paint, and Wallcoverings
Color: Using Fabrics, Paint, and Wallcoverings to Personalize your Home was held on Oct. 21 at Michigan Design Center in Troy.
Detroit Meets New York
Art Van Furniture hosted Detroit Meets New York on Oct. 21 at the furniture retailer’s headquarters in Warren.
Night of Angels
Christ Child Society held Night of Angels on Oct. 15 at Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Township.
38th Annual Support Our Capuchin Kitchen
On Oct. 22, the 38th annual SOCK (Support Our Capuchin Kitchen) dinner was held at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center downtown.
Key to the Cure
Saks Fifth Avenue, the Henry Ford Health System Josephine Ford Cancer Center, and The Francee and Benson Ford Jr. Breast Care and Wellness Center hosted Key to the Cure on Oct. 21 at Saks Somerset, Troy.
The Art of Wine 29th Detroit International Wine Auction
The Art of Wine 29th Detroit International Wine Auction was held on Oct. 23 at the GM Wintergarden and Renaissance Conference Center in Detroit.