3 Ways to Maintain Your New Year’s Resolutions

Tips for turning resolutions into habits, courtesy of organization expert Brittany Adams

Two and a half years ago when Brittany Adams, A.K.A. Billie McQueen, was searching for a planner to suit her organizational and motivational necessities, she struggled to find the right fit. “I just noticed that all of [the other] planners and notebooks looked the exact same and they weren’t really tailor-made to what I needed,” she recalls.

The Detroit native decided to create the Purpose Planner, a line of goal-oriented stationery, to offer women organizational tools beyond the traditional calendar. Instead, the planner is designed to help consumers document self-care activities, money management, self-development, and more.

The 2018 planner includes weekly self-care journal prompts, affirmations, and a budget tracker, as well as forms for self-reflection of the previous year and lessons learned that can be carried into the New Year.

Adams believes the main reason New Year’s resolutions do not last is because people are focused on being a part of a trend and not actually making those resolutions a habit.

Struggling to stick to your resolutions? Adams’ tips will help keep you on track.

1. Visualize It
“I strongly recommend people do vision boards at the beginning of the year for things not only that they want to manifest, but things they want to become habitual in their lives.” Keep in mind, your vision board should not be hidden in a drawer or closet. Rather, store it in a place that offers a constant reminder of your long and short-term goals.

2. Be Held Accountable
“You should definitely get someone reliable involved. Have an accountability partner attached to your New Year’s resolution so when that partner sees you slipping, they can get you back on track.” An accountability partner can keep you motivated to achieve your goals when you need that extra push.

3. Reward Yourself!
“You should be tracking your New Year’s goals weekly. Every week when you reach the smaller portion of that goal, you should be rewarding yourself with something.” Set up a reward system so that you can treat yourself with a special something of your choice.

To learn more about Purpose Planner and their products, visit imapurposeplanner.com