Alex and Erin Hutt, and Lisa and Michael Plumley
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope Board Members
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Annamarie and Giovanni Lolacono
Beth and Ramsey Shehab
Brad Lathrop, Margaret and Brent Medlen, and Amanda and Tom Schaub
Casey and Rachel Hurst
Christian Burkheiser, Megan Miller, Maleena Male, and Noah Skrok
Christina and Ed Moradian
Christina and Rocky Munck
Derek Feldkamp, and Kevin Chont
Angels of Hope’s Night of Hope
Edward Easterby, Alicia Granicia, and Chris and Liana Kenney
Elianna Tocco, and Tim Ponton
Evita and Antonio Vittorin
Greg Avsharian, and Monique Agosta
Greg Avsharian, and Monique and Jake Agosta
Jake Wylonis, and Ryan Burdette
Jim Dunn, David C. McKnight, Jeff and Deanna Kavanaugh, Kirk and Kim Dahring, Jennifer Croach, and Roberta Meloche
Joe and Sheri Crifasi
Judy Susskind, and J. Carducci
Kelley Lafontaine, and Mackenzie Hinsperger
Kevin and Kelli Houle, and Dawn and David Kirsch
Kim Jones, and Rob and Nicole Welch
Kimberly Merkel, and Steve Reynolds
Kyle and Lensey Jobin, and Renee and Richard Clearman
Ladies of Butler Ridge Subdivison
Liz and Bret Carver
Lori Cangemi
Marisa Raffin, Joe and Cris Brewer, Seba Abro, and Bridget and Jake Marheineke
Mike and Kourtney Langewicz, and Nicole and Shaun Fantaro
Mynal and Andrew Marshall
Nick Lavdas, Jay Towers, and George Nikollaj
Rachel Robinson, Karen McCue, and Keith and Lisa Krantz
Rob Horst, Angel Tedesco, and Katrina and Ben Weaver
Robert and Anabelle DiPilla, and Nicole and Vito Rocco
Rudy and Hind Patros
Shinthya Silva, Larissa Queiroz, and Leticia and Jordan Arocha
Stephanie Liu, and Denislav Tsonev
Victoria Keller, and Jeff Bourdeau Learn more about Angels of Hope at .