Ted Lindsay Foundation Celebrity Golf Outing
Ted Lindsay Foundation Celebrity Golf Outing
Ted Lindsay Foundation Celebrity Golf Outing
Ted Lindsay Foundation Celebrity Golf Outing
Anthony Koski, and Jason Branch
Brian Connors and Cathy Connors
Bruce Roesler, Kelly Wilke, and Melissa and Mike Glanton
Darren McCarty
Dave Bergen
David Lawrence, Rob Drake, Chris Drake, and Tim Lehto
Don Knoll, Don Fichter, Nic Salden, and Alex Sheehy
Donald Blamer, Daniel Blamer, Lynn LaPaugh, David Blamer, and Nathan Blamer
Frank Tanana and Jason Hansen
Gu Chawney and Jason Colthorp
Janina Jacobs and Lew LaPaugh
Jay Adams and Jason Colthorp
Jeff Decker, Chasi Fox, Brandon Riddick, and Patti Gilmore
Jiri Fischer and Todd Bertuzzi
John and Betty Anne Ogrodnick
Keith Bratten, Machael Cannarsa, Ben Cernohous, and Dave Rozema
Ken Harris and Jason Colthorp
Lew LaPaugh and Tony Gatliff
Lynn and Lew LaPaugh
Lynn LaPaugh, Susan Swider, Dr. Lucia Zamorano, and Lew LaPaugh
Matt Leach, Lew LaPaugh, and Kurt David
Matt Shepard and Darren McCarty
Nick Libett and Joey Kocur
Nicole Ulrich and John Andrews
Novo Bojovic and Steve Courtney
Phil Myre, Steve Courtney, and Ken Daniels
Phil Myre
Robert Carollo
Sophie and Ronnie Cyrus
Susan Swider and Dr. Lucia Zamorano
Ted Lindsay Golf Outing Volunteers
Todd Bertuzzi and Jimmy Howard Learn more about the Ted Lindsay Foundation at tedlindsay.org .