6 Outdoor Fitness Activities to Try in Detroit This Summer

Enjoy the season with yoga, running, volleyball, dancing, and more.
Come Play Detroit volleyball - outdoor fitness activities detroit
Play volleyball and other sports with Come Play Detroit this summer. // Photograph courtesy of Shadia Amen Photography

Looking for fun outdoor activities to keep you moving this summer? Here are some of the classes and events around the city you can try out.

Play Volleyball at Z’s Villa in Valade Park

Detroit-based intramural sports league operator Come Play Detroit is hosting coed volleyball leagues at Z’s Villa every Monday and Thursday. Games run from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Details on additional volleyball events and leagues are available on the organization’s website, along with the Detroit Volleyball Club’s site. Participants must register in advance. $80+ for free agents and $450+ to register as a team. Through Sept. 29. Valade Park, 42 Piquette Ave., Detroitcomeplaydetroit.com.

City Glow Yoga in Beacon Park

Formed in 2019, City Glow Yoga combines movement, nature, and community to help relieve stress with a unique silent-disco yoga class. Class is held on every second Monday night through Aug. 21 in Beacon Park. Registration is open to the public. $5. Follow @cityglowyoga on Instagram for updates. Beacon Park, 1901 Grand River Ave., Detroit; 313-566-8250; empoweringmichigan.com.

Work Up a Sweat with Group Runs from RUNdetroit

Running gear and supply store RUNdetroit hosts group runs all year meeting at the RUNdetroit store at 8 a.m. every Saturday. Runners can choose between three-, six-, and 10-mile routes. All ages, skills, and speeds — walking, jogging, running, and sprinting — are welcome to participate. Runners can also participate in guided track workouts on the first, second, and third Tuesday of each month until October. Year-round. No cost. RUNdetroit, 441 W. Canfield St., Detroit; 313-638-2831; run-detroit.com.

Come Play Detroit: Belle Isle

Come Play Detroit offers several outdoor fitness activities in Detroit. This summer, check out recreational kickball, softball, and pickleball on Belle Isle. Register as a team or a solo free agent. Kickball is on Mondays, pickleball is on Tuesdays, and softball is on Thursdays. Try a sport you’ve never done, or grab a team and register together! Check out Come Play Detroit’s website for registration information and more sporting events happening near you. Dates and prices vary. Belle Isle Athletic Complex, Vista Drive, Detroit; 313-436-0043; comeplaydetroit.com.

Detroit Riverwalkers

Start your day off on the right foot with a walk alongside the Detroit River. Presented by Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, this walking program is a great way to get up and active, with additional educational elements offered as well. Every Tuesday from 8-10 a.m., the group will feature fitness classes, blood pressure screenings, health education, and a walk at the riverfront. On Thursdays from 8-10 a.m. a fitness class will be offered as well. This event is for adults 50 years and older. Free. Cullen Plaza, 1340 Atwater St., Detroit; 313-566-8200; detroitriverfront.org.

Workout Wednesdays with First Responders 4 Fitness

Get your heart rate up with First Responders 4 Fitness — a local nonprofit committed to providing educational resources regarding health and wellness in the community. Starting July 12, join the group for free weekly fitness classes on Wednesday’s from 5-6 p.m. Cadillac Square Park, 662 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-224-1100; visitdetroit.com.

This post has been updated for 2023.