6th Annual Detroit Fall Beer Festival

Limited tickets remain for the final Michigan Brewers Guild beer festival for 2014.

Cooler temperatures are starting to settle in, the leaves have changed color and started to fall from the trees, and pumpkin spice has been added to simply everything. This can only mean one thing to Michigan beer lovers: The Michigan Brewers Guild Detroit Fall Festival is fast approaching.

Taking place October 24 and 25 at Detroit’s historic Eastern Market, the festival will feature more than 600 different beers from more than 75 Michigan breweries.

This may be the only time many attendees will be able to sample the remaining 2014 Oktoberfest and pumpkin beers from several of the participating breweries. Throw in some early batches of porters, stouts, and winter warmers, and drinkers will be certain to ward off the fall chill in the air.

The crowds at the previous 2014 MBG festivals have been very well behaved and prepared for the elements, but here are a few tips for newbies and reminders for festival veterans.

  • Dress appropriately. The last few Detroit Fall Beer Festivals have exhibited the diversity of Michigan weather in late October, with temperatures ranging from just above freezing to the mid 60s. You may need to wear a winter coat, bring a light jacket, wear your sunglasses, or break out an umbrella. The event takes place rain (or snow) or shine.
  • Tokens are required for every sample handed over to you from one of the brewery employees or volunteers. It’s the law, and it helps speed the lines along if you are prepared with a token instead of having to be reminded when you request your sample.
  • When you receive your sample, make sure to step away from the serving counter so other people can access the beer. Most brewers or staff will be happy to take a few minutes to speak with you about their beer, and all festivalgoers will be happy if you are standing off to the side.
  • Water is a good thing. Make sure to drink some water every now and then; it’s good for preventing dehydration (and hangovers) and helps clear the palate. It is provided free of charge at various locations throughout the festival.
  • Just like water, food is important to help balance out the beer samples. A variety of local restaurants will be selling food inside the festival grounds. Food is not included with the price of admission, so bring extra cash.
  • MBG Enthusiast members get access to the festival one hour prior to general admission tickets. The line for entry is usually long when the festival begins, and the sample lines can grow exponentially. If you want to take advantage of preferred access, you may purchase your Enthusiast membership online HERE.
  • Don’t drink and drive. Designated driver tickets are available. Cabs, shuttles, Uber, Lyft, and other services provide a variety of options to get you home safely. Check with your local brewery to see if they are providing any transportation packages.

Any remaining tickets will be available at the event, if you’re feeling lucky enough to chance it. For those who want to guarantee admission and purchase tickets online, visit the MBG events page HERE.
