Honcho Balances Urban Modernity and Latin Flair

The playful interior of the trendy Clarkston-based Mexican restaurant is as fresh and fun as the food it serves
The restaurant is designed for a rollicking time.

Union Joints restaurant group owns seven wildly popular eateries including Vinsetta Garage in Berkeley and Gran Castor in Troy, but Honcho in Clarkston is a particularly apt expression of their design ethos.

“I wanted to embrace the gritty industrial elements, says co-owner Ann Stevenson, who is also responsible for Honcho’s décor. “It’s differences in temperament, materiality, and tone that create the ‘animated zip’ that I’m always after in a space.” At Honcho, that zip glints from the juxtaposition between exposed metal pipes, a vintage Gufram Guframini cactus, and light brick walls adorned with impudent pictures of the group’s lawyer, Alan Miller. “We have to have him represented in every restaurant. He’s the patron saint of Union Joints,” Stevenson laughs.

Honcho, 3 E. Church St., 248-707-3793; L& D Daily; eatathonchos.com