Michigan Producers Offer Options for Fresh Produce in Winter

It may be cold, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat your vegetables

1. Motown Mix Artesian Farms, Detroit 
artesianfarms.com, Whole Foods, Midtown

2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12-15. Tantré Farm, 
734-475-4323, tantrefarm.com, Ann Arbor Farmers Market 

17. Radicle Roots, Ann Arbor, 
734-489-4119, radiclerootscommunityfarm@gmail.com, The Farmer’s Hand, Detroit

3, 5, 8, 9, 16. Goetz Farm, Riga
517-918-2015, Ann Arbor Farmers Market 

10Rising Pheasant Farm, Detroit 
facebook.com/risingpheasantfarms, risingpheasant@gmail.com. The Farmer’s Hand, Detroit