Midtown Shangri-La and Crust

Restaurant veteran Molly Abraham noshes around town, tracking down some top spots.
Dim sum, a traditional Chinese collection of snacks, from the new Midtown Shangri-La. // Photograph by Joe Vaughn

Midtown Shangri-La: Taking over the balconied space that once housed twingo’s, cholada chan, of the well-established west bloomfield township shangri-la, has added a second location, bringing a pared-down version of her extensive and authentic menu to the wayne state university neighborhood. The lineup features dim sum, as well as interesting noodle soups, roast duck, shrimp, scallops, squid with spicy salt, and a few thai dishes. 4710 Cass, detroit; 313-974-7669. L & D daily. $15

Crust: The thin-crusted pizzas from the wood stone oven are among the best around in a crowded field. Coupled with the upbeat and casual atmosphere, and such touches as the italian-style tumblers — in which both wine and small pudding-like desserts are served — the two editions of crust easily stand out. 2595 Rochester rd., Rochester hills; 248-844-8899, 6622 Telegraph rd., Bloomfield township; 248-855-5855. L & D daily. $13