“I chose this recipe because it is one of my favorite meals,” says Chuck (Rocky) Rachwitz of Rocky’s of Northville and Steve & Rocky’s in Novi. “I prepare this for Christmas dinner at home for my family as well as at hunting camp for my buddies.” Rachwitz’s favorite presentation includes placing the meat atop garlic-mashed potatoes with fried Brussels sprouts and a couple of stewed tomatoes.
Braised Short Ribs of Beef (Serves 6)
6 pieces beef short ribs, bone-in (16-18 ounces each)
Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil
8 garlic gloves, smashed
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 small onion peeled, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 small carrot peeled, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 stalk celery, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 cups rich beef stock
1/2 cup red wine
To thicken stock for sauce:
3 tablespoons arrowroow
4 tablespoons water
Cooked potatoes, for serving

Season ribs with salt and pepper. Heat a 10-inch saute pan to medium heat, then add olive oil. Brown both sides and place ribs in a 2- to 3-inch deep casserole baking pan. Add garlic, rosemary, onions, carrots, and celery and lightly brown. Add beef stock and red wine, then bring to a simmer. Pour stock and vegetables over ribs and cover with plastic wrap, then tin foil, over top of baking pan. Seal well. (The plastic wrap will not melt.) Preheat oven to 275 degrees and cook for approximately 2†hours. Remove with spatula, careful not to break up meat. Remove bones. Strain stock the ribs were cooked in into a saucepot. If a little salty add more stock. Bring to a boil. Mix arrowroot and water. Slowly add to stock until thick like heavy cream. (You may not have to use all of the solution.) Pour sauce over ribs and potatoes.