Parents spend a lot of time second-guessing themselves when it comes to their children’s health.
There’s a fever: Do I rush to the doctor or wait it out? There’s an overbite: Do I wait until the baby teeth fall out, or get it checked now? Even before a child is born, there are a host of questions: Am I in labor? How do I know the baby is OK? Is my doctor going to be available to help me?
The job of parenting never gets easier, but, armed with the right support team, you learn to trust the opinions of others — and, more importantly, you begin to trust yourself and your instincts.
Too often, parents assume that others — their child’s teacher, doctor, coach, etc. — know what’s best. Yet a parent is the person a child looks to for the best advice. As such, it only makes sense that you, as a parent, should feel comfortable with decisions regarding your child’s health care.
In this children’s health section, Hour Detroit introduces several medical, dental, and pain-management facilities that are challenging the status quo by doing things their own way — or, actually, the way they have seen works best for children and teens. When it comes to questions regarding a child’s health, they’ve got answers.
Are there alternatives to giving my child so many antibiotics?
Cutler Integrative Medicine
With the drastic rise in allergies, asthma, skin conditions, and various mental disorders in the pediatric population, parents are searching for answers and superior options rather than resorting to pharmaceuticals that can be potentially harmful and are usually ineffective.
With medical and foundational training in naturopathic medicine, Doug Cutler, N.D. (a member of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians), is able to help guide parents to make the best health decisions for their children.
According to Dr. Cutler, “Children are magnificent sponges and can learn very early that the prevention of disease is the best ‘cure,’ and that prevention is accomplished through education, proper diet, clinical nutrition, and a holistic lifestyle that supports overall health.”
A few months ago, a 3-year-old with pneumonia was brought into Cutler Integrative Medicine. His parents were very concerned because he had been struggling for well over a month, even after rounds of antibiotics. With the proper nutrients and natural remedies for immune support, Dr. Cutler and his staff were able to completely clear the boy’s lungs in one week. While every child is different, many respond brilliantly and very effectively to the healing powers of naturopathic medicine.
FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness
Doug Cutler, ND; Holly CaSaroll, CEO Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation and Laser Services, Naturopathic Medicine, Injectables and Liquid Face-Lifts
Address: 29350 Northwestern Hwy
Southfield, MI 48034
Phone: 248-663-0161
Fax: 248-352-4748
What is remote fetal monitoring, and how can it help my delivery?
Crittenton Hospital Medical Center
Using technology to improve patient safety, Crittenton Hospital Medical Center is the only hospital in Michigan currently using AirStrip technology to allow obstetricians to view fetal monitor strips remotely from their smart phones.
Since today’s expectant parents are tech-savvy, they know how to use the latest communications features to meet their needs. AirStrip OB is a great example of how new methods of sharing vital information, such as fetal heartbeat and maternal contraction patterns, can be utilized to create a safer birthing experience.
Recognized as a leader in the industry for early adoption of this technology, Crittenton Hospital’s use of AirStrip improves communication between care providers, decreases the response time in critical situations, decreases the time patients spend in triage, and improves both physician and nurse satisfaction.
More families than ever are making Crittenton Hospital Medical Center their provider of choice for a safe and memorable birth.
Crittenton Hospital Medical Center
Address: 1101 W. University Drive
Rochester, MI 48307
Phone: 248-652-5000
Fax: 248-601-6133
What’s important to know about braces?
North Canton Orthodontics
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children should be evaluated by the age of 7. Dr. Nicole Teifer, of North Canton Orthodontics, says the evaluation affords the orthodontist a better opportunity to correct and guide a child’s jaw. A child can avoid crowded teeth, correct a misaligned bite, and even reduce minor speech problems with early intervention. At North Canton Orthodontics, Smile Specialists work with children of all ages — and adults — to ensure that treatment is pain-free and individualized based on lifestyle. Braces come in variety of styles, materials, and colors, making the process much easier to endure. Invisalign treatment offers an invisible and comfortable option for many teens and adults who wouldn’t consider traditional braces. For those parents who are not sure if their child needs an orthodontist, North Canton Orthodontics makes that decision easy by offering a free initial exam. When it comes to your child’s smile, the decision you make today will last a lifetime.
North Canton Orthodontics
Dr. Nicole D. Teifer, Orthodontist
Address: 44633 Joy Road Suite 300
Canton, MI 48187
Phone: 734-548-8711
Injections for the injured student-athlete?
When a student-athlete is injured, parents have legitimate concerns about invasive treatments and heavy-duty pain medications. The athlete just wants the pain gone and to get back in the game.
With BLASTPAIN laser therapy, everyone’s satisfied.
The government-approved, noninvasive laser sends photons deep into damaged tissue — decreasing inflammation, swelling, and scarring. It also increases blood supply to the injury site, accelerates collagen production, and enhances cells’ ability to take in nutrients needed for healing.
What else does BLASTPAIN offer the student-athlete?
On staff at BLASTPAIN is John Wharton, a certified athletic trainer who formerly worked with the Red Wings. He’s worked with student athletes for years, designing strength programs that help avoid injury. John is also available to provide nutrition advice and biomechanical analysis.
Pain Management
Address: 6585 Rochester Road, Suite 103
Troy, MI 48085
Phone: 248-879-1100
Fax: 248-879-1288