What’s on your social calendar this season? A wedding? A high school reunion? According to a poll taken by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, milestone events are a driving factor for both women and men who are considering cosmetic surgery. The study also revealed that men are more likely to seek plastic surgery when their significant other has undergone a cosmetic procedure. And there’s an uptick in the number of “female family procedures” — a bonding experience where sisters or mothers and daughters “turn back the clock” together.
Facial rejuvenation treatments, both surgical and minimally invasive, are the most popular procedures, and allow you to put your best face forward minus wrinkles, frown lines, or sagging skin. There are many different types of face-lifts to match your needs and time frame, and new, long-lasting injectable fillers can dramatically transform your appearance in no time.
When diet and exercise are not enough, innovative body-sculpting technologies can help you quickly lose inches of fat and get rid of cellulite so you’ll be ready for the camera at your next social engagement. With the holiday season fast approaching, now is the time to add “rejuvenation” to your schedule.
FACE Skincare ~ Medical ~ Wellness
Q: How can I lose inches of fat safely and quickly, without surgery?
A: First there was CoolSculpting, then came Liposonix, and now FACE is one of the first to offer the revolutionary body sculpting treatment called Vanquish. This noninvasive, no-downtime, breakthrough technology offers the closest results to surgical liposuction. Vanquish is a no-contact body contouring device that painlessly treats large and multiple areas in just 30 minutes. It’s the fastest nonsurgical option for permanent fat loss — lose two to four inches in the abdomen with just four weekly treatments. Most people see results after their very first session.
FACE offers a multitude of cutting-edge and affordable noninvasive procedures to blast fat and sculpt your perfect body. Call for a complimentary consultation today.
FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness
Dr. Myra Danish
Q: What are the different types of face-lifts?
A: “A traditional face-lift rejuvenates the lower third of the face, the jawline, and the neck area. It’s a very meaningful operation for people who have a lot of neck laxity; loose, hanging skin; and prominent jowls. The mini-lift is for people with the early signs of aging and mild neck laxity,” says facial plastic surgeon Dr. Myra Danish, M.D., F.A.C.S.
“My one-hour Lunchtime Lift is a version of a mid-face lift. We rejuvenate the ‘triangle’ that includes the lower eyelids, cheeks, laugh lines, and jowls,” Dr. Danish explains. “In general, I recommend the minimum procedure that will give the best, most natural results based on the patient’s anatomy, skin type, and aging.”
West Maple Plastic Surgery
Q: When should I schedule a procedure if I want to look my best for the holidays?
A: If you’re thinking about having breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, or eyelid surgery in anticipation of a social gathering or holiday photographs, you should plan to allow enough time for recovery, says board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Sherbert.
“With breast augmentation you need between a month to two months in advance of your event, and for tummy tucks you need about two months to be back in full form again. With eyelid surgery it’s about a month,” Dr. Sherbert explains.
From a nonsurgical standpoint, if you’re thinking about having Botox and Juvederm to diminish wrinkles, you should factor in a few days to heal following the injections.
“This time of year, everybody’s schedule gets backed up — so if it’s not feasible to have surgery before the holidays and you’re thinking about spring, then set aside time in January, February or, at the latest, March,” says Dr. Sherbert, who recommends a consultation to discuss your cosmetic goals.
West Maple Plastic Surgery
Boyd Birmingham
Q: What is the hottest, newest filler available?
A: Voluma is the longest-lasting, safest filler, and it gives the most lift; it delivers a smoother and more youthful appearance to the face. Voluma dermal filler is the game-changer for facial volume restoration. Studies demonstrated that 18 months after treatment, all participants rated their results as positive.
Charles M. Boyd, M.D., serves as a member of the Voluma Advisory Board, and his practice is the first — and exclusive — launch site in the Michigan area to offer this new, anti-aging treatment. Even before its release, there was a waiting list of clients ready to try Voluma. Dr. Boyd will offer the “Boyd Beauty Lift” total facial rejuvenation package with an 18-month to two-year guarantee. Call our office today for details.
Charles M. Boyd, MD, MBA, FACS
Birmingham Plastic Surgery
Q: How can I reduce stubborn fat around my midsection without surgery?
A: Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ahmet Karaca recommends a combination of body-contouring treatments with two FDA-approved, no-downtime technologies.
“We have been getting great results with CoolSculpting,” he says. “The treatment safely and painlessly cools and destroys fat cells in pockets of unwanted fat, resulting in a 25- to 35-percent reduction.
“Vanquish, another treatment option, employs radio frequency energy to target fat cells. It is good for a large surface area — the whole front of the abdomen, or the back,” says Dr. Karaca, one of the first physicians in the area to offer the new technology. “During treatments, patients feel a warming sensation. People have lost one to two inches around the waist after a few half-hour sessions.”
Birmingham Plastic Surgery
Mune Gowda, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Q: Is there a treatment that can effectively get rid of cellulite?
A: The new Cellulaze laser system is the first FDA-approved surgical treatment that targets the cause of cellulite beneath the skin, says aesthetic plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda.
“The Cellulaze laser melts the fat that causes bulges in the skin, and it cuts the fibrous attachments that pull on the skin and give way to dimpling. The result is a smoother appearance,” Dr. Gowda explains. “The laser energy also tightens the skin and increases elasticity.”
Cellulaze treatment is performed in the office under a local anesthetic. There is minimal downtime and patients notice dramatic improvements. Dr. Gowda has helped patients achieve lasting results they never thought possible from just one simple procedure.
“There was really no good treatment for cellulite in the past,” Dr. Gowda says. “Our patients are very happy with Cellulaze.”
Mune Gowda, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Skin & Vein Center
Q: How can I have a younger, tighter-looking neck without going through face-lift surgery?
A: Excess neck skin is difficult to tighten naturally. Whether you suffer from loose neck skin, a sagging neck, or a “turkey neck,” a neck-lift can take years off your appearance. At the Skin & Vein Center, neck-lift surgery is an in-office, outpatient procedure that takes about an hour and involves minimal incisions.
“We do the neck-lift, with or without liposuction, under local anesthetic. The results are instant and recovery is quick,” says board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Eric Seiger.
“We see both men and women who complain that they’re starting to look older, like their father or their grandmother,” he says. “They feel embarrassed about their ‘turkey wattles.’ The neck-lift eliminates that hanging skin and creates a well-defined jaw line that looks really nice.”
Neck-lift surgery is affordable and offers long-term results. Look refreshed and more youthful without a lengthy downtime. Contact the Skin & Vein Center at Skinandvein.com to schedule your complimentary consultation.
Skin & Vein Center
Dr. Ellen Janetzke
Q: How can injectable fillers give me a more youthful, refreshed look?
A: Injectables are quick, affordable, and highly effective procedures to plump the face and soften lines and wrinkles without surgery.
“One of our favorite nonsurgical skin treatments for women and men is to inject Restylane in the ‘tear troughs,’ or hollows under the eyes. We build up and smooth the area, lessening the shadows that can make you look tired. The results are immediate,” says Dr. Ellen Janetzke, a board-certified plastic surgeon.
Dr. Ellen offers a variety of popular injectable fillers and performs the treatments herself. She injects Radiesse to correct wrinkles and folds, and to add volume for a no-downtime mid-face lift.
“We place Radiesse under the eyes, just below the cheekbones. It lifts up the midface and improves the eye area and the nasolabial folds – the so-called ‘parentheses,’ ” she explains.
Dr. Ellen A. Janetzke, MD Plastic Surgery
Spa Renaissance
Q: What can be done nonsurgically to enhance the appearance of the nose or to improve breathing?
A: Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. William Stefani is using no-downtime dermal fillers to correct secondary nasal deformities.
“Some people have collapse of their internal nasal valves. They’ll have a pinched nose that collapses when they breathe,” Dr. Stefani explains. “I’m putting some of the thicker fillers in the area that collapses, to lift and strengthen it. That helps to improve the patient’s breathing.
“I also use fillers in the area that extends from between the eyes to the tip of the nose, to smooth out irregularities or depressions caused by trauma or from a past rhinoplasty. It’s just a 15- to 20-minute office visit, and the filler will last a year.”
Spa Renaissance & Renaissance Plastic Surgery