Healthy habits can help control your weight, improve your mental health, prevent disease, boost your energy, and leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. Looking your best can boost your confidence and self-esteem, enhance your personal and business relationships, and help you look and feel younger. Together, health and beauty are a powerful combination.
Dental implants, for example, look like natural, beautiful teeth and have the added health benefit of enabling people to chew properly, improving their nutrition. The result of orthodontics is more than perfectly straight teeth, as treatment can also correct a bad bite — a possible cause of jaw pain and other dental issues. Cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of innovative techniques to beautify your smile, but good oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits play a key role, as well.
If you experience chronic pain symptoms or stress, you likely feel drained and you probably look tired and unapproachable. Noninvasive treatments including laser therapy, rehabilitation, and yoga, can help get you back on your feet, feeling refreshed and renewed. A healthy body just might be your best fashion statement.
Learn more from metro Detroit medical professionals about the latest solutions for improving your well-being and your looks.
The Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry
Q: Can cosmetic dentistry make my face look younger?
A: You can take 10 years off your looks and beautify your smile in just two or three dental appointments. Dr. Mitchell Milan uses porcelain veneers, sometimes in combination with Six Month Smiles speed braces, to create a nonsurgical face-lift.
“As we age, it’s common for teeth to shift toward the midline of the face and get crowded or crooked. The dental arch can narrow and collapse inward,” Dr. Milan explains. “We build out the sides of the dental arch by non-invasively augmenting the teeth with porcelain veneers to create a more aesthetic smile. Broadening the perimeter of the smile provides support on the sides of the face and enhances bone structure. Patients look dramatically younger.”
There are no injections and none of the tooth structure has to be removed. Porcelain veneers can make teeth whiter and straighter, and will repair chips and wear. If needed, speed braces can be used to straighten the teeth and widen the arch in as little as four to six months.
“Typically, people just want their four front teeth white and straight, but it’s the width of the smile itself that we notice and we equate with a great-looking smile,” Dr. Milan says. “Our nonsurgical face-lift approach can quickly reverse years of aging. The results are tremendous and natural-looking.”
Oakland MRI
Q: What imaging techniques can assist in the early detection of breast cancer?
A: When breast cancer is detected at a localized stage, the five-year survival rate is 98 percent. This is why it’s so important to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages. One of the most common and less expensive methods is X-ray mammography. Unfortunately, though, it’s less accurate and harms the body by exposing it to radiation. A better screening method is MRI mammography, and according to the FDA, mammography breast cancer detection is 23.4 percent more accurate when using a Computer Aided Detection system (CAD).
The latest innovation, the Invivo DynaCAD system, when combined with breast MRI, helps physicians detect earlier, smaller cancers with greater accuracy. Oakland MRI is the only MRI facility in Oakland County to offer the Invivo DynaCAD system, which extends the reach of breast imaging — allowing the radiologist to dierentiate between benign and malignant lesions, as well as detecting cancer earlier using noninvasive techniques. Unfortunately, because they cost more than X-rays, breast MRI and CAD are covered by insurance only after breast cancer is diagnosed or in high-risk patients.
“Early diagnosis is the key to curing breast cancer; 3-D CAD MRI imaging of the breast detects cancer earlier than any other modality,” says Susan V. Swider, CEO of Oakland MRI. “Oakland MRI is proud to contribute to the cure of breast cancer. We offer affordable access to these technologies when insurance doesn’t cover them, allowing women to get the preventive screening they deserve.”
Oakland MRI ~ Experience the Diference in Imaging Diagnostic and MRI Services.
Please call 248-740-0777 to make an appointment for 3-D breast MRI with CAD technology. Insurance covers certain conditions. Affordable out-of-pocket fees are available for preventive screening.
Arnold Gross, DPM, PC, Eric Foreman, DPM Podiatry
Q: What are the benefits of laser treatment for toenail infections?
A: In just one 30-minute office procedure, The PinPointe FootLaser can painlessly vaporize unsightly fungus under the nails.
“Toenail fungus is very common and there has never been a good treatment,” says board-certified podiatrist Dr. Arnold Gross. “Your choice has been topical creams and liquids that rarely work, or a pill that has a long list of possible side effects.”
Dr. Gross and his partner Dr. Eric Foreman are the first to offer the state-of-the-art, FDA-cleared, PinPointe laser system in Michigan. Within three months of treatment, patients start to see new growth of smooth, clear, fungus-free nails.
Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy
Q: Could my laptop be the cause of my neck and back pain?
A: “Electronics are negatively impacting our posture,” says Team Rehabilitation physical therapist Scott Delcomyn, P.T., M.S.P.T., clinic director/Team Rehab Southgate. “Hunching over electronic devices can cause neck pain, back spasms, numbness, or pain in the fingers, wrists, hips, and legs.”
If you experience any of these symptoms, your body is telling you to correct the problem. “Patients often tell us they don’t have time for physical therapy — but will they have more time after they’ve neglected the problem and need surgery?” Delcomyn asks.
If you frequently spend time hunched over a computer, relieve your back by leaning backward. Repeat this stretch often throughout the day. Bending in the opposite direction of your repetitive movements eases the strain on your overworked muscles.
West Maple Plastic Surgery
Q: What is a vertical breast-lift?
A: A relatively new way of performing breast-lifts, the vertical lift with implants results in a more youthful and attractive breast for women who have had children, says board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Sherbert.
“Often, these patients have lost volume in their breast and lost the position of their breast. Some people have so much extra skin, they need some form of skin reduction.
The vertical breast-lift is a nice way of placing an implant and then relocating that breast tissue and skin where it’s supposed to be. The result is a beautiful, very natural-appearing breast with the appropriate volume and in the right position.”
Skin & Vein Center
Q: What can I do about my underarm sweating and odor?
A: Deodorant is so 2014. Now you can toss out those messy roll-ons and sprays, and find lasting relief from the embarrassment of sweat outbreaks, odor, and stained clothing with FDA-approved, nonsurgical miraDry.
“It’s one of the most rewarding things we do. People come in in tears when they find out there’s something that can permanently get rid of their underarm sweating,” says board certified dermatologist Dr. Eric Seiger, whose office is one of two in Michigan that offers the noninvasive treatment.
“The procedure takes about an hour and a half. We numb the patient’s underarms so they don’t feel a thing,” he says. “The miraDry machine delivers controlled electromagnetic energy that heats the skin to the depth of one or two millimeters, where the sweat ducts lie, and it eliminates them.”
People are sore and have some swelling afterward, but they can go back to work or return to their normal activities the next day. Patients experience a dramatic reduction of their underarm sweat and no longer worry about excessive odor and wetness.
“We consistently get an 80 percent reduction in underarm sweat. It’s fantastic,” Dr. Seiger says. “After treatment with miraDry, patients experience greater self-confidence and joy. It’s truly life-changing.”
Karma Yoga
Q: What are the benefits of yoga?
A: The most common reason I see someone seek out yoga is for stress relief. Many people get to the mat by themselves, or a doctor recommends they need it. Yoga poses, breath work, meditation, the use of mantra (sacred music), and the gong are just some of the “technologies” that help the body, the nervous system, and the brain release deep impressions, dysfunctions, and patterns that get stuck within us. Tension in the body and mind are just the symptoms of stress build-up. Yoga is a system of purification. If we practice regularly — or, as I say, “take our trash out” daily — we can more easily sustain higher feelings of joy, peace, and love; be less triggered by outside circumstances; and ride the waves of life so much better. Yoga means to ‘yoke,’ or join with something higher than ourselves. I call it keeping our own ‘WiFi signal’ strong and staying ‘charged up.’ We’ll have better clarity, creativity, health, and relationships, and fulfill our desires more quickly because we practice yoga and ‘yoke,’ or connect. Every yoga pose is like getting the newest software download. We need the newest updates, too! When we practice yoga, we literally get a new operating system!”
Advanced Implant Dentistry
Q: Can dental implants improve my health?
A: There’s an old adage, “An apple a day will keep the doctor away.” But what happens when you can’t take a bite of the apple? This is what faces people who have ill-fitting dentures or are missing multiple teeth and can’t chew properly any longer. Certainly, the individual’s health will suffer as their diet becomes limited.
Today, more than 30 million Americans are denture wearers, and 75 percent of people over the age of 50 are missing at least one tooth. With dental implants, these patients can dramatically change their quality of life by stabilizing or eliminating their dentures all together, enabling them to eat the nutritious foods they couldn’t chew before. Studies have shown this improvement in nutrition can vastly improve your health and add years to your life.
“One of my favorite questions to ask patients at their first appointment is, How can I make you smile today? Our office provides all of the latest technology and techniques available in cosmetic dentistry for restoring natural teeth to create that smile you always wanted,” Dr. Winter says. “Truly one of the best rewards a dentist can receive is to witness the transformation of a shy individual who was afraid to smile to a confident, outgoing person who is smiling at every opportunity.”
United Psychological Services
Q: I’m afraid of memory loss as I age. What can I do?
A: You can take action. Everyone has the ability to retain their memory well into their 90s. Rather than avoiding the early signs of memory decline, the key is to act now and not wait. The earlier the diagnosis of memory problems, the greater the opportunity for successful treatment, ensuring that graceful aging will occur. What often happens is that individuals hide memory problems in fear that they’ll be diagnosed with dementia. This doesn’t need to become a reality. Cognitive training, or brain-enhancing activities, can help.
At United Psychological Services, we’ve been working on memory loss with patients for more than 15 years, and tracking their recovery using neuropsychological evaluation before and after training. We see differences in as little as three months — and, more importantly, these differences are maintained over time. We employ the use of hands-on interactive games and activities that are specifically chosen based upon the deficits isolated in evaluation. Our individualized treatment program is the reason for our powerful results, and it’s unique to United Psychological Services.
We’re all living longer. The question is, how well will you live? Memory problems can be treated and improved; they don’t need to get worse. Grab the opportunity to age in the best way possible.
Flawless Face — Concierge Mobile Botox
Q: How can Botox benefit both your mental and physical health?
A: On average, women begin to show signs of aging at 25 and men at age 30. Botox Cosmetic and Dermal Fillers are the perfect solutions to help diminish the appearance of age and those fine lines or wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and forehead. Having a more youthful and vibrant appearance will boost your confidence, both on the inside and outside, by reducing stress and helping you look and feel healthier.
Botox works by blocking the nerves that contract muscles when you frown or squint. Reducing these muscle contractions helps to relax and soften the appearance of wrinkles.
While you may not have any visible wrinkles yet, don’t wait until they develop. When you take a proactive approach by paralyzing the muscle over time with Botox, the muscle won’t contract as forcefully, and this will help to prevent wrinkles from forming.
Botox treatments are quick and nearly painless, and the results are natural-looking. With our concierge mobile service, treatments can be done in the privacy of your home or in our office in as little as 15 to 20 minutes. Are you ready to look and feel young again?
Amy Green is a board-certified nurse practitioner who had years of experience in critical care settings before starting her aesthetic practice. She has completed advanced training for Botox and dermal fillers. Call 1-855-U-FLAWLESS.
Michigan Head & Neck Institute
Q: How can treatments for sleep apnea and TMJ improve my health and beauty?
A: To achieve your personal best health and beauty, it’s imperative that the perfect grooming, apparel, and accessories adorn a healthy body.
Sleep problems and pain not only drain your energy; they can decrease your overall attractiveness.
If you have sleep apnea and can’t tolerate the CPAP mask, the Michigan Head & Neck Institute can help put the color back in your cheeks and the glow back in your skin with a small FDA and ADA-approved oral appliance. Obstructive sleep apnea has recently been intensely studied and has been linked to Type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, concentration problems, stroke, intellectual and memory deterioration, cardiac problems, and death. The potential consequences of not treating OSA aren’t pretty and definitely aren’t healthy. Dr. Richard Klein and your sleep doctor can work together if you can’t tolerant the mask or its pressure.
If you have headaches, neck aches, ear or eye pain, dizziness, blurry vision, excessive tears, ear congestion, or ringing of the ear, you probably don’t feel good or sleep well. TMJ can cause all of these symptoms. These signs and symptoms are mostly related to tight muscles in the jaw, face, and neck torqueing on the structures they attach to. Tight muscles in the face can cause pain and a multitude of other TMJ problems — and they also tighten up the appearance of the face and can make an otherwise happy individual look angry or mean.
Not only does Dr. Klein treat these problems, but he has personally experienced both diagnoses, so he completely understands what his patients are going through.
If you snore or are often tired during the day, if you have headaches or eye or ear problems, perhaps the website www. michiganheadandneck.com can guide you to assessment and treatment of your concerns.
Wesley Orthodontics
Q: I want my child to have nice, straight teeth. What is the right age to start treatment with braces?
A: The American Association of Orthodontics recommends a child’s first orthodontic visit at 7-8 years of age. Based on a comprehensive orthodontic evaluation, sometimes we wait to start treatment and have the child come back to the office in a year to a year and a half. Often we’ll recommend extraction of some baby teeth to make room for permanent teeth, or we’ll start early orthodontic treatment using dental appliances to expand or move the jaw to create a more functional bite. Moving the child’s jawbone is possible because their jaw and their growth plates have not yet fused.
Parents and adult patients are often surprised to learn that a “bad bite” may be the cause of buck teeth or jaw pain, for example. Using expanders and other dental appliances to establish a good bite is often the first step before starting treatment with braces or Invisalign. Having a stable bite is also important for people who need restorative work — crowns or veneers — after their teeth have been straightened. It’s much like building a home. If the foundation is uneven, everything else will be uneven.
So often, people believe that orthodontics is purely aesthetic treatment. In truth, once we have corrected the bite, straight teeth are just the icing on the cake.
Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S. & Associates
Q: What innovative techniques and technology are helping patients enjoy a healthier, more attractive smile?
A: Periodontist Dr. Joseph Nemeth uses the minimally invasive Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Technique to lengthen unattractive receding gums, typically with no incisions, no stitches, and virtually no pain.
“We make a small pinhole in the gum above the teeth to be treated and we gently bring the gum tissue down over the receded area. The Pinhole Technique improves the smile tremendously. It can be life-changing,” says Dr. Nemeth, the first gum specialist in Michigan to be certified in this technique.
For patients who have a “horsey” or gummy smile, Dr. Nemeth performs a minimally invasive lip-lowering procedure that not only prevents too much gum tissue from showing, but gives the patient a plumper, more attractive lip. Prior to drawing blood or giving intravenous sedation, Dr. Nemeth uses a near-infrared light technology, VeinViewer Flex, to harmlessly locate the patient’s veins to avoid multiple “sticks.”
Dr. Nemeth was one of the fi rst in the state to o er the All-On-Four procedure, which utilizes four strategically placed dental implants to securely hold in place a complete set of upper or lower teeth. “People come in with no teeth or unhealthy teeth that need to be removed, and they walk out the same day with a set of good-looking, functional, permanent teeth. It’s miraculous,” Dr. Nemeth says.
Maria Badalamenti, D.D.S.
Q: How can I maintain a healthy smile through the years?
A: Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. Making a great first impression starts by keeping your oral health in check. Good oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits can help prevent tooth decay and other dental disease that can mar your smile. Nutrition also plays an important role. People with poor eating habits are more prone to cavities and gum disease, so it’s important to eat a healthy, balanced diet.
A challenge to good oral health among teens is smoking — a habit that not only can lead to bad breath and discolored teeth, but also places you at risk for gum disease and oral cancer. Adults under 40 may find that TMJ problems make it hard to smile due to symptoms such as jaw pain and tenderness, ear ringing, and headache. While gum disease can affect your smile, if left untreated the infection can travel to other parts of the body and lead to serious health problems.
Adults 40 and older continue to be at risk for gum disease, as well as oral cancer and missing teeth. Bridges, dentures, and implants can help keep the smile healthy and provide a better quality of life.
Remember, your smile is your greeting card. What does it say about you?
Sadoff Dermatology PC
Q: I want to combat the effects of past sun exposure and achieve healthy, glowing skin, but don’t know where to begin. Help!
A: I believe in first addressing a patient’s entire skin with a complete skin exam. In this brief but thorough examination, we’re able to see areas that are di cult for patients to see themselves. Using a hand-held dermatoscope, we look below the skin’s surface, identify your risk for worrisome spots, and review what to watch for when looking at your own skin.
Aging skin requires an individualized approach. By taking a close look at the way the environment and genetics have affected your complexion, we customize an approach to repair, protect, and improve the quality and appearance of your skin.
Brown, blotchy areas benefit from lasers and peels; fillers treat lines and loss of volume; and saggy jowls can be tightened with Ultherapy. Customized techniques, performed in the proper order, result in maximum benefit. We offer photorejuvenation, fillers, toxins, HydrafacialMD resurfacing, micro needling, Ultherapy, and other treatments. Most procedures require little to no downtime, and all produce a natural, refreshed look.
Returning home, patients begin a consistent care regimen with physician-grade cosmeceuticals to enhance their results.
Dr. Ellen Janetzke, M.D.
Q: How can you help men look refreshed, younger, and more vital?
A: Men who want to stay competitive in the job market are coming in for facial procedures including face-lifts, fillers, and Botox, says Dr. Ellen Janetzke, a board-certified plastic surgeon.
“I’m doing more upper and lower eyelid surgeries for men to give them a refreshed appearance,” she says. “The perception is that if you look younger, you have more energy. A man can look distinguished with grey hair, but a tired appearance can make you look older and less approachable.”
Dr. Ellen performs liposuction to remove persistent areas of fat for men who desire a leaner, more defined appearance. Bodycontouring surgeries help men who are struggling with excess skin after massive weight loss.
“Men are unique in that they can also have sagging skin on their chest, known as gynecomastia,” Dr. Ellen explains. “We remove the excess skin to give them a natural, masculinelooking chest.”
Neograft is the newest, most advanced technique for hair restoration, offering a more natural-looking result with little downtime; little to no discomfort; no scalpel incisions, stitches, or staples; and a quicker recovery.
“Men are coming in for Neograft treatments because they want fuller hair, a better-looking hairline or they want to fill in a bald spot,” Dr. Ellen says. “Patients are seeing life-changing results.”
Dolores Baran, D.D.S.
Q: I’m busy. Can I get my crowns done in one day, and how can I get my teeth straightened faster?
A: Using the most updated version of CEREC CAD-CAM technology, Dr. Dolores Baran can restore a patient’s tooth with a dental crown or partial crown in just one office visit.
“With CEREC, we take a picture of the patient’s prepped tooth and then design the restoration on the computer screen. Within five to eight minutes, the CEREC machine creates a beautiful and strong porcelain restoration that we bond to the patient’s tooth,”
Dr. Baran explains. “There are no messy impressions and no need to send the patient home wearing a temporary. CEREC can also replace existing crowns or create multiple restorations in one appointment.” Dr. Baran is certified in Fastbraces technology, which straightens teeth with less sensitivity and a shorter treatment time — three months to a year — at almost half the cost of traditional braces.
“A patented triangular bracket moves the roots of the teeth to their final position from the beginning of treatment,” Dr. Baran says. “After treatment is complete, Fastbraces requires only 15 to 20 minutes of daily retainer wear. It’s a fast, safe, easy, and affordable solution for straightening teeth.”
Ready to update your smile? Dr. Baran provides a full line of general dentistry services, surgical procedures including implants and sedation dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry. Call for your complimentary consultation today.