Are you in pain? Robotic Precision Therapy can help! “Living in pain affects every part of a person’s life,” says therapist Benjamin Blankenship. “Clients often come to the RPT Clinic having tried countless other remedies without lasting relief. It’s so rewarding to see them be more mobile, happier, and back to the activities they love, and, in some cases, even be able to avoid surgery.”
The Robotic Precision Therapy Clinic is home to five RX2600 Therapeutic Robot machines. RPT therapists determine the muscle group causing the pain and then the robotic arm administers gentle pressure in set intervals to those specific muscles.
When muscles are shortened by repetitive motion, injury, or accident, it puts pressure on the surrounding bone structure and nerves, resulting in pain. The pressure exerted by the robotic arm works to lengthen the muscle back to its original state, reducing or even eliminating pain.
One of RPT Clinic’s early clients was Julie Pulte. Pulte didn’t think she would be able to avoid hip surgery after years of constant pain.
“I could barely walk,” said Pulte. “After three RPT visits, I was fully mobile! I canceled my hip surgery and have been playing golf and tennis pain-free ever since.”
The robotic arm used by the therapist is more precise and accurate than performing the therapy by hand. With the RX2600 Therapeutic Robot, the amount of pressure is controlled, the precision of the placement is consistent, and the amount of gentle pressure applied is measured. Blankenship has also patented several innovative improvements to the technology, like gentle heat and vibration to make RPT even more effective.
RPT can help with many issues such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, migraines, carpal tunnel, TMJ, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, and other muscular issues. RPT has also been successful in aiding the mobility issues faced by those suffering from multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy.
RPT is a complement to traditional physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, and other therapies. For those who have plateaued in physical therapy, RPT can help get to the areas physical therapy cannot reach. Often, after RPT, a client’s remaining physical therapy sessions are much more productive.
Robotic Precision Therapy could help you live a life with less muscular pain and increased mobility. To find out more or to schedule your appointment, visit or call 855.629.2805.