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Birmingham Unitarian Church

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38651 Woodward Ave
Bloomfield Hills,MI48304

December 2022

DETROIT 2020: Locked Down, Locked Up, Locked In

December 4, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Birmingham Unitarian Church, 38651 Woodward Ave
Bloomfield Hills,MI48304
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How did the pandemic, the murder of George Floyd, and other key events affect people in varying circumstances? Here’s a special opportunity to see the Extra Mile Playwrights Theatre (EMPT) vividly recall what Detroiters experienced during the pivotal year of 2020. Come see talented local actors relay riveting stories captured by proven playwrights. What did Detroiters do? How did they cope? A “Talk Back” session after this performance will help the audience realize how these experiences can apply to us…

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