Featuring more than 200 categories, Best of Detroit 2022 is your guide to the top places, people, attractions, and more the area has to offer. The list — as nominated and voted by you, the Hour Detroit readers — includes reader comments as well as photos highlighting some of this year’s winners.
Arts & Entertainment // Health & Beauty // Drinks // Food // Community & Personalities // Retail // Services // Sports
Arts & Entertainment

Art fair
1stAnn Arbor Art Fair
Ann Arbor; theannarborartfair.com
2ndDally in the Alley
Detroit; dallyinthealley.com
3rd Art in the Park
Plymouth; artinthepark.com
Other finalists:
Arts & Apples Festival, Rochester; pccart.org
DIY Street Fair, Ferndale; ferndalediy.com
Soaring Eagle Arts, Beats & Eats, Royal Oak; artsbeatseats.com
Art gallery
1st Library Street Collective
Detroit; lscgallery.com
2ndDavid Klein Gallery
Detroit, Birmingham; dkgallery.com
3rdProgressive Art Studio Collective
Various locations; progressiveartstudiocollective.org
Other finalists:
Kickstart Gallery & Shop, Farmington; kickstartfarmington.org
Lisa Spindler Studio, Detroit; spindlerproject.com
Nicole Tamer Art Gallery, Detroit; nicoletamerart.com
Saint Andrew’s is Detroit’s official club for everything!
— Shontori Bowles, Detroit
1stFifty Amp Fuse
2ndThe Family Tradition Band
3rdWill Sessions
Other finalists:
Battlecross; battlecrossmetal.com/
Laura Rain & the Caesars; laurarain.net/
Mac Saturn; macsaturn.com
Vavoom; vavoomband.com
1stMGM Grand Detroit
Detroit; mgmgranddetroit.mgmresorts.com
2ndHollywood Casino at Greektown
Detroit; hollywoodgreektown.com
3rdMotor City Casino
Detroit; motorcitycasino.com
Club for dancing
1stBoogie Fever
Ferndale; boogieferndale.com
2ndThe Marble Bar
Detroit; themarblebar.com
3rdDeluxx Fluxx
Detroit; deluxxfluxx.com
Other finalists:
The Annex, Detroit; theannexdetroit.com
Club 54, Sterling Heights; club54sterlingheights.com
El Club, Detroit; elclubdetroit.com
TV Lounge, Detroit; ra.co
The Henry Ford is a great place for locals and tourists! The presidents’
motorcade cars are the best!”—Cynthia Stump, Northville
Club for live music
1stSaint Andrew’s Hall
Detroit; standrewsdetroit.com
2ndCliff Bell’s
Detroit; cliffbells.com
3rdEl Club
Detroit; elclubdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Flood’s Bar & Grill, Detroit; floodsdetroit.com
Small’s, Hamtramck; facebook.com/smallsbar
The Morrie, Royal Oak, Birmingham; themorrie.com
Comedy club
1stMark Ridley’s Comedy Castle
Royal Oak; comedycastle.com
2ndGo Comedy! Improv Theater
Ferndale; gocomedy.net
3rd Independent Comedy Club
Hamtramck; planetant.com
Other finalists:
Big Tommy’s Comedy Club, Novi; bigtommys.com
One Night Stan’s Comedy Club, Waterford; onenightstanscomedyclub.com
Community theater company
Royal Oak; stagecrafters.org
2ndDetroit Public Theatre
Detroit; detroitpublictheatre.org
3rd Planet Ant Theatre
Hamtramck; planetant.com
Other finalists:
Avon Players, Rochester Hills; avonplayers.org
Detroit Repertory Theatre, Detroit; detroitreptheatre.com
St. Dunstan’s Theatre, Bloomfield Hills; stdunstanstheatre.com
Ringwald Theatre, Ferndale; theringwald.com
Concert venue
1st Pine Knob Music Theatre
Clarkston; 313presents.com
2ndFox Theatre
Detroit; foxtheatredetroit.net
3rdSaint Andrew’s Hall
Detroit; standrewsdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Little Caesars Arena, Detroit; 313presents.com
The Majestic, Detroit; majesticdetroit.com
Jazz club
1stCliff Bell’s
Detroit; cliffbells.com
2nd Baker’s Keyboard Lounge
Detroit; facebook.com/bakers-keyboard-lounge
3rd Dirty Dog Jazz Cafe
Grosse Pointe; dirtydogjazz.com
Other finalists:
Blue Llama Jazz Club, Ann Arbor; bluellamaclub.com
Willis Show Bar, Detroit; willisshowbar.com
Boogie Fever is the best place to get your groove on!!!!
— Dana B., Berkley
Movie theater (art/indie)
1stThe Maple Theatre
Bloomfield Hills; themapletheater.com
2nd Redford Theatre
Detroit; redfordtheatre.com
3rd Detroit Film Theatre
Detroit; dia.org/visit/detroit-film-theatre
Other finalists:
Cinema Detroit, Detroit; cinemadetroit.org
Movie theater (complex)
various locations; emagine-entertainment.com
2nd MJR Digital Cinemas
various locations; mjrtheatres.com
3rd Phoenix Theatres
Livonia, Wayne; phoenixmovies.net
Other finalists:
Bel Air Luxury Cinema, Detroit; belairluxurycinema.com
The Riviera Cinema, Farmington Hills; emagine-entertainment.com
Museum (arts)
1stDetroit Institute of Arts
Detroit; dia.org
2ndCranbrook Art Museum
Bloomfield Hills; cranbrookartmuseum.org
3rd Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit
Detroit; mocadetroit.org
Museum (other)
1stHenry Ford Museum of American Innovation
Dearborn; thehenryford.org
2ndCranbrook Institute of Science
Bloomfield Hills; science.cranbrook.edu
3rd Motown Museum
Detroit; motownmuseum.org
Other finalists:
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit; thewright.org
Detroit Historical Museum, Detroit; detroithistorical.org
Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Detroit; detroithistorical.org
Music artist
1stJack White
2ndBig Sean
3rd Griz
Other finalists:
Annemarie Jo; annemariejomusic.com
Ben Sharkey; bensharkey.com
Thornetta Davis; thornettadavis.com
Performing arts venue
1stFox Theatre
Detroit; 313presents.com
2ndDetroit Opera House
Detroit; detroitopera.org
3rd Masonic Temple
Detroit; themasonic.com
Other finalists:
Cliff Bell’s, Detroit; cliffbells.com
Macomb Center for the Performing Arts, Clinton Charter Township; macombcenter.com
Orchestra Hall, Detroit; dso.org
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Royal Oak; royaloakmusictheatre.com
The DIA is one-of-a-kind awesome. Especially enjoy Kresge Court for ambiance, music, and food, as well as Diego Rivera Frescoes. They restore peace and perspective to a troubled soul.
—Sue Probert, Farmington Hills
1stThe Drew & Mike Show
2ndLive from Detroit: The Jeff Dwoskin Comedy Show
3rd When Survival Looks Like Success
Other finalists:
Life Excellence with Brian Bartes; brianbartes.com/
The Robinett’s Nest with Chuck and Kristy; facebook.com/therobinettsnestpodcast
Visual artist
1stKim Fujiwara
2ndMattie Armstrong
3rd Ouizi
Other finalists:
Alexandria Bishop; facebook.com/aalexandriabishop
Ellen Rutt; ellenrutt.com
Health & Beauty

1st Margot European Spa
Birmingham; margots.com
2ndFace Skincare Medical Wellness
Bingham Farms; facebeautyscience.com
3rdSkin Bar VII
Detroit; skinbar7.com
Other finalists:
Antonino Salon and Spa, Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
Zuliani Facial Aesthetics, Bloomfield Hills; zulianimd.com
Barber shop
1st 6 Salon
Various locations; sixsalon.com
2ndLefty’s Barbershop
Ferndale; leftysbarber.shop
Hazel Park; youngbloodsshop.com
Other finalists:
Hair Bandit, Pleasant Ridge; hairbanditofficial.com
1st 6 Salon
various locations; sixsalon.com
2ndBianchi’s Salon
various locations; bianchis.com
3rdAntonino Salon and Spa
Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
Other finalists:
Hair Bandit, Pleasant Ridge; hairbanditofficial.com
Legato Salon & Spa, Birmingham, Farmington; salonlegato.com
Skye Salon, Grosse Pointe; skye-salon.com
Cannabis dispensary (medical)
1st House of Dank
various locations; shophod.com
2ndKing of Budz
Detroit; kobdetroit.com
3rdLiv Cannabis
Ferndale; livcannabis.com
Other finalists:
New Standard, Ann Arbor, Hazel Park; anewstandard.com
Puff Cannabis Co., various locations; puffcannaco.com
Cosmetic surgeon
1st Dr. Daniela Rodriguez
St. Clair Shores; drdrodriguez.com
2ndDr. Charles Boyd
various locations; boydbeauty.com
3rdDr. Anthony Youn
Troy; dryoun.com
Other finalists:
Dr. Giancarlo Zuliani, Bloomfield Hills; zulianimd.com
Dr. Neal Sakwa, Troy; sakwaplasticsurgery.com
I joined Citizen Yoga to do a good thing for my mind and body and be in a community. I feel comfortable there and am so glad I joined.
—Neil Campbell, Royal Oak
Crossfit gym
1st Crossfit Bloomfield
Bloomfield Hills; crossfitbloomfield.com
2ndRebel Strength and Fitness
Warren; rebelstrengthandfitness.com
3rdFive Lakes Crossfit
Farmington Hills; fivelakescrossfit.com
Other finalists:
Crossfit Brighton, Brighton; crossfitbrighton.com
Crossfit Freshwater, Saint Clair Shores; crossfitfreshwater.com
Crossfit HCS, Ferndale; crossfithcs.com
Crossfit Maven, Rochester; crossfitmaven.com
Day spa
1st Beach House Day Spa
Birmingham; beachhouse-dayspa.com
2ndRivage Day Spa
Birmingham; rivagedayspa.com
3rdMargot European Spa
Birmingham; margots.com
Other finalists:
Breathe Bodywork and Beautification, Ferndale; breathebodyworkandbeautification.com
Face Skincare Medical Wellness, Bingham Farms; facebeautyscience.com
Eyebrow specialist
1st 6 Salon
various locations; sixsalon.com
2ndTodd’s Room
Birmingham; toddbeauty.com
3rd Browe Skin & Brow Bar
Auburn Hills; broweskinandbrow.com
Other finalists:
Antonino Salon and Spa, Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
Red’s Waxing Studio, Clinton Township; redswaxingstudio.com
1st Rivage Day Spa
Birmingham; rivagedayspa.com
2ndMargot European Spa
Birmingham; margots.com
3rd Face Skincare Medical Wellness
Bingham Farms; facebeautyscience.com
Other finalists:
Antonino Salon and Spa, Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
Breathe Bodywork and Beautification, Ferndale; breathebodyworkandbeautification.com
Fitness classes
1st Ohana Fitness and Wellness
Shelby Township; ohanafitnessandwellness.com
2ndRebel Strength and Fitness
Warren; rebelstrengthandfitness.com
3rdGunny’s Garage
Garden City; gunnyfit.com
Other finalists:
AFC Strong, Detroit; afcstrong.com
Cely Fit, West Bloomfield; me.onpodio.com
Fitness trainer
1st Stephanie Riley, Rebel Strength and Fitness
Warren; rebelstrengthandfitness.com
2ndAhmad “The Gunny” Hamadeh, Gunny’s Garage
Garden City; gunnyfit.com
3rdChad Demchik, Next Level Fitness Academy
Warren; getfitwithnextlevel.com
Other finalists:
Anna Connolly, AFC Strong, Detroit; afcstrong.com
Oliver Beardsall, Pursuit of Progress Training Club; poptrainingclub.com
Gym (old-school)
1st Detroit Body Garage
Detroit; detroitbodygarage.com
2ndRebel Strength and Fitness
Warren; rebelstrengthandfitness.com
3rdMuscles Gym
St. Claire Shores; mimuscles.com
Other finalists:
Beverly Hills Club, Beverly Hills; beverlyhillsclub.net
Downtown Gym, Detroit; dbgdetroit.org
Beach House Day Spa is just amazing. Service, attitude, friendliness, atmosphere — literally everything is top notch!
—Joseph Rush, Bloomfield Hills
Hair salon
1st 6 Salon
various locations; sixsalon.com
2ndAntonino Salon and Spa
Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
3rdRed the Salon
Birmingham; redthesalon.com
Other finalists:
Hair Bandit, Pleasant Ridge; hairbanditofficial.com
Meraki Salon and Extensions, Shelby Township; merakisalonandextensions.com
Health club
1st Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit; thedac.com
2ndThe Schvitz
Detroit; schvitzdetroit.com
3rdFranklin Athletic Club
Southfield; franklinclub.com
Other finalists:
Cely Fit, West Bloomfield; me.onpodio.com
Good Vibe Sister Tribe, St. Clair Shores; goodvibesistertribe.com
Hot shave
1st Detroit Barber Co.
various locations; detroitbarbers.com
2ndLefty’s Barbershop
Ferndale; leftysbarber.shop
3rd6 Salon
various locations; sixsalon.com
Other finalists:
Hair Bandit, Pleasant Ridge; hairbanditofficial.com
Union Barber, Ferndale; unionbarber.com
Lash specialist
1st 6 Salon
various locations; sixsalon.com
2ndBirmingham Beauty Bar
Birmingham; facebook.com/birminghambeautybar
3rdThe Lash Cabana Beach Spa
Clinton Township; thelashcabanabeachspa.com
Other finalists:
Eyedolize, Birmingham; eyedolize.com
Red the Salon, Birmingham; redthesalon.com
Mani-pedi salon
1st Beach House Day Spa
Birmingham; beachhouse-dayspa.com
2ndEco Nails
Troy; econailssalon.com
3rdRivage Day Spa
Birmingham; rivagedayspa.com
Other finalists:
Antonino Salon and Spa, Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
Margot European Day Spa, Birmingham; margots.com
1st Rivage Day Spa
Birmingham; rivagedayspa.com
2ndMargot European Spa
Birmingham; margots.com
3rd Breathe Bodywork and Beautification
Ferndale; breathebodyworkandbeautification.com
Other finalists:
Antonino Salon and Spa, Birmingham; antoninosalon.com
Michelle Zmich Therapeutics, Farmington; facebook.com/mztherapuetics
Pilates classes
1st Hot Yoga Ferndale
Ferndale; hotyogaferndale.com
2ndPilates Detroit
Ferndale; pilatesdetroit.com
3rdEquilibrium Pilates Studio
Bloomfield, Birmingham; equilibriumstudio.com
Other finalists:
Alka Kravetz, Align Pilates LLC, Bloomfield Hills
Brenda Freeman Pilates, Northville; brendafreemanpilates.com
Reforming Foundations Pilates & Wellness, Berkley; reformingfoundations.com
Warehouse Pilates, Northville; warehousepilates.com
Michigan spa resort
1st Grand Traverse Resort and Spa
Acme; grandtraverseresort.com
2ndCrystal Mountain
Thompsonville; crystalmountain.com
3rdImmerse Spa at MGM Grand Detroit
Detroit; mgmgranddetroit.mgmresorts.com
1st 6 Salon
various locations; sixsalon.com
2ndFace Candy: Skin & Beauty
Troy; facecandybeautybar.com
3rdKrishna Salon & Spa
Farmington Hills; salonkrishna.com
Other finalists:
Evergreen Beauty Spa Threading and Sugaring, Troy; evergreenbeautyspa.com
Pretty Browz and Spa, various locations; myprettybrowz.com
Yoga studio
1st Citizen Yoga
various locations; citizenyogastudio.com
2ndDetroit Yoga Lab
Detroit; detroityogalab.com
3rdFull Lotus Yoga
Detroit, Grosse Pointe Woods; fulllotusyoga.net
Other finalists:
Body Language Fitness and Yoga Center, Commerce Township; bodylanguagefy.com
Community Yoga Studio, Birmingham; communityyoga.studio
Thrive Hot Yoga, Farmington Hills; thrivehotyoga.com
Bold Flow Yoga, various locations; boldflowyoga.com

Bar/lounge to take a client
1st The Apparatus Room
Detroit; detroitfoundationhotel.com/apparatus-room
2ndThe Monarch Club
Detroit; monarchclubdetroit.com
3rdEvening Bar
Detroit; eveningbar.com
Other finalists:
Adachi, Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Bar Verona, Commerce Township, Washington; barverona.com
Madam, Birmingham; daxtonhotel.com/food-drink
Bar/lounge to take a date
1st Sugar House
Detroit; sugarhousedetroit.com
2ndCandy Bar
Detroit; candybardetroit.com
Detroit; standbydetroit.com
Other finalists:
Evening Bar, Detroit; eveningbar.com
The Oakland Art Novelty Co., Ferndale; theoaklandferndale.com
Beer selection (bar)
1st Hopcat
various locations; hopcat.com
2ndBrown Iron Brewhouse
Royal Oak, Washington; browniron.com
3rdThe Brakeman
Detroit; thebrakemandetroit.com
Other finalists:
Collect, Detroit; collect-beerbar.com
The Morrie, Birmingham; Royal Oak; themorrie.com
1st Atwater Brewery
Detroit, Grosse Pointe Park; atwaterbeer.com
2ndGriffin Claw Brewing Co.
Birmingham, Rochester Hills; griffinclawbrewingcompany.com
3rdEastern Market Brewing Co.
Detroit; easternmarket.beer
Other finalists:
Batch Brewing Co., Detroit; batchbrewingcompany.com
Urbanrest Brewing Co., Ferndale; urbanrest.com
Craft cocktails
1st Sugar House
Detroit; sugarhousedetroit.com
2ndBad Luck Bar
Detroit; badluckbar.com
3rdThe Oakland Art Novelty Co.
Ferndale; theoaklandferndale.com
Other finalists:
Evening Bar, Detroit; eveningbar.com
The Peterboro, Detroit; thepeterboro.com
1st Two James Spirits
2ndValentine Distilling Co.
3rdDetroit City Distillery
Other finalists:
Bitter Tom’s Distillery, Lake Orion; bittertomsdistillery.com
Motor City Gas, Royal Oak; motorcitygas.com
Rusted Crow Distillery, Dearborn Heights; rustedcrowspirits.com
Weiss Distilling Co., Clawson; thewdc.com
Two James: great atmosphere, wonderful drinks, amazing staff, and fun, personable tours!
—Cindi Reed, Livonia
Dive bar
1st The Old Miami
Detroit; oldmiami.business.site
2ndGusoline Alley
Royal Oak; facebook.com/gusoline-alley
3rdSneakers Pub
Ferndale; sneakerspubferndale.com
Other finalists:
Bumbo’s Bar, Hamtramck; bumbosbar.com
New Way Bar, Ferndale; newwaybar.com
Happy hour
1st Bobcat Bonnie’s
various locations; bobcatbonnies.com
2ndBrown Iron Brewhouse
Royal Oak, Washington; browniron.com
Birmingham; eatathazels.com
Other finalists:
Liberty Bar & Poutinerie, Pontiac; thelibertybar.com
Zao Jun, Bloomfield Township; zaojunnewasian.com
The Apparatus Room has great ambience and a rich history [on the site of the Detroit Fire Department’s headquarters from the late 1920s to [2013].”
—Dennis Farmer, Canton
High-end bar
1st Sugar House
Detroit; sugarhousedetroit.com
2ndThe Monarch Club
Detroit; monarchclubdetroit.com
3rdCandy Bar
Detroit; candybardetroit.com
Other finalists:
Bad Luck Bar, Detroit; badluckbar.com
Evening Bar, Detroit; eveningbar.com
1st Temple Bar
Detroit; facebook.com/temple-bar-detroit
Ferndale; ferndalesoho.com
3rdPronto Lounge & Showbar
Royal Oak; prontolounge.com
Other finalists:
Checker Bar, Detroit; checkerbar.com
Liberty Bar & Poutinerie, Pontiac; thelibertybar.com
Temple Bar is a Cass Corridor legend. It was there before the area got trendy and continues to thrive.
—Ashley Dagostino, Detroit
Michigan beer
1st Bell’s Brewery
2ndFounders Brewing Co.
3rdAtwater Brewery
Other finalists:
Griffin Claw Brewing Co., Birmingham; Rochester Hills; griffinclawbrewingcompany.com
Jolly Pumpkin Brewery, various locations; jollypumpkin.com
Michigan winery
1st Blake’s Orchard and Cidery
Armada; blakefarms.com
2ndBlack Star Farms
Suttons Bay; blackstarfarms.com
3rdDetroit Vineyards
Detroit; detroitvineyards.com
Other finalists:
Bonobo Winery, Traverse City; bonobowinery.com
Mari Vineyards, Traverse City; marivineyards.com
Shady Lane Cellars, Suttons Bay; shadylanecellars.com
The Bronx Bar. Not only is it a great atmosphere, but they have a large variety of drinks. They have a pool table and a jukebox. This is where I met some of my best lifelong friends.
—Megan O’Meara, Livonia
Neighborhood bar
1st Bronx Bar
Detroit; facebook.com/bronx-bar-detroit
2ndRenshaw Lounge
Clawson; renshawlounge.com
Detroit; kieslingdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Abick’s Bar, Detroit; facebook.com/abicks
Bumbo’s Bar, Hamtramck; bumbosbar.com
Kozy Lounge, Hazel Park; kozylounge.com
Two Birds, Detroit; twobirdsdetroit.com
Place to drink outdoors
1st Detroit Shipping Co.
Detroit; detroitshippingcompany.com
2ndBlake’s Tasting Room
Armada; blakefarms.com
3rdThe Ferndale Project
Ferndale; ferndaleproject.com
Other finalists:
Collect, Detroit; collect-beerbar.com
The Brakeman, Detroit; thebrakemandetroit.com
The Old Miami, Detroit; oldmiami.business.site
Urbanrest Brewing Co., Ferndale; urbanrest.com
Hamlin Pub in Clarkston has awesome drinks, Amy the bartender is awesome, and the wings are phenomenal.
—Rosa Saunders, Waterford
Sports bar
1st Hamlin Pub
various locations; hamlinpubs.com
2ndNemo’s Detroit
Detroit; nemosdetroit.com
3rd24 Seconds Bar & Grill
Berkley; 24secondsbar.com
Other finalists:
J’s Penalty Box, Ferndale; jspenaltyboxferndale.com
McShane’s Pub & Whiskey Bar, various locations; mcshanespub.com
Tap at MGM Grand, Detroit; mgmgranddetroit.mgmresorts.com
Thomas Magee’s, Detroit; thomasmagees.com
Wine bar
1st Motor City Wine
Detroit; motorcitywine.com
2ndMichigan by the Bottle
various locations; mbtbtasting.com
3rdThe Royce Detroit
Detroit; theroycedetroit.com
Other finalists:
Cellar 59, Clinton Township; c59winebar.com
Detroit Vineyards, Detroit; detroitvineyards.com
Vertical Detroit, Detroit; verticaldetroit.com

1st Brown Iron Brewhouse
Royal Oak, Washington; browniron.com
2ndSan Morello
Detroit; sanmorello.com
Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Other finalists:
Le Feria, Detroit; facebook.com/laferiadetroit
Olin, Detroit; olindetroit.com
Bagel shop
1st New York Bagel
various locations; newyorkbagel-detroit.com
2ndDetroit Bagel Factory
Livonia; detroitbagel.net
3rdEastside Bagel
St. Clair Shores; eastsidebagel.com
Other finalists:
James Oliver Coffee Co., Detroit; jamesolivercoffee.com
Jersey Bagel Deli & Grill, various locations; jerseybagel.com
I am positive that New York Bagel is the single greatest bagel-selling establishment I will ever have the pleasure of eating at.
–Jack Tierney, Hazel Park
Bakery (bread)
1st Crispelli’s Bakery
Royal Oak; crispellisbakery.com
2ndAvalon International Breads
Ann Arbor, Detroit; avalonbreads.net
3rdVince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
Other finalists:
Dakota Bread Co., West Bloomfield; friendshipcircle.org/dakotabread
Bakery (desserts)
1st Astoria Pastry Shop
Detroit, Royal Oak; astoriapastryshop.com
2ndSister Pie
Detroit; sisterpie.com
3rdCannelle by Matt Knio
Birmingham, Detroit; cannellebirmingham.com
Other finalists:
Culinary Combo Bakery, Southfield; theculinarycombo.com
Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market, Clinton Township; Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
White Wolf Japanese Patisserie, Clawson; whitewolfbakery.com
Bar food
1st One-Eyed Betty’s
Ferndale; oneeyedbettys.com
Ann Arbor, Detroit; hopcat.com
3rdBronx Bar
Detroit; facebook.com/bronx-bar-detroit
Other finalists:
Grand Trunk Pub, Detroit; grandtrunk.pub
Mt. Chalet II, Royal Oak; mtchaletroyaloak.com
The Side Bar, Royal Oak; thesidebarroyaloak.com
Barbecue restaurant
1st Slows Bar BQ
Detroit; slowsbarbq.com
2ndBad Brad’s BBQ
various locations; badbradsbbq.com
3rdUnion Woodshop
Clarkston; unionwoodshop.com
Other finalists:
Arkins Sweet BBQ Pit, Southfield; arkinsbbq.com
Woodpile BBQ, Clawson, Madison Heights; woodpilebbqshack.com
Burgers (classic)
1st Red Coat Tavern
Royal Oak, West Bloomfield; redcoat-tavern.com
2ndMercury Burger & Bar
Detroit; mercuryburgerbar.com
3rdHunter House Hamburgers
Birmingham; hunterhousehamburgers.com
Other finalists:
Bronx Bar, Detroit; facebook.com/bronx-bar-detroit
Luxe Bar & Grill, Birmingham, Grosse Pointe; luxebarandgrill.com
The Morrie, Birmingham, Royal Oak; themorrie.com
Burgers (specialty)
1st Green Dot Stables
Detroit, Lansing; greendotstables.com
2ndVinsetta Garage
Berkley; vinsettagarage.com
3rdBasement Burger Bar
various locations; basementburgerbar.com
Other finalists:
Mercury Burger & Bar, Detroit; mercuryburgerbar.com
Royale With Cheese, Detroit; royalewithcheese.menu
1st Commonwealth Café
Birmingham; gocommonwealth.com
2ndThree Cats
Clawson; threecatscafe.com
3rdThe Congregation
Detroit; thecongregationdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Eos Cafe & Coffee House, St. Clair Shores; eoscoffeehouse.com
Kresge Court, Detroit; dia.org/visit/dining-shopping
Astoria [Pastry Shop] — best chocolate pecan turtles. Consistently great over 20 years.”
—Becky McCabe, Plymouth
Cheap Eats
Bucharest Grill
Detroit, Royal Oak; bucharestgrill.com
2ndLeo’s Coney Island
various locations; leosconeyisland.com
3rdLafayette Coney Island
Detroit; facebook.com/lafayette-coney-island
Other finalists:
Green Dot Stables, Detroit; greendotstables.com
Kerby’s Koney Island, various locations; kerbyskoneyisland.com
Chinese restaurant
1st Mon Jin Lau
Troy; monjinlau.com
Detroit, West Bloomfield; midtownshangri-la.com
3rdThe Peterboro
Detroit; thepeterboro.com
Other finalists:
China Cafe, Novi; chinacafenovi.com
Hong Hua Fine Chinese Dining, Farmington Hills; honghuafinedining.com
Coffee shop
1st The Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Co.
various locations; greatlakescoffee.com
2ndDessert Oasis Coffee Roasters
various locations; docr.coffee
3rdThe Red Hook
Ferndale, Detroit; theredhookcoffee.com
Other finalists:
Birmingham Roast, Birmingham; drinkroast.com
Sabbath Coffee Roasters, Clawson; sabbathcoffeeroasters.com
Selden Standard — we delight in dining in the outdoor patio amid a garden of fresh herbs and greens that the restaurant incorporates into delicious dishes with tantalizing flavors.
—Bonita Bohl, Birmingham
Coney Island
1st Lafayette Coney Island
Detroit; facebook.com/lafayette-coney-island
2ndLeo’s Coney Island
various locations; leosconeyisland.com
3rdNational Coney Island
various locations; nationalconeyisland.com
Other finalists:
Greek Islands Coney Restaurant, various locations; greekislandsconey.com
Lipuma’s Coney Island, Rochester; lipumasconeyisland.com
1st Detroit Cookie Co.
Ann Arbor, Ferndale; detroitcookieco.com
2ndAvalon International Breads
Ann Arbor, Detroit; avalonbreads.net
3rdFor the Love of Sugar
Detroit; fortheloveofsugar.com
Other finalists:
Culinary Combo Bakery, Southfield; theculinarycombo.com
D’Vine Cookies, various locations; dvinecookies.com
Dessert (restaurant)
1st San Morello
Detroit; sanmorello.com
2ndChartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails
Detroit; chartreusekc.com
3rdOak & Reel
Detroit; oakandreel.com
Other finalists:
Amadeus Restaurant, Ann Arbor; amadeusrestaurant.com
Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
1st Whistle Stop Diners
Birmingham, Pleasant Ridge; whistlestopdiners.com
Royal Oak; owlwoodward.com
3rdRose’s Fine Food and Wine
Detroit; rosesfinefood.com
Other finalists:
Charlie’s Restaurant, Madison Heights; charliesmadisonheights.com
Karl’s, Detroit; karlsdetroit.com
Monty’s Grill, Royal Oak; montys-grill.business.site
Vik’s Diner, Fraser; viksdiner.com
1st Donut Cutter
Berkley; facebook.com/donutcutter1
2ndKnapp’s Donuts
Rochester, Troy; facebook.com/knappsdonuts
3rdDonut Bar & Coffee
Southfield, Livonia; donutbardetroit.com
Other finalists:
Apple Fritter Donut Shop, Ferndale; facebook.com/fritterman
Daily Dozen Doughnuts, various locations; dailydozendoughnuts.com
Farm-to-table restaurant
Selden Standard
Detroit; seldenstandard.com
2ndSylvan Table
Sylvan Lake; sylvantable.com
3rdChartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails
Detroit; chartreusekc.com
Other finalists:
Coriander Kitchen and Farm, Detroit; corianderkitchenandfarm.com
Marrow, Detroit; marrowdetroit.com
Fast/casual restaurant
1st Kouzina Greek Street Food
Royal Oak; gokouzina.com
2ndEstia Greek Street Food
Troy, Warren; goestia.com
3rdIggy’s Eggies
Detroit; iggyseggies.com
Other finalists:
Isla Detroit, Sterling Heights; isladetroit.com
Penny Red’s, Detroit; pennyreds.com
Food truck
1st The Lobster Food Truck
Dearborn; thelobsterfoodtruck.com
2ndEstia Greek Street Food
various locations; goestia.com
3rdHero or Villain
Detroit; heroorvillaindeli.com
Other finalists:
Canal Side Pizza, St. Clair Shores; canalsidepizza.com
Satellite, Ferndale; satellitehospitality.com
French fries
1st Hopcat
Ann Arbor, Detroit; hopcat.com
Birmingham, Detroit; eatattownhouse.com
3rdSocial Kitchen and Bar
Birmingham; socialkitchenandbar.com
Other finalists:
Brown Iron Brewhouse, Royal Oak, Washington Township; browniron.com
Dime Store, Detroit; eatdimestore.com
Matt & Mo’s Italian Beef, Hazel Park; mmitalianbeef.com
Stage Deli, West Bloomfield; stagedeli.com
Gluten-free menu
1st Como’s Pizza
Bloomfield, Ferndale; comosrestaurant.com
2ndCommonwealth Café
Birmingham; gocommonwealth.com
3rdBrown Iron Brewhouse
Royal Oak, Washington; browniron.com
Other finalists:
Planthropie, Birmingham; planthropie.com
Renee’s Gourmet Pizzeria, Troy; reneesgourmetpizzeria.com
Rumi’s Passion, Plymouth; rumispassion.com
Shimmy Shack, Plymouth; shimmyshack.com
Greek restaurant
1st Pegasus Taverna
Detroit, St. Clair Shores; pegasustavernas.com
2ndHoney Tree Grille
various locations; honeytreegrille.com
3rdEstia Greek Street Food
various locations; goestia.com
Greek Islands Coney Restaurant, various locations; greekislandsconey.com
Big Tommy’s Parthenon, Novi; bigtommys.com

Ice cream shop
1st Ray’s Ice Cream
Royal Oak; raysicecream.com
2nd Erma’s Original Frozen Custard
various locations; ermascustard.com
3rdTreat Dreams
Detroit, Ferndale; facebook.com/treatdreams313
Other finalists:
Cold Truth, Detroit; coldtruthsoftserve.com
Clark’s Ice Cream, Berkley; clarksicecreammi.com
Huddle Soft Serve, Detroit; huddle-softserve.com
Indian restaurant
Priya Indian Cuisine
Troy; priyacuisine.com
2nd Neehee’s Indian Vegetarian Street Food
Canton, Troy; neehees.com
3rdDetroit Masala
Detroit; detroitmasala.com
Other finalists:
Main Street Kitchen, Clawson; ordermainstreetkitchen.com
Pink Garlic Indian Cuisine, Oak Park; pinkgarlicmi.com
Italian restaurant
Da Francesco’s Ristorante & Bar
Shelby Township; dafrancescos.com
2nd Shewolf Pastificio & Bar
Detroit; shewolfdetroit.com
various locations; andiamoitalia.com
Other finalists:
Antonio’s Italian Cuisine, Sterling Heights; antoniositaliancuisine.com
Bacco Ristorante, Southfield; baccoristorante.com
Giovanni’s Ristorante, Detroit; giovannisristorante.com
Oak & Reel, Detroit; oakandreel.com
San Morello, Detroit; sanmorello.com
Japanese restaurant
1st Noble Fish
Clawson; noblefish.com
2ndKyoto Japanese Steakhouse
Royal Oak; kyotoroyaloak.com
Detroit, Madison Heights; imanoodles.com
Other finalists:
Adachi, Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Edo Ramen House, Royal Oak; edoramenhouse.com
Ronin Sushi, Royal Oak; roninsushi.com
Kid-friendly restaurant
1st Buddy’s Pizza
various locations; buddyspizza.com
2ndNational Coney Island
various locations; nationalconeyisland.com
Ann Arbor, Detroit; sevarestaurant.com
Other finalists:
Great Baraboo Brewing Co., Clinton Township; greatbaraboo.com
Zao Jun New Asian, Bloomfield Township; zaojunnewasian.com
Zeoli’s Modern Italian, Clawson; zeolisitalian.com
Oak & Reel truly blew me away as not just one of the best new restaurants but also one of the best restaurants in the metro Detroit area.
—Sally Askar, Detroit
Latino restaurant (other than Mexican)
1st Vicente’s Cuban Cuisine
Detroit; vicentesdetroit.com
2ndEl Guanaco
Auburn Hills, Troy; elguanacotroy.com
Detroit; bardadetroit.com
Other finalists:
Culantro, Ferndale; culantro.square.site
Garrido’s Bistro, Grosse Pointe Woods; garridosbistro.com
Late-night eatery
1st Lafayette Coney Island
Detroit; facebook.com/lafayette-coney-island
Royal Oak; owlwoodward.com
3rdLeo’s Coney Island
various locations; leosconeyisland.com
Other finalists:
Detroit One Coney Island, Detroit; facebook.com/detroit-one-coney-island
Telway Burger, Detroit, Madison Heights; facebook.com/telwayhamburgers
Mediterranean restaurant
1st Anita’s Kitchen
various locations; anitaskitchen.com
2ndLa Saj Lebanese Bistro
Sterling Heights, Troy; lasaj.com
Birmingham; phoeniciabirmingham.com
Other finalists:
House of Falafel, Farmington Hills; houseoffalafelmi.com
Leila, Detroit; leiladetroit.com

Mexican restaurant
1st Mexican Village
Detroit, Utica; mexicanvillagefood.com
2ndEl Charro
various locations; elcharrousa.com
3rdMi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant
Detroit; mipueblorestaurant.com
Other finalists:
Juan Miguel’s, Clinton Township; juanmiguels.com
Mex, Bloomfield Hills; mex-restaurants.com
Sagebrush Cantina, Fenton, Lake Orion; mysagebrushcantina.com
Middle Eastern restaurant
1st La Saj Lebanese Bistro
Sterling Heights, Troy; lasaj.com
2nd Sahara Restaurant & Grill
various locations; newsahara.com
Birmingham; phoeniciabirmingham.com
Other finalists:
Cedarland, Dearborn; cedarlanddearborn.com
Pita Cafe, Oak Park; thepitacafe.com
New restaurant
1st Oak & Reel
Detroit; oakandreel.com
2ndSylvan Table
Sylvan Lake; sylvantable.com
3rdOlin Bar & Kitchen
Detroit; olindetroit.com
Other finalists:
Barda, Detroit; bardadetroit.com
Freya, Detroit; freyadetroit.com
Isla Detroit, Sterling Heights; isladetroit.com
Outdoor dining
1st La Dolce Vita
Detroit; ldvrestaurant.net
2ndBrown Iron Brewhouse (Washington)
Washington; browniron.com
Detroit, Madison Heights; imanoodles.com
Other finalists:
Adachi, Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Casa Pernoi, Birmingham; casapernoi.com
1st Tom’s Oyster Bar
Royal Oak; tomsoysterbar.com
Ferndale; voyagerferndale.com
3rdOak & Reel
Detroit; oakandreel.com
Other finalists:
Hazel’s, Birmingham; eatathazels.com
Mink, Detroit; minkdetroit.com
Pet-friendly restaurant
1st Detroit Shipping Co.
Detroit; detroitshippingcompany.com
2ndBobcat Bonnie’s
various locations; bobcatbonnies.com
3rdThe Ferndale Project
Ferndale; ferndaleproject.com
Other finalists:
Como’s Pizza, Bloomfield Township, Ferndale; comosrestaurant.com
Detroit Fleat, Ferndale; detroitfleat.com
1st Ima
Detroit, Madison Heights; imanoodles.com
2ndPho Lucky
various locations; pholucky.net
3rdQue Huong
Madison Heights
Other finalists:
Got Pho, Ferndale; gotphoferndale.com
Pho Tai, Madison Heights
1st Sister Pie
Detroit; sisterpie.com
2ndAchatz Handmade Pie Co.
various locations; achatzpies.com
3rdGrand Traverse Pie Co.
various locations; gtpie.com
Other finalists:
Ackroyd’s Scottish Bakery, Redford; ackroydsbakery.com
Culinary Combo Bakery, Southfield; theculinarycombo.com
Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market, Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
Zingerman’s Bakehouse, Ann Arbor; zingermansbakehouse.com
1st Polish Village Café
Hamtramck; polishvillage.cafe
2ndPietrzyk Pierogi
Detroit; pietrzykpierogi.com
3rdSrodek’s Campau Quality Sausage Co.
Hamtramck, Sterling Heights; srodek.com
Other finalists:
Amadeus Restaurant, Ann Arbor; amadeusrestaurant.com
Christine’s Cuisine, Ferndale; christinescuisineinc.com
Dobre Pierogi, Shelby Township; dobrepierogi.com
The Little Pierogi & Crepe Kitchen, Wyandotte; pierogicrepekitchen.com
Pizza (Detroit-style)
1st Buddy’s Pizza
various locations; buddyspizza.com
2ndJet’s Pizza
various locations; jetspizza.com
3rdLoui’s Pizza
Hazel Park; facebook.com/louispizza
Other finalists:
Como’s Pizza, Bloomfield Township, Ferndale; comosrestaurant.com
Michigan & Trumbull, Detroit; michigantrumbullpizza.com
La Saj — great Lebanese food like my mom used to make. Delicious and healthy. I love it!
— Michele Sunday, Sterling Heights
Pizza (thin-crust)
1st Supino Pizzeria
Detroit; supinopizzeria.com
2ndCrispelli’s Bakery & Pizzeria
various locations; crispellis.com
3rdTomatoes Apizza
various locations; tomatoesapizza.com
Other finalists:
Brooklyn Pizza, Birmingham; thebrooklynpizza.com
Mootz Pizzeria & Bar, Detroit; mootzpizzeria.com
Polish restaurant
1st Polish Village Café
Hamtramck; polishvillage.cafe
2ndPolonia Restaurant
Hamtramck; polonia-restaurant.net
3rdVal’s Polish Kitchen
Rochester; valspolishkitchen.com
Other finalists:
Amadeus Restaurant, Ann Arbor; amadeusrestaurant.com
Lakeside Family Restaurant, Sterling Heights; lakesidefamilyrestaurant.com
Polonus Restaurant, Wyandotte; facebook.com/polonus-restaurant
Wawel Royal Castle Polish Bar & Restaurant, Troy; americanpolishcenter.com/restaurant
Pop-up restaurant
1st Frame
Hazel Park; framehazelpark.com
2ndVal’s Pizza
Detroit; valspizzadetroit.com
3rdChef Dunny
Detroit; @chefdancingdunny
Other finalists:
Basil Babe, Ann Arbor; basil-babe.com
Fried Chicken and Caviar, Detroit; friedchickenandcaviar.com
Khana, Detroit; facebook.com/khanadetroit
1st Ima
Detroit, Madison Heights; imanoodles.com
2ndJohnny Noodle King
Detroit; johnnynoodleking.com
3rdEdo Ramen House
Royal Oak; edoramenhouse.com
Other finalists:
Slurping Turtle, Ann Arbor; slurpingturtle.com
Urban Ramen, Detroit; urbanramen.com
Restaurant (Livingston County)
1st Mexican Fiesta
Hartland; mexicanfiesta.net
2ndBrighton Bar & Grill
Brighton; brightonbarandgrill.com
3rdThe Silver Pig Bar & Oyster Room
Howell; thesilverpig.com
Other finalists:
Diamonds Steak & Seafood, Howell; diamondshowell.com
The Fuel, Brighton; discoverthefuel.com
Sushi Zen, Brighton; sushizenusa.com
Tomato Brothers, Howell; tomatobros.com
Restaurant (Macomb County)
1st Da Francesco’s Ristorante & Bar
Shelby Township; dafrancescos.com
Warren; andiamoitalia.com
3rdJ. Baldwin’s
Clinton Township; jbaldwins.com
Other finalists:
Bar Verona, Commerce Township, Washington; barverona.com
Isla Detroit, Sterling Heights; isladetroit.com
Korea Palace, Sterling Heights; facebook.com/koreapalace
Steakhouse 22, Shelby Township; steakhouse22.net
Testa Barra, Macomb Township; testabarra.com
The tasting menu [at Mabel Gray] is always complex and delicious. The staff is genuinely happy to be there, and you can feel at home while melting into your Wagyu.
– Andria Kaiser, Royal Oak
Restaurant (Oakland County)
1st Mabel Gray
Hazel Park; mabelgraykitchen.com
2ndSylvan Table
Sylvan Lake; sylvantable.com
3rdTallulah Wine Bar & Bistro
Birmingham; tallulahwine.com
Other finalists:
Adachi, Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Bella Piatti, Birmingham; bellapiattirestaurant.com
Casa Pernoi, Birmingham; casapernoi.com
Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Restaurant (Washtenaw County)
1st Zingerman’s Roadhouse
Ann Arbor; zingermansroadhouse.com
2ndGandy Dancer
Ann Arbor; gandydancerrestaurant.com
3rdFrita Batidos
Ann Arbor; fritabatidos.com
Other finalists:
Amadeus Restaurant, Ann Arbor; amadeusrestaurant.com
Cardamom, Ann Arbor; cardamoma2.com
Detroit Street Filling Station, Ann Arbor; thelunchrooma2.com/detroit-street-filling-station-1
Wolverine State Brewing Co., Ann Arbor; wolverinebeer.com
Restaurant (Wayne County)
1st Selden Standard
Detroit; seldenstandard.com
2ndPrime & Proper
Detroit; primeandproperdetroit.com
3rdShewolf Pastificio & Bar
Detroit; shewolfdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Chartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails, Detroit; chartreusekc.com
Leila, Detroit; leiladetroit.com
Oak & Reel, Detroit; oakandreel.com
San Morello, Detroit; sanmorello.com
Restaurant for breakfast
1st The Original Pancake House
various locations; originalpancakehouse.com
Birmingham, Ferndale; eatattoast.com
3rdBreakfast Club
Madison Heights, Royal Oak; facebook.com/breakfastmadison
Other finalists:
Dime Store, Detroit; eatdimestore.com
Whistle Stop Diner, Birmingham, Pleasant Ridge; whistlestopdiners.com
Restaurant for brunch
1st Toast
Birmingham, Ferndale; eatattoast.com
2ndBobcat Bonnie’s
various locations; bobcatbonnies.com
3rdDime Store
Detroit; eatdimestore.com
Other finalists:
The Morrie, Birmingham, Royal Oak; themorrie.com
San Morello, Detroit; sanmorello.com
Restaurant to take a client
1st Grey Ghost Detroit
Detroit; greyghostdetroit.com
2ndSan Morello
Detroit; sanmorello.com
3rdOak & Reel
Detroit; oakandreel.com
Other finalists:
Adachi, Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Bacco Ristorante, Southfield; baccoristorante.com
Out of all the places on the list, Grey Ghost is my favorite. I love their seasonal and creative menu.
—Amanda Ayoub, Dearborn Heights
Restaurant with a view
1st Joe Muer Seafood (Renaissance Center)
Detroit; highlandsdetroit.com
Detroit; parcdetroit.com
Other finalists:
The Rattlesnake Club, Detroit; rattlesnakedetroit.com
Wright & Co., Detroit; wrightdetroit.com
Romantic dining
1st The Whitney
Detroit; thewhitney.com
2ndCafé Cortina
Farmington Hills; cafecortina.com
3rdSan Morello
Detroit; sanmorello.com
Other finalists:
Highlands, Detroit; highlandsdetroit.com
Leila, Detroit; leiladetroit.com
Oak & Reel, Detroit; oakandreel.com
Sandwich shop
1st Zingerman’s Delicatessen
Ann Arbor; zingermansdeli.com
2ndMudgie’s Deli & Wine Shop
Detroit; mudgiesdeli.com
3rdSteve’s Deli
Bloomfield Hills; stevesdeli.com
Other finalists:
Chadd’s Bistro, Rochester Hills; chaddsbistro.com
Ernie’s Market, Oak Park; erniessandwichshop.com
Oak House Deli, Royal Oak; oakhousedeli.com
Rocco’s Italian Deli, Detroit; roccosdetroit.com
Zingerman’s is one of those rare places that is worth every tiny scrap of hype and press it’s given.
– Will McCool, Pontiac
Seafood restaurant
1st Joe Muer Seafood
Bloomfield Hills, Detroit; joemuer.com
Ferndale; voyagerferndale.com
3rdOak & Reel
Detroit; oakandreel.com
Other finalists:
Hazel’s, Birmingham; eatathazels.com
Streetside Seafood, Birmingham; streetsideseafood.com
1st Bucharest Grill
Detroit, Royal Oak; bucharestgrill.com
2ndAnita’s Kitchen
various locations; anitaskitchen.com
3rdMr. Kabob Xpress
various locations; mrkabob.com
Other finalists:
Al Ameer, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights; alameerrestaurant.com
House of Falafel, Farmington Hills; houseoffalafelmi.com
Sahara Restaurant & Grill, various locations; newsahara.com
Soul food restaurant
1st Detroit Vegan Soul
Detroit; detroitvegansoul.com
2ndDetroit Soul
Detroit; detroitsoul.net
3rdBaker’s Keyboard Lounge
Detroit; facebook.com/bakers-keyboard-lounge
Other finalists:
Chef Greg’s Soul “N” the Wall, Detroit; facebook.com
Cornbread Restaurant & Bar, Southfield; cornbreadsoulfood.com
Motor City Soul Food, various locations; motorcitysoul2go.com
Savannah Blue, Detroit; savannahbluedetroit.com
Special-occasion restaurant
1st The Whitney
Detroit; thewhitney.com
2ndMabel Gray
Hazel Park; mabelgraykitchen.com
3rdSan Morello
Detroit; sanmorello.com
Other finalists:
Cafe Cortina, Farmington Hills; cafecortina.com
Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Oak & Reel, Detroit; oakandreel.com
Tonia’s Victorian Rose, Rochester; toniasvictorianrose.com
1st Prime & Proper
Detroit; primeandproperdetroit.com
2ndClawson Steakhouse
Clawson; clawsonsteakhouse.com
3rdLondon Chop House
Detroit; thelondonchop.com
Other finalists:
Lucky’s Prime Time, Rochester Hills; luckyssteakhouse.com
Steakhouse 22, Shelby Township; steakhouse22.net

1st Noble Fish
Clawson; noblefish.com
2ndRonin Sushi
Royal Oak; roninsushi.com
3rdMon Jin Lau
Troy; monjinlau.com
Other finalists:
Adachi, Birmingham; adachirestaurant.com
Edo Ramen House, Royal Oak; edoramenhouse.com
Maru, Detroit; marusushi.com
1st Taqueria El Rey
Detroit; facebook.com/taqueria-el-ray
Ferndale; imperialferndale.com
3rdEl Charro
various locations; elcharrousa.com
Other finalists:
Detroit Taco Co., various locations; detroittaco.com
Tu Taco Tienda Mexicana, Madison Heights; tutacotienda.smartonlineorder.com
Whiskey Taco Foxtrot, Clawson; whiskeytacofoxtrotclawson.com
My favorite on this list is Taqueria El Rey. I drive from over an hour away for their chicken and tacos. They treat you like family when you’re there.
—Amy Wooldridge, Howell
Takeout spot
1st Bucharest Grill
Detroit, Royal Oak; bucharestgrill.com
2ndDetroit Wing Co.
various locations; detroitwingco.com
3rdBrown Iron Brewhouse
Royal Oak, Washington; browniron.com
Other finalists:
Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Edo Ramen House, Royal Oak; edoramenhouse.com
Zao Jun New Asian, Bloomfield Township; zaojunnewasian.com
Thai restaurant
1st Sy Thai
St. Clair Shores; sythai.com
2ndBangkok 96 Restaurant
Dearborn; bangkok96.com
Detroit; takoidetroit.com
Other finalists:
Khom Fai Thai Dining Experience, Macomb; khomfai.com
Pi’s Thai Cuisine, Hazel Park; pisthai.net
Sala Thai, Sterling Heights; salathai.us
Shin Thai, Royal Oak; shinthai.com
Vegan/vegetarian restaurant
1st Seva
Ann Arbor, Detroit; sevarestaurant.com
2ndInn Season Cafe
Royal Oak; theinnseasoncafe.com
3rdChive Kitchen
Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Other finalists:
Aratham Gourmet To Go, various locations; aratham.com
1st Chicken Shack
various locations; chickenshack.com
2ndAnita’s Kitchen
various locations; anitaskitchen.com
3rdBrown Iron Brewhouse
Royal Oak, Washington; browniron.com
Other finalists:
City Wings, Detroit; citywingsinc.com
Coop Caribbean Fusion, Detroit; coopdetroit.com
Detroit Wing Co., various locations; detroitwingco.com
Sweetwater Tavern, Detroit, Southfield; sweetwatertavern.net
Community & Personalities

1st Mitch Albom
2ndKristy Robinett
3rdJimmy Doom
Other finalists:
Brian Bartes, brianbartes.com
Jim Benton, jimbenton.com
Josh Malerman, joshmalerman.com
Robert Beatty, robertbeattyart.com
1st Roxanne Phillips, The Peterboro
Detroit; thepeterboro.com
2ndJacob Feitler, Oak & Reel
Detroit; oakandreel.com
3rdJimmy Doom, Small’s
Hamtamck; smallsbardetroit.com
Other finalists:
Kyle Joseph, Flood’s Bar & Grille, Detroit; floodsdetroit.com
Pamela Allard, Liberty Bar & Poutinerie, Pontiac; thelibertybar.com
1st James Rigato, Mabel Gray
Hazel Park; mabelgraykitchen.com
2ndAnthony Lombardo, Shewolf Pastificio & Bar
Detroit; shewolfdetroit.com
3rdLuciano DelSignore, Bacco Ristorante and Casa Pernoi
Southfield, Birmingham; baccoristorante.com , casapernoi.com
Andrew Carmellini, San Morello, Detroit; sanmorello.com
Angelo Loria, Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market, Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
Jared Gadbaw, Oak & Reel, Detroit; oakandreel.com
Suzy Silvestre, Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Community activist
1st Lori Goldman, Fems for Dems
2ndChantel Watkins, One Fair Wage Michigan
3rdRev. Charles Williams II, National Action Network Michigan
Other finalists:
Jae Bass, Detroit Will Breathe; detroitwillbreathe.info
Jeff Hocking, Congregation of Every 1; coe1.org
Jewan Price, Eastside Mutual Aid; facebook.com/eastsidemutualaid
Nicholas Buckingham, Michigan Liberation; miliberation.org
Community organization
1st Bees in the D
Detroit; beesinthed.com
2ndFriendship Circle
West Bloomfield; friendshipcircle.org
3rdLiving and Learning Enrichment Center
Northville; livingandlearningcenter.org
Other finalists:
Congregation of Every 1, Detroit; coe1.org
Eastside Mutual Aid, Detroit; facebook.com/eastsidemutualaid
NGS Cares, Detroit; facebook.com/groups
Services to Enhance Potential, various locations; stepcentral.org
Local politician
1st Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan
2ndU.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Michigan’s 13th congressional district
3rdU.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, Michigan’s 12th congressional district
Other finalists:
Brett Nicholson, Pontiac Councilman
David Coulter, Oakland County Executive
U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens, Michigan’s 11th congressional district
Mark Hackel, Macomb County Executive
Meteorologist (local)
1st Dave Rexroth, WXYZ Detroit
2ndAndrew Humphrey, WDIV Local 4
3rdPaul Gross, WDIV Local 4
Other finalists:
Alan Longstreet, Fox 2 Detroit; fox2detroit.com
Derek Kevra, Fox 2 Detroit; fox2detroit.com
Newspaper (local)
1st Detroit Free Press
2ndThe Detroit News
3rdMacomb Daily
Other finalists:
Grosse Pointe News, grossepointenews.com
The Jewish News, thejewishnews.com
Michigan Chronicle, michiganchronicle.com
The Spinal Column, spinalcolumnonline.com
Opinion columnist
1st Mitch Albom, Detroit Free Press
2ndTerry Foster, The Detroit News
3rdNolan Finley, The Detroit News
Other finalists:
Brian Dickerson, Detroit Free Press; freep.com
Ingrid Jacques, USA Today, formerly at The Detroit News; usatoday.com
Leonard Pitts, Detroit Free Press; freep.com
Organization for people with disabilities
1st Friendship Circle
West Bloomfield; friendshipcircle.org
2ndJudson Center
various locations; judsoncenter.org
3rdLiving and Learning Enrichment Center
Northville; livingandlearningcenter.org
Other finalists:
Dutton Farm, Rochester; duttonfarm.org
JVS+Kadima (previously JVS Human Services), Southfield; jvshumanservices.org
Services to Enhance Potential, various locations; stepcentral.org
Work Skills Corp., Brighton; wskills.com
1st Dan Gilbert, the Gilbert Family Foundation
2ndDenise Ilitch, Ilitch Companies
3rdMat Ishbia, United Wholesale Mortgage
Other finalists:
Karen Davidson, William Davidson Foundation; williamdavidson.org
John and Marlene Boll, John A. & Marlene L. Boll Foundation; bollfoundation.org
Lois Shaevsky, The Shaevsky Family Foundation; nonprofitlight.com
Nicole Eisenberg, Nicole and Stephen Eisenberg Family Foundation; intellispect.co
Radio DJ
1st Trudi Daniels, 106.7 WLLZ
2ndRob Stone, 99.5 WYCD
3rdHolly Hutton, 99.5 WYCD
Other finalists:
DJ BJ, Hot 107.5; hothiphopdetroit.com
DJ Ramz in the Mix, facebook.com/djramzinthemix
Devin Scillian has been a trusted newsman for our family for years. His compassion, kindness, and honest reporting are obvious and ever so appreciated. He demonstrates humility and humor while demonstrating hope and ethical behavior!”
—Sheila Henderson, South Lyon
Radio host
1st Mojo, Channel 955
2ndJay Towers, 100.3 WNIC
3rdMike Valenti, 97.1 The Ticket
Other finalists:
Dave Hunter, 101 WRIF; wrif.com
Holly Hutton, 99.5 WYCD; audacy.com
Radio news reporter (local)
1st Charlie Langton, WWJ News Radio 950
2ndTony Ortiz, WWJ News Radio 950
3rdCynthia Canty, Michigan Radio
Other finalists:
Brooke Allen, WKAR Public Media; wkar.org
Roberta Jasina, WWJ Newsradio 950; audacy.com
Stephen Henderson, WDET 101.9 FM; wdet.org
Social media influencer
1st Darren McCarty
2ndSeoung Lee
3rdSarah Hermiz
Other finalists:
Farrah Davidson, @londonhadalittlelamb
Jaclyn Misch, @jaclynmisch
Jessica Haze, @jessicahazemua
Pam Ferrara, @pams_random_reviews
Sports reporter (local)
1st Brad Galli, WXYZ Detroit
2ndJennifer Hammond, Fox 2 Detroit
3rdMitch Albom, Detroit Free Press
Other finalists:
Justin Rose, WXYZ Channel 7; wxyz.com
Terry Foster, 97.1 The Ticket; audacy.com
Sportscaster (local)
1st Bernie Smilovitz, WDIV Local 4
2ndDan Miller, Fox 2 Detroit
3rdMike Valenti, 97.1 The Ticket
Other finalists:
Neal Ruhl, Oakland Golden Grizzlies; goldengrizzlies.com
Steven MacDonald, Detroit Titans; detroittitans.com
1st James Pecar, Chippewa Valley High School
Clinton Township; chippewavalleyschools.org
2ndDarrin Winkler, Pierce Elementary School
Birmingham; birmingham.k12.mi.us
3rdZach Rondot, Costello Elementary School
Troy; costello.troy.k12.mi.us
Other finalists:
Brian Peterson-Roest, Musson Elementary School, Rochester; musson.rochester.k12.mi.us
Corinne Lyons, Sampson Webber Leadership Academy, Detroit; detroitk12.org
Kevin Ozar, North Farmington High School, Farmington Hills; farmington.k12.mi.us
Robert Hart, Ernest W. Seaholm High School, Birmingham; birmingham.k12.mi.us
Tour company
1st The Detroit Bus Co.
Detroit; thedetroitbus.com
2ndDetroit History Tours
Detroit; detroithistorytours.com
3rdCity Tour Detroit
Detroit; citytourdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Detroit Experience Factory, Detroit; detroitexperiencefactory.org
Detroit History Club, Detroit; detroithistoryclub.com
RiDetroit, Detroit; ridetroit.com
Traffic reporter
1st Kim DeGiulio, WDIV Local 4
2ndKellie Rowe, Fox 2 Detroit
3rdAli Hoxie, WXYZ Detroit
TV news anchor (local)
1st Devin Scillian, WDIV Local 4
2ndRhonda Walker, WDIV Local 4
3rdRoop Raj, Fox 2 Detroit
Other finalists:
Ameera David, WXYZ Detroit; wxyz.com
Karen Drew, WDIV Local 4; clickondetroit.com
TV news reporter (local)
1st Karen Drew, WDIV Local 4
2ndMaurielle Lue, Fox 2 Detroit
3rdKim DeGiulio, WDIV Local 4
Other finalists:
Ameera David, WXYZ Detroit; wxyz.com
Kellie Rowe, Fox 2 Detroit; fox2detroit.com
Veronica Meadows, Fox 2 Detroit; fox2detroit.com

Antique shop
1st Vintage Eastern Market
Detroit; vintageem.com
2ndOdd Fellows Antiques
Berkley; oddfellowsantiques.com
3rdTime Warp
St. Clair Shores; timewarp-vintage.com
Other finalists:
Judy Frankel Antiques, Troy; judyfrankelantiques.com
Retro Image, Dearborn; facebook.com/retroimageantiques
Appliance shop
1st ABC Warehouse
various locations; abcwarehouse.com
2ndSargent Appliance
various locations; sargentappliance.com
3rdWitbeck Home Appliance Mart
West Bloomfield; witbeckappliance.com
Other finalists:
Bill & Rods, Livonia; billandrodsappliance.com
Specialties Showroom, Berkley; michigan.kitchen
Auto dealership (group)
1st The Suburban Collection
various locations; suburbancollection.com
2ndLaFontaine Automotive Group
various locations; familydeal.com
3rd Szott Auto Group
various locations; szottauto.com
Other finalists:
Matick Automotive Group, Redford; matickchevy.com
Tamaroff Auto Group, Roseville, Southfield; tamaroff.com
Auto dealership (individual)
1st Bill Brown Ford
Livonia; billbrownford.net
2ndSerra Whelan Chevrolet
Sterling Heights; serrawhelan.com
3rdDorian Ford
Clinton Township; dorianford.com
Other finalists:
Bowman Chevrolet, Clarkston; bowmanchevy.com
George Matick Chevrolet, Redford; matickchevy.com
Beer selection (store)
1st Holiday Market
Royal Oak; holiday-market.com
2ndVince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
3rdRed Wagon Shoppe
various locations; redwagonshoppe.com
Other finalists:
8 Degrees Plato, Detroit; 8degreesplato.com
Collect, Detroit; collect-beerbar.com
Off the Wagon, Clawson; facebook.com/offthewagonmarket
The Wine Garden, St. Clair Shores, Sterling Heights; thewinegardenscs.com

Bike shop
1st Detroit Bikes
Detroit; detroitbikes.com
2ndDowntown Bike Shop
Detroit, Ferndale; downtown-bikeshop.com
3rdKLM Bike & Fitness
Birmingham, Rochester Hills; klmfitness.com
Other finalists:
Al Petri and Sons, Woodhaven; petribikes.com
American Cycle and Fitness, various locations; americancycleandfitness.com
Bikes, Blades & Boards, Grosse Pointe Park; bikesbladesandboards.com
1st John K. King Used and Rare Books
Detroit, Ferndale; johnkingbooksdetroit.com
2ndBook Beat
Oak Park; thebookbeat.com
3rdLiterati Bookstore
Ann Arbor; literatibookstore.com
Other finalists:
Coreander’s Children’s Bookshoppe, Grosse Pointe Park; coreanderschildrensbookshoppe.com
Pages Bookshop, Detroit; pagesbkshop.com
Source Booksellers, Detroit; sourcebooksellers.com
Bridal salon
1st The Wedding Shoppe
Berkley; theweddingshoppe.net
2ndRoma Sposa
Birmingham; romasposa.com
3rdGina’s Bridal Boutique
Milford; ginasbridal.com
Other finalists:
Ashley & Alexandria’s Bridal Boutique, Southfield; ashleyandalexandriasbridal.com
Katerina Bocci Bridal, Shelby Township; katerinaboccibridal.com
Butcher shop/deli
1st Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
2ndStage Deli
West Bloomfield; stagedeli.com
Detroit; marrowdetroit.com
Other finalists:
Farm Field Table, Ferndale, Grosse Pointe Park; farmfieldtable.com
The Village Butcher, Milford; villagebutchershoppe.com
I love For the Love of Sugar! The vegan and gluten-free options provide us an opportunity to provide high-end treats for all of those in our family!
—Victoria Burton, Warren
Cake shop
1st For the Love of Sugar
Detroit; fortheloveofsugar.com
2ndLove & Buttercream
Birmingham; loveandbuttercream.com
3rdVince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
Other finalists:
Elite Sweets, Livonia; getelitesweets.com
Holiday Market, Royal Oak; holiday-market.com
Sweet Heather Anne, Ann Arbor; sweetheatheranne.com
Candy store
1st Sanders
various locations; sanderscandy.com
2ndBon Bon Bon
various locations; bonbonbon.com
3rdDoc Sweets’ Candy Co.
Clawson; docsweets.com
Other finalists:
American Bulk Food, West Bloomfield; americanbulkfood.net
Mrs. Mason’s Co., Royal Oak; mrsmasons.com
Spun Sugar Detroit, South Lyon; spunsugardetroit.com
The Bulk Store, Taylor; shopthebulkstore.com
Cannabis dispensary (recreational)
1st Liv Cannabis
Ferndale, livcannabis.com
2ndHouse of Dank
various locations, shophod.com
3rdNew Standard
Ann Arbor, Hazel Park; anewstandard.com
Other finalists:
Puff Cannabis Co., various locations; puffcannaco.com
Quality Roots, various locations; getqualityroots.com
1st Sanders
various locations; sanderscandy.com
2ndBon Bon Bon
various locations; bonbonbon.com
3rdBirmingham Chocolate
Ferndale; birminghamchocolate.com
Other finalists:
Alpine Chocolat Haus, Plymouth; alpine-chocolat-haus.com
Mrs. Mason’s Co., Royal Oak; mrsmasons.com
Zoet, Rochester; zoet-belgian.com
Cider mill
1st Blake’s Orchard & Cider Mill
Armada; blakefarms.com
2ndYates Cider Mill
Lake Orion, Rochester Hills; yatescidermill.com
3rdFranklin Cider Mill
Bloomfield Hills; franklincidermill.com
Other finalists:
Parmenter’s Northville Cider Mill, Northville; northvillecider.com
Spicer Orchards, Fenton; spicerorchards.com
Cigar shop
Churchill’s Cigar Bar
various locations; churchillscigarbar.com
2ndWild Bill’s Tobacco
various locations; wildbillstobacco.com
3rdThe Godfather Cigar Martini Bar
Rochester Hills; facebook.com/tgfcigarmartini
Other finalists:
Ambassador Cigars & Spirits, Troy; ambassadorcigar.com
Hill & Hill, Grosse Pointe; facebook.com
Robusto’s, Sterling Heights; robustoscigarbar.com
Clothing and accessory resale
1st Regeneration
Pleasant Ridge; regenerationclothing.org
2ndDéjà Vu Upscale Designer Resale
Franklin; dejavuresale.com
3rdEldorado General Store
Detroit; eldoradogeneralstore.com
Other finalists:
Leah’s Closet, Royal Oak; leahsclosetroyaloak.com
STEP Thrift Store, various locations; stepcentral.org
Coffee brand
1st The Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Co.
various locations; greatlakescoffee.com
2ndMadcap Coffee
Detroit; madcapcoffee.com
3rdZingerman’s Coffee Co.
Ann Arbor; zingermanscoffee.com
Other finalists:
James Oliver, various locations; jamesolivercoffee.com
Sabbath Coffees Roasters, Clawson; sabbathcoffeeroasters.com
Roos Roast, Ann Arbor; roosroast.com
Vault of Midnight is everything a modern comic shop should be: bright, high energy, and such an amazingly diverse stock.
—David Stein, Bloomfield Hills
Comic book shop
1st Vault of Midnight
Ann Arbor, Detroit; vaultofmidnight.com
2ndComic City
various locations; comiccity.com
3rdTime Travelers
Berkley; timetravelersonline.com
Other finalists:
Comics & More, Madison Heights; facebook.com/comics-more
Green Brain Comics, Dearborn; stores.comichub.com
Farmers market
1st Eastern Market
Detroit; easternmarket.org
2ndRoyal Oak Farmers Market
Royal Oak; romi.gov
3rdOakland County Farmers Market
Waterford; oakgov.com
Other finalists:
Birmingham Farmers Market, Birmingham; allinbirmingham.com
Farmington Farmers and Artisans Market, Farmington, farmingtonfarmersmarket.com
Fish market
1st Noble Fish
Clawson; noblefish.com
2ndVince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
3rdPeople’s Fish Market
Pontiac; peoplesfishmarket.com
Other finalists:
Andrea’s, Clinton Township, Roseville; andreasfishmarkets.com
Monahan’s, Ann Arbor; monahansseafood.com
Flower shop
1st Viviano Flower Shop
various locations; viviano.com
2ndFleur Detroit
Bloomfield Hills; fleurdetroit.com
3rdThrifty Florist
various locations; thriftyflorist.net
Other finalists:
Blossoms, Birmingham; blossomsbirmingham.com
Blumz, various locations; blumz.com
Furniture & home goods resale
1st Vintage Eastern Market
Detroit; vintageem.com
2ndDetroit Urban Artifacts
Detroit; detroiturbanartifacts.com
3rdOdd Fellows Antiques
Berkley; oddfellowsantiques.com
Other finalists:
Digs Consignment Studio, Clarkston; digsconsignment.com
Le Shoppe Too, Keego Harbor; leshoppetoo.com
Our Blessings, Milford; ourblessingsconsignmentinc.com
STEP Thrift Stores, various locations; stepcentral.org
Furniture store
1st Leon & Lulu
Clawson; leonandlulu.com
2ndGardner White
various locations; gardner-white.com
various locations; gormans.com
Other finalists:
Bright Ideas, Royal Oak, Southfield; brightideasfurniture.com
Just by Happenstance, Clinton Township; justbyhappenstance.com
Gift shop
1st Leon & Lulu
Clawson; leonandlulu.com
2ndCity Bird
Detroit; citybirddetroit.com
3rdRail & Anchor
Royal Oak; railandanchor.com
Other finalists:
Bundled, Commerce Township; bundledmi.com
Just by Happenstance, Clinton Township; justbyhappenstance.com
Gluten-free products
1st Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
2ndCacao Tree Café
Royal Oak; cacaotreecafe.com
3rdRumi’s Passion
Plymouth; rumispassion.com
Other finalists:
Gluten Free Specialties, Rochester Hills; baking-glutenfree.com
Planthropie, Birmingham; planthropie.com
Gourmet foods
1st Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
2ndWestborn Market
various locations; westbornmarket.com
3rdPlum Market
various locations; plummarket.com
Other finalists:
Monger’s Provisions, Berkley, Detroit; mongersprovisions.com
Papa Joe’s, various locations; papajoesmarket.com
High-end clothing store
1st Tender
Birmingham; tenderbirmingham.com
2ndCoup D’état
Detroit; shopcoupdetat.com
3rdAlexander’s Custom Clothiers
Northville; alexcustom.com
Other finalists:
Capricious, Grosse Pointe Farms; capriciousgp.com
Carl Sterr, Birmingham; carlsterrbydesign.com
Hersh’s, West Bloomfield; hershsboutique.com
Essence Clothing, West Bloomfield; essenceclothing.com

Home decor shop
1st Leon & Lulu
Clawson; leonandlulu.com
Detroit; urbanumdetroit.com
3rdJust by Happenstance
Clinton Township; justbyhappenstance.com
Other finalists:
Cristions, Birmingham; cristions.com
Toni’s Collection, Detroit; toniscollection.com
Jewelry store
1st Tapper’s
various locations; tappers.com
2ndLucido Fine Jewelry
various locations; lucidojewelry.com
3rdMiner’s Den Jewelers
Royal Oak; minersden.com
Other finalists:
American Jewelry & Loan, various locations; pawndetroit.com
Elaine B. Jewelry, Ferndale; elainebjewelry.com
Jewelry Set in Stone, Chelsea; jewelrysetinstone.com
Kids’ clothing store
1st Lil’ Rascals
Birmingham; lilrascalsbham.com
2ndApple Blossom Baby and Decor
Grosse Pointe; appleblossombabyanddecor.com
3rdLittle High Flyers
Detroit; littlehighflyers.com
Other finalists:
Egg, Birmingham; eggnewyork.com
Perfect Trading, Bloomfield Township; perfecttradingco.com
Leather goods
1st Shinola
various locations; shinola.com
2ndNoir Leather
Royal Oak; facebook.com/noirleather
3rdLeon & Lulu
Clawson; leonandlulu.com
Other finalists:
A.M. Leather, Romulus; amleatherinc.com
Farmington Hills Leather, Farmington Hills; farmingtonhillsleather.com
Scott Colburn, Livonia; scottcolburnwestern.com
Lighting shop
1st Ray Lighting Centers
Novi, Sterling Heights; raylightingcenters.com
2ndHerald Wholesale
Troy; heraldwholesale.com
3rdRoyce Lighting
Redford; facebook.com/roycelighting
Other finalists:
Bondy’s Lighting & Fans, Southgate; bondyslighting.com
Michael’s Lamp Shop, Lathrup Village; michaelslampshop.com
Your Nesting Place, Milford; yournestingplace.com
Lingerie store
1st Harp’s Lingerie
Birmingham; harps-lingerie.com
2ndNoir Leather
Royal Oak; facebook.com/noirleather
3rdBusted Bra Shop
various locations; bustedbrashop.com
Other finalists:
Bra-vo Intimates, Royal Oak; bravointimates.com
Hush Intimate Apparel, Brighton; hushintimateapparel.com
Sunny J’s Pro Bra & Swimwear, Howell, Plymouth; sunnyjsbras.com
Supernatural Lingerie, Birmingham; supernaturallingerie.com
Men’s clothing store
1st Claymore Shop
Birmingham; claymoreshop.com
Hazel Park; youngbloodsshop.com
3rdThe Suit Depot
Oak Park; thesuitdepot.com
Other finalists:
Carl Sterr, Birmingham; carlsterrbydesign.com
J.Barbaro Clothiers, Auburn Hills, Clinton Township; jasonbarbaro.com
Mature Lifestyle Clothier, Detroit, Novi; maturelook.com
UnTied On Woodward, Birmingham; facebook.com/untiedonwoodward
1st English Gardens
various locations; englishgardens.com
various locations; bordines.com
3rdTelly’s Greenhouse
Shelby Township, Troy; tellys.com
Other finalists:
Detroit Garden Works, Sylvan Lake; detroitgardenworks.com
Farmer John’s, Farmington Hills; farmerjohnsgreenhouse.com
Optical shop
1st See
various locations; seeeyewear.com
2ndRoland Optics
Bloomfield Hills; rolandoptics.com
3rdOptik Birmingham
Birmingham; optikbirmingham.com
Other finalists:
Prism Park, Hazel Park, Royal Oak; prismparkoptical.com
Shades, Birmingham; shadesoptical.com
Place to buy an engagement/wedding ring
1st Tapper’s
various locations; tappers.com
2ndLucido Fine Jewelry
various locations; lucidojewelry.com
3rdMiner’s Den Jewelers
Royal Oak; minersden.com
Other finalists:
Astrein’s, Birmingham; astreins.com
Elaine B. Jewelry, Ferndale; elainebjewelry.com
Jewelry Set in Stone, Chelsea; jewelrysetinstone.com
Place to buy art
1st DuMouchelles
Detroit; dumouchelles.com
2ndDavid Klein Gallery
Detroit, Birmingham; dkgallery.com
3rdProgressive Art Studio Collective
various locations; progressiveartstudiocollective.org
Other finalists:
Dancing Eye Gallery, Northville; dancingeye.com
Lisa Spindler, Detroit; spindlerproject.com
Nicole Tamer Art Gallery, Detroit; nicoletamerart.com
Record store
1st Dearborn Music
Dearborn, Farmington; dearbornmusic.net
2ndThird Man Records
Detroit; thirdmanstore.com
3rdFound Sound
Ferndale; facebook.com/foundsoundvinyl
Other finalists:
Detroit Record Club, Royal Oak; thedetroitrecordclub.com
Rock of Ages, Garden City; rockofagesgardencitymi.com
Solo Records, Royal Oak; solorecords.weebly.com
UHF, Royal Oak; uhfrecords.com
Shopping mall
1st Somerset Collection
Troy; thesomersetcollection.com
2ndTwelve Oaks Mall
Novi; shoptwelveoaks.com
3rdThe Mall at Partridge Creek
Clinton Township; shoppartridgecreek.com
Other finalists:
Great Lakes Crossing, Auburn Hills; greatlakescrossingoutlets.com
The Village Shops of Rochester Hills, Rochester Hills; thevorh.com
Skin care shop
1st Margot European Spa
Birmingham; margots.com
2ndSkin Bar VII
Detroit; skinbar7.com
3rdFace Skincare Medical Wellness
Bingham Farms; facebeautyscience.com
Other finalists:
Breathe Bodywork and Beautification, Ferndale; breathebodyworkandbeautification.com
Skinphorea Facial Bar & Acne Clinic, Detroit, Royal Oak; skinphorea.com
Rouge Makeup & Nail Studio, Ferndale; rougeorganicbeauty.com
Ullman’s, Berkley; shopullmans.com
Toy store
1st Toyology
various locations; toyologytoys.com
2ndWhistle Stop Hobby & Toy
St. Clair Shores; whistle-stop.com
3rdFunky Monkey Toys
Oxford; funkymonkeytoysonline.com
Other finalists:
Genuine Toy Co., Plymouth; genuinetoyco.com
Modern Natural Baby, Ferndale; modernnaturalbaby.com
Nerd Out, Oak Park; nerdouttoys.com
Vintage/consignment clothes
1st Lost and Found Vintage
Royal Oak; lostandfoundvintage.com
Pleasant Ridge; regenerationclothing.org
3rdDéjà Vu Upscale Designer Resale
Franklin; dejavuresale.com
Other finalists:
Leah’s Closet, Royal Oak; leahsclosetroyaloak.com
Rat Queen Vintage, Hamtramck; facebook.com/ratqueenvintage
STEP Thrift Stores, various locations; stepcentral.org
Regeneration makes up 75 percent of my wardrobe. I love that I can go in there for everything from fitness to casual to finer wear.
—Megan Fuller, Ferndale
Wine store
1st Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
2ndMotor City Wine
Detroit; motorcitywine.com
3rdKakos Fine Wine, Beer & Spirits
Birmingham; kakosmarket.business.site
Other finalists:
Old Woodward Cellar, Birmingham; oldwoodwardcellar.com
The Royce, Detroit; theroycedetroit.com
Women’s boutique
1st Ferne Boutique
Ann Arbor, Detroit; ferneboutique.com
2ndJust Girls Boutique
Bloomfield Hills; justgirlsboutique.com
Birmingham; tenderbirmingham.com
Other finalists:
Taj Cottage, Farmington Hills; tajcottage.com

After-school program (nonschool)
1stBoys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan
various locations; bgcsm.org
2ndGoldfish Swim School
various locations; goldfishswimschool.com
3rd Living and Learning Enrichment Center
Northville; livingandlearningcenter.org
Other finalists:
Center for Success, Detroit, Pontiac; center4success.org
Hazel Park Memorial District Library, Hazel Park; hazel-park.lib.mi.us
Auto detailing/car wash
1stJax Kar Wash & Auto Detailing
various locations; jaxkarwash.com
2ndMr. C’s Car Wash
various locations; mrcscarwash.com
3rd Motor City Auto Spa
Royal Oak; motorcityautospa.com
Royal Oak; motorcityautospa.com
Other finalists:
Classic Appreciation, Rochester; classicappreciation.com
Matick Auto Wash, Redford Charter Township; matickautowash.com
Auto repair
1stLaFontaine Automotive Group
various locations; familydeal.com
2ndFerndale Collision & Auto Repair
Ferndale; ferndalecollision.com
3rd Kenny’s Lakes Area Auto Repair
Walled Lake; lakesareaauto.com
Other finalists:
Bowman Chevrolet, Clarkston; bowmanchevy.com
Quality Lubrication Oil Change and Auto Center, Auburn Hills; qualitylubrication.com
Cannabis delivery
1stLiv Cannabis
Ferndale; livcannabis.com
2ndHouse of Dank
various locations; shophod.com
3rd Puff Cannabis Co.
various locations; puffcannaco.com
Other finalists:
New Standard, various locations; anewstandard.com
Skymint, various locations; skymint.com
1stVince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
2ndThyme & Honey
St. Clair Shores; thymeandhoneyfood.com
3rd Chive Kitchen
Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Other finalists:
Forte Belanger, Troy; fortebelanger.com
Skosh Catering, Walled Lake; skoshcatering.com
Financial planner
1stMainstay Financial Management
Shelby Township; mainstay-financial.com
2ndOliver Financial Planning
Ann Arbor; oliverplanning.com
3rdJeffrey Fratarcangeli
Bloomfield Hills; fratarcangeliwealth.com
Other finalists:
Alexander Strek, Clarkston; clarkstoncapital.com
Foguth Financial Group, Brighton; foguthfinancial.com
Shinola [Hotel] is the most stunning venue in all of Detroit. … You feel like you were transported to Paris in the middle of Detroit.
—Melissa Potash, Birmingham
1stShinola Hotel
Detroit; shinolahotel.com
2ndThe Townsend
Birmingham; townsendhotel.com
3rd Daxton Hotel
Birmingham; daxtonhotel.com
Other finalists:
The Henry, Autograph Collection, Dearborn; behenry.com
Hotel at The Detroit Club, Detroit; thedetroitclub.com/hotel
Interior designer
1stMegan Rose Interiors
Northville; themeganrose.com
2ndJeffrey King Interiors
Birmingham; jeffreykinginteriors.com
3rd Michelle Mio
Bloomfield Hills; rsminteriors.com
Other finalists:
Jane Spencer Design, Birmingham; janespencerdesigns.com
Linda Powers Interiors, Bloomfield Hills; lindapowersinteriors.com
Kitchen design service
1stKSI Kitchen & Bath
various locations; ksikitchens.com
2ndLaFata Cabinets
Shelby Township, West Bloomfield; lafata.com
3rd Maison Birmingham
Birmingham; maisonbirmingham.com
Other finalists:
Architectural Kitchens, Troy; facebook.com/architecturalkitchensllc/
Cole Wagner Cabinetry, Rochester Hills; cwcabinetry.com
DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen, various locations; dreammaker-remodel.com
Stonebridge Kitchen & Bath, Wixom; stonebridgekitchen.com
Michigan resort
1stGrand Hotel
Mackinac Island; grandhotel.com
2ndGrand Traverse Resort & Spa
Acme, grandtraverseresort.com
3rd Inn at Bay Harbor
Bay Harbor; innatbayharbor.com
Other finalists:
Crystal Mountain, Thompsonville; crystalmountain.com
Hotel Walloon, Walloon Lake; hotelwalloon.com
Pet groomer
1stCanine to Five
various locations; caninetofive.com
2ndScrubbers Dog Wash
various locations; scrubbersdogwash.com
3rd Bingo Pet Salon
Royal Oak; bingopetsalon.com
Other finalists:
All Paw Spa, Ferndale; allpawspa.com
Somerset Grooming, various locations; somersetgrooming.com
1stMelissa Douglas
2ndJenna Joann Photography
3rd Abby B. Photography
Other finalists:
Brenda Leanne Photography; brendaleanne.com
Stephanie Rosette, therosettephotography.com
1stNicole McAvoy of Dobi Real Estate
Birmingham; nicolemcavoy.com
2ndAndrew Colburn of Colburn McDonald & Associates
Rochester; findgreaterrochesterhomes.com
3rd Cheryl Waring of Re/Max
Clarkston; remax.com
Other finalists:
Dan Gutfreund, Birmingham; isellmichigan.com
Ryan McAulay, Troy; facebook.com/ryanmcaulayrealtor
Special-occasion venue
1stShinola Hotel
Detroit; shinolahotel.com
2ndThe Whiskey Factory
Detroit; whiskeyfactorydetroit.com
3rd Daxton Hotel
Birmingham; daxtonhotel.com
Other finalists:
Bea’s Detroit, Detroit; beasdetroit.com
Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Summer day camp
Bloomfield Hills; cranbrook.edu
2ndThe Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation
Dearborn; thehenryford.org
3rd Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan
various locations; bgcsm.org
Other finalists:
The Community House, Birmingham; communityhouse.com
Jewish Community Center, various locations; jccdet.org
Roeper Summer Programs, Bloomfield Hills; roepersummercamp.org
Tollgate Farm and Education Center, Novi; canr.msu.edu
Venue for a kids’ party
1stZap Zone
various locations; zap-zone.com
Commerce Charter Township; defy.com
3rd Franklin Athletic Club
Southfield; franklinclub.com
Other finalists:
Kidcadia Play Café, Dearborn; kidcadia.com
S.W.A.G. Kids Gym, West Bloomfield Township; swagkidsgym.com
Sweet Dreams [Bakery] puts their heart and soul into every single thing they create. They are amazing.
—Kathleen Cross, Madison Heights
Wedding cakes
1stSweet Dreams Bakery
Orchard Lake, Warren; sweetdreamsweb.com
2ndVince & Joe’s Gourmet Market
Clinton Township, Shelby Township; vinceandjoes.com
3rd Mannino’s Bakery
Sterling Heights; facebook.com/manninos-nakery
Other finalists:
Cakes by Stephanie, Monroe; cakesbystephaniemi.com
Sweet Heather Anne, Ann Arbor; sweetheatheranne.com
Wedding photographer
1stErin Schmidt Photography
2ndSam Sarkis Photography
3rdJuniper Woods Photography LLC
Other finalists:
Brenda Leanne Photography; brendaleanne.com
Chettara T. Photography; chettaratphotography.com
Wedding planner
1stHazel & Gray Events
Plymouth; hazelandgrayevents.com
2ndEmerald City Designs
Farmington Hills; emeraldcitydesigns.com
3rd A June Event
West Bloomfield; ajuneevent.com
Other finalists:
Chive Kitchen, Farmington; chivekitchen.com
Events by Raj S.; instagram.com/eventsbyrajs
Ines & Marie Events, Southfield; inesandmarie.com
Wedding venue
1stShinola Hotel
2ndZingerman’s Cornman Farms
Dexter; zingermanscornmanfarms.com
3rd The Whiskey Factory
Detroit; whiskeyfactorydetroit.com
Other finalists:
Bea’s Detroit, Detroit; beasdetroit.com
The Collins Off Main, Chelsea; thecollins.co

Detroit Lions player
1st Amon-Ra St. Brown
2ndD’Andre Swift
3rdT.J. Hockenson
Other finalists:
Jamaal Williams
Jared Goff
Detroit Pistons player
1st Cade Cunningham
2ndHamidou Diallo
3rdIsaiah Stewart
Other finalists:
Jerami Grant
Saddiq Bey
Detroit Red Wings player
1st Dylan Larkin
2ndTyler Bertuzzi
3rdMoritz Seider
Other finalists:
Lucas Raymond
Robbie Fabbri
Detroit Tigers player
1st Miguel Cabrera
2ndAkil Baddoo
3rdEric Haase
Other finalists:
Jeimer Candelario
Robbie Grossman
Michigan college football team
1st University of Michigan
2ndMichigan State University
3rdCentral Michigan University
Other finalists:
Wayne State University
Western Michigan University
When I was born, my dad worked at Olympia, and I grew up loving the Red Wings. Now, with Yzerman back, I have no doubt that in a few years we will be back to the top again.”
—Rosa Saunders, Waterford
Private golf course
1st Oakland Hills Country Club
Bloomfield Township; oaklandhillscc.com
2ndDetroit Golf Club
Detroit; detroitgolfclub.org
3rdRed Run Golf Club
Royal Oak; redrungolfclub.com
Other finalists:
Franklin Hills, Franklin; franklinhills.com
Wabeek Country Club, Bloomfield Township; wabeekcc.com
Professional sports team
1st Detroit Red Wings
2ndDetroit Tigers
3rdDetroit Lions
Other finalists:
Detroit City Football Club
Detroit Pistons
Public golf course
1st Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center
Plymouth; foxhills.com
2ndShepherd’s Hollow Golf Club
Clarkston; shepherdshollow.com
3rdThe Orchards Golf Club
Washington; orchards.com
Other finalists:
Fern Hills, Clinton Township; fernhillsclub.com
Sylvan Glen, Troy; golftroy.com
This story is from the June 2022 issue of Hour Detroit.