Cutler, Doug, N.D.
Doctor Category: Naturopathic Medicine
A national expert in naturopathic medicine, Dr. Doug Cutler empowers patients to achieve better health through a holistic approach using naturopathic medicine to create breakthroughs in his patients by getting to the root cause of a problem instead of just addressing the symptoms. His philosophy and expertise as a licensed naturopathic physician is in discovering the underlying causes of illness while also treating the symptoms — often the result of a combination of factors such as nutritional or biochemical dysfunctions, lifestyle, genetics, environmental toxicants, and the mind, emotions, and beliefs.
The founder of the Integrative Health Model™ and Cutler Integrative Medicine, Dr. Cutler believes mental health disorders can be sourced biologically, physiologically, and socially, and that conventional treatment will “disguise” the disorder with a combination of medications that will mask symptoms with a false perception of treatment.
“The brain’s tolerance to the medication will increase with use, triggering symptoms to recur,” Dr. Cutler explains. “These medications are highly addictive and abused because the cause wasn’t identified.”
Always on the forefront of holistic innovation, Dr. Cutler pioneered ClubIV™ at Cutler Integrative Medicine, making it one of the most extensive IV nutrient clinics in the country and one of the only FDA/USP-compliant IV nutrient therapy clinics around. The state-of-the-art clinic features nutrient formulas that are customized to increase energy, enhance mood, improve sleep, optimize immune function, recover cellular homeostasis, decrease stress, and support weight loss. D
r. Cutler received his doctorate of naturopathic medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, and earned his B.S. at Brigham Young University. He’s a member of the Naturopathic Academy of Environmental Medicine and is one of the only doctors in Michigan to receive advanced training in environmental medicine and genetic polymorphisms.
His specialties include naturopathic medicine and integrative medicine, with an expertise in chemical and toxic metal syndromes, autoimmune issues, cardio toxicology, endocrine issues, psychoneuroimmunology, food allergies and sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues, pre-conception care, pediatrics, hormonal imbalances, anti-aging, weight issues, chronic fatigue syndrome, and disease prevention and health education.