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After a hectic holiday season, cold winter weather sets in and life slows down. We wear extra layers, reach for comfort food, sleep a little longer, and spend more time indoors. But don’t let yourself get too cozy!
If you fell short of last year’s New Year’s resolutions, now is the time to reset your goals with an eye toward spring. Get back on track with a healthy diet and an exercise plan. Start with small steps: reduce your sugar intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, choose a fitness activity you enjoy, and find a workout buddy for motivation and accountability.
The winter months also are a perfect time to refresh your appearance. Do you want to beautify your smile, lose that stubborn belly fat, take 10 years off your face, or bring your hair back to life? Metro-area medical professionals offer innovative solutions for improving your looks and your well-being.
With warmer weather and a spring vacation just months away, it’s time to get going so you can emerge from winter hibernation as a healthier and more attractive new you.
Q: I’m not happy with my smile. Can cosmetic dentistry treatments help me?
A: If you could fall asleep wrapped in a warm blanket on a Tempur-Pedic cushion and wake up to a younger, healthier, more beautiful smile, would you do it? That’s how easy it can be to transform your smile at the award-winning Cosmetic Dentistry Institute.
“No matter what your dental needs are, we can create your new perfect smile,” says Dr. Marcy Goldin, an adjunct clinical lecturer at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. “We provide an array of the latest techniques, including porcelain veneers, Invisalign invisible braces, Fastbraces, in-office teeth whitening, and dental implants. Your visit will be comfortable and painless, as well as efficient and high-tech.”
Dental implants are the ideal solution for replacing one or more missing teeth.
“Beautiful, natural-looking, state-of-the- art implants look and feel like your own teeth. They allow you to smile, chew, and speak more comfortably, for a better quality of life,” says Dr. Craig Goldin, a diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and the only dentist in eastern Michigan who has achieved Fellowship in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Dr. Goldin also has advanced training and certification in IV sedation — a wonderful option for people who are busy or anxious. “You can be completely relaxed and have a series of complex dental problems taken care of in just one visit,” he explains.
“Our beautiful office is nearly 6,000 feet of the most advanced dental technology with soothing, ‘low-tech’ spa-like amenities,” Dr. David Whalen adds. “We offer nothing less than excellence in dentistry, and the highest commitment to patient care and comfort.”
Q: Can cosmetic periodontal surgery improve my smile?
A: As some people age, their gums recede — making their teeth look much longer and their smile appear older. Periodontist Dr. Joseph Nemeth uses the minimally invasive Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Technique to lengthen the gums, typically with no incisions, no stitches, and virtually no pain.
“We make a small pinhole in the gum above the teeth to be treated. Using special instruments, we loosen up the gum tissue and bring it down over the receded areas where it should be. The Pinhole Technique improves the smile tremendously. Patients are extremely happy, and we’re seeing excellent long-term results,” says Dr. Nemeth, the first gum specialist in Michigan to be certified in this innovative technique.
Some people are embarrassed because they have a “gummy” smile. Dr. Nemeth does periodontal plastic surgery to sculpt the excess gum tissue so the teeth will look appropriate and beautiful.
“With these procedures, patients have little to no discomfort. We typically use intravenous sedation so patients are asleep or in a very relaxed state during their treatment,” says Dr. Nemeth, who has certification as a Master in the College of Sedation in Dentistry.
“We love doing cosmetic periodontal surgery,” he adds. “Our patients enjoy a healthier, more attractive smile and it changes their life.”
Q: How can I get rid of my excess belly fat?
A: When it comes to removing pockets of excess fat, no other plastic surgery procedure works as well as liposuction. Dr. Ellen Janetzke performs liposuction on the abdomen, thighs, “love handles,” buttocks, and other areas of the body for women who want a slimmer, firmer, and more feminine shape.
The procedure is done by making one or two small incisions, through which a thin tube is placed to suction out the fat. Dr. Ellen targets a patient’s problem areas to create a more attractive, contoured appearance. Women — and men — who are near their ideal, healthy body weight but are struggling with isolated deposits of fat are usually good candidates for liposuction. The good news is that, after having liposuction, the fat won’t return as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re frustrated because dieting and exercise just aren’t enough to banish the bulge around your belly, call today to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Ellen.
Q: Is there a connection between beauty, health, and happiness?
A: Aesthetic plastic surgeon Dr. Mune Gowda finds that when patients have cosmetic procedures, they feel happier and tend to become more conscious of their health.
“You can’t separate one from the other. Studies have shown that when someone improves their appearance, whether that’s surgically or by putting on makeup or a nice outfit, the brain releases neurotransmitters — ‘happy chemicals’ — that make them feel good.
“One patient came into the office and said, ‘When I look in the mirror I look sad, although I’m not sad.’ After she had some facial work done, she said, ‘Dr. Gowda, I’m so happy. I love to look at myself in the mirror now.’”
Dr. Gowda points out that patients who undergo body contouring, for example, often become more disciplined about their eating habits and exercise. “They want to protect their new body and shape,” he says. “Their attitude changes, they have more confidence, and they feel more comfortable, healthier, and happier.”
Q: Can posture alignment improve my backache?
A: “Poor posture is the primary cause of neck and back problems,” says physical therapist and Pilates instructor Ron Jegadeesh, owner of Pilates Fitness & Physical Therapy Center.
“If you sit, stand, or walk without proper posture, one muscle group works harder and becomes stronger than another muscle group. The stronger muscle gets tighter and lacks flexibility, while the weaker muscle loses strength.”
Posture alignment is an integral component of every Pilates exercise. In fact, many people achieve far better results with Pilates-based physical therapy than with traditional physical therapy.
“When you do Pilates you have a sense of power, grace, elegance of movement, and self-confidence,” Jegadeesh explains. “The first thing people notice is that their posture and alignment have changed. They feel like they’ve grown an inch taller. As the sessions progress, they notice improved flexibility and strength.”
Pilates includes mat work without equipment, and exercises using a reformer to assist and resist movement. “At each session I also teach exercises the client can do at home or at work,” Jegadeesh says. “I ask them to make a habit of keeping their body in good alignment as they go about with their daily activities. They learn to sit taller, stand taller, and walk taller.”
Q: Is it true that physical therapy can help my TMJ pain?
A: When treating TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome), the specially trained physical therapists at Team Rehab will analyze a patient’s posture, look for dysfunctions in the patient’s neck, and examine the range of motion of the jaw to detect where the TMJ stems from and to develop an individualized program of treatment.
Physical therapy treatments may include ultrasound, moist heat, ice, stretching, and exercises that help improve posture and muscle strength. Manual therapy can also be used to relax the muscles of the neck and face, in order to relieve any stiffness in the muscles of the jaw and neck. Physical therapists may also work on the muscle structures inside the mouth, to move the temporomandibular joint out of a compressed state and into a painless state of rest.
Team Rehab therapists can ease your TMJ pain.
Q: I eat healthy and exercise regularly, but I’m still tired all the time and I can’t lose weight. What’s going on?
A: After the age of 30, hormone levels gradually decline, resulting in hormone imbalance in both men and women. Hormone imbalance is directly responsibility for many negative effects on quality of life and health, including decreased energy levels, decreased sex drive, weight gain, loss of muscle mass and tone, decreased concentration and memory, difficulty sleeping, hot flashes, night sweats, depressed mood, a loss of your general sense of well-being, and much more.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is the science of correcting hormone imbalances with the goal of restoring youthful, optimal hormone levels and relieving the symptoms of hormone imbalance and deficiency. The natural hormones prescribed by Genemedics Health Institute’s medical doctor are safe and effective because they’re identical to the hormones our bodies produce.
The team at Genemedics has seen astonishing results in the lives of their patients, who are healthier, happier, and have experienced a dramatically improved quality of life. Their comprehensive natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy programs, combined with proper nutrition and exercise, will return you to the optimal physical, sexual, and emotional health you experienced in your 20s and 30s. Call today and get started on the path to a younger, healthier you!
Q: I’d like to look younger and fresher. What surgical treatments are less invasive and have a shorter recovery than a traditional face-lift?
A: If you are noticing loose skin in your neck and jawline, and jowls are beginning to form, the ideal remedy is a mini-lift, says facial plastic surgeon Dr. Myra Danish.
“In this one-hour surgery, I tighten the muscles and remove excess skin, to give you a sharp jawline and a smooth neck. The mini-lift is an extremely popular procedure, as it doesn’t require general anesthesia and patients go home the same day. Downtime is about one week, with minimal discomfort and some bruising and swelling that can easily be disguised with your hair and a scarf,” Dr. Danish says.
The one-hour Lunchtime Lift is an in-office, mid-face-lift that rejuvenates the lower eyelids, cheeks, laugh lines, and jowls. “This procedure restores the natural curves and fullness in the cheeks and face, turning back the clock more than a decade,” Dr. Danish explains. “It requires minimal recovery time and produces immediate, long-lasting results.”
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Danish to discuss the best treatment options to restore your natural, youthful beauty.
Q: What is Platelet-rich Plasma treatment?
A: Platelet-rich Plasma (PrP) is a nonsurgical, minimally invasive, drug-free therapy that uses a portion of your own blood to promote and enhance your body’s natural healing process. Internal medicine physician Dr. Remi Soile is one of the first doctors in the metro Detroit area to apply this innovative treatment to hair loss, and as therapy for joint healing.
“We draw blood from the patient and spin it twice in a specialized, FDAapproved centrifuge to separate out the platelet-rich portion of the blood. This Platelet-rich Plasma naturally contains a high concentration of more than 20 different growth factors and, once injected, it promotes healing and tissue regeneration in the areas needing repair,” Dr. Soile explains. “We’re seeing very good results.”
Patients who have areas of hair damage or loss, including those with traction alopecia — a condition caused by hairstyles that tug or pull on the hair — can benefit from PrP. To combat this problem, the Platelet-rich Plasma is injected into the damaged area of the scalp to help stimulate hair regrowth.
Dr. Soile also uses ultrasound-guided injections of PrP to repair damaged cartilage, reduce pain, and improve function in large joints including the knees, elbows, hips, and shoulders. Because a patient’s own blood is used, Dr. Soile says PrP is an especially safe therapy option with very little risk of allergic reaction or rejection.
To learn if Platelet-rich Plasma treatment is right for you, call for a consultation.
Q: How is Pain Free Life Center’s laser technology changing the face of pain management?
A: Pain Free Life Centers of Michigan is the leader in the use of medical lasers to treat people suffering from chronic pain. It’s the only laser pain center in Michigan that offers an exclusive, comprehensive high-dose laser therapy program that has shown proven results.
Pain Free Life Centers offers a no-drug, no-injection, nonsurgical alternative for pain management. Laser treatments are superior to other modalities because the laser is able to treat the pain at its source. The light penetrates through the skin to the cellular level, which stimulates the production of Adenosine Triphosphate, increasing blood flow and dramatically reducing inflammation — which, for many patients, is the cause of 90 percent of their pain.
Pain Free Life Centers has the most experienced and highly trained certified technicians in the state of Michigan. The quality of care and positive results they offer are second to none.
Experience the benefits of Pain Free Life Centers’ FDA-cleared HD laser therapy program. They’re so confident in what they do, your first consultation and treatment are absolutely free. Make Pain Free Life Centers your first choice, not your last resort.