25 Detroit Shops to Get Your Fall Fashion Fix


1. 1701 Bespoke 4160 Woodward Ave. 313-444-3680 1701bespoke.com

2. Bird Bee 1228 Griswold St. 313-315-3070 shopbirdbee.com

3. Bleu Bowtique Cass Collective, 4161 Cass Ave. 313-720-2909 bleubowtique.com

4. Boro Resale 1440 Gratiot Ave., 1A 313-888-9648 bororesale.com

5. Busted in Detroit 15 East Kirby St., Suite A 313-288-0449 bustedindetroit.com

6. Carhartt 5800 Cass Ave. 313-831-1274 carhartt.com

7. Detroit Denim 2987 Franklin St., Suite B 313-626-9216 detroitdenim.com

8. Détroit is the New Black 1426 Woodward Ave. 313-818-3498 detroitisthenewblack.com

9. Detroit Vs Everybody 400 Monroe Ave., Suite 340 313-638-2980 detroitvseverybody.com

10. Douglas and Co. 609 E. Milwaukee Ave. 586-307-6739 douglasandcodetroit.com

11. Emerson’s Haberdashery 1234 Washington Blvd. 313-444-3565 emersons.clothing

12. Frida 15 E. Kirby St. 313-559-5500 facebook.com/fridadetroit

13. John Varvatos 1500 Woodward Ave. 313-437-8095 johnvarvatos.com

14. Moosejaw 1275 Woodward Ave. 313-338-3661 moosejaw.com

15. Not Sorry Apparel Cass Collective, 4161 Cass Ave. notsorryapparel.com

16. Orleans and Winder 2501 Russell St. 313-409-6343 orleansandwinder.com

17. Peacock Room 15 E. Kirby St. 313-559-5500 facebook.com/peacockroom

18. Purple Love North End Collective, 6513 Woodward Ave. ilovepurplelove.com

19. Savvy Chic 2712 Riopelle St. 313-833-8769 savvychictrends.com

20. Smplfd 1480 Gratiot Ave. 313-285-9564 smplfd.com

21. The Traveling Pants Co. North End Collective, 6513 Woodward Ave. 313-443-2579 travelingpantsco.com

22. Thrift on the Ave 4130 Cass Ave. 313-649-7226 thriftybroads.wix.com/thriftontheave

23. United Front 6513 Woodward Ave. 313-883-9441 shopunitedfront.com 

24. Well Done Goods by Cyberoptix TieLab 1440 Gratiot Ave. 313-404-2053 welldonegoods.com

25. Yama 3011 W. Grand Blvd. 313-559-5500 facebook.com/yamadetroit