5 Tips for Summer Skincare

Local experts talk changing up your routine this season
summer skincare
Photo: IStock

Whether you’re staying indoors or enjoying a socially distanced season outside, keep your skin protected with these summer skincare tips from local dermatologists and aestheticians

Lighten Up Your Summer Skincare Products  

It’s time to replace your heavier hydrating cleansers and oil-based creams and foundations with foaming cleansers, water-based moisturizers, and lighter coverage foundations, says Dr. Jennifer Caudill of Caudill, Kado & Co. Dermatology in Clarkston. While heavier products are needed in the winter to lock in moisture, the humidity of Michigan summers prompts the need for a lighter regimen that will keep your pores unclogged.

Screen Time

Dr. Chethana Gottam of the Art of Dermatology in Berkley recommends wearing a mineral-based, SPF 30 (at least), broad-spectrum sunscreen daily. “Be sure to reapply every two hours you remain outside, or more frequently if sweating or in the water,” Gottam says. Caudill also suggests finding a sunscreen created for babies to use specifically on your hands. Infant sunscreens have moisturizing lotions in them, which Caudill says can keep hands from getting dried out by all the extra handwashing we’re doing.

Rid the Radicals

The sun’s radiation creates free radicals in our skin cells, showing up as hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and other damage, according to Brittany Farr, aesthetician and owner of Bee’s Beauty Bar + Spa in Southfield. As a defense, she advises eating antioxidant-rich foods, such as strawberries, goji berries, and kale. Try topical serums with ingredients such as Vitamins C, A, and E. Gottam recommends applying a Vitamin C serum once or twice daily.

Exfoliate Less

Chemical peels, exfoliants, and retinol can leave skin vulnerable to sun damage, pigmentation, and aging, says Jessica Hayes-Stallings, aesthetician and founder of Skinphorea Facial Bar & Acne Clinic in Royal Oak. She recommends saving exfoliants for nighttime. Dr. Caudill suggests limiting exfoliating to twice a week and saving your deep peels and laser procedures for the winter.

Throw Some Shade

Wearing a large-brim hat and oversized sunglasses will reduce sun damage, sensitivity, dark spots, fine lines, and dark circles, according to Hayes-Stallings. “It’s OK to make a fashion statement while getting your skin in order,” she says.