Special Advertising Section | Men’s Health
Do you have the winning numbers? No, not your lottery picks. Knowing your numbers — blood pressure, blood sugar, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, weight, and waist size — can help you improve your health.
Men’s Health Month is a reminder to take preventive lifestyle steps, seek early detection of any disease, and then follow through with any treatments. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases and conditions like heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.
Start taking better care of yourself by scheduling a visit with your doctor for health screenings and tests. Ask for lifestyle guidelines on weight control, eating a healthy diet, exercise, skin care, and managing stress.
Good health goes hand in hand with good looks. Surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are on the rise as more and more men want to remain competitive in the workforce, prevent aging, and look as young as they feel. From liposuction and male breast reduction to Botox and fillers, customized cosmetic procedures will make the healthier you look even younger, fresher, and more vital.
Q: I’m up for a promotion, competing with a “kid” in the office. Can a new smile help me get my edge back?
A: “Imagine walking into a room and flashing a big, bright, celebrity smile. It sends an instant message: ‘I’m happy, healthy, vital, and confident,’” says Dr. Craig Goldin, of the award-wining Cosmetic Dentistry Institute. His wife, Dr. Marcy Goldin, an adjunct clinical professor at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, agrees: “No matter what your dental needs are, we can create a picture-perfect smile that will leave a lasting impression.”
The Cosmetic Dentistry Institute provides an array of the most advanced technology and treatments, so it’s an easy, quick, and pain-free process to transform your smile.
“Luminous, natural-looking porcelain veneers are carefully crafted to change the shape, size, color, and length of teeth that are crooked, chipped, or stained,” Dr. David Whalen adds.
“If you have missing teeth, we can replace them with state-of-the-art dental implants that look, feel, and function like natural teeth and allow you to smile, chew, and speak more confidently,” says Dr. Craig Goldin, a Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists who also has advanced training and certification in IV sedation and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. AACD Fellowship is recognized as the highest level of competence in cosmetic dentistry, and only 65 dentists in the world have earned this distinction.
“Sedation dentistry is a wonderful and effective option for people who are busy, anxious, or who need a series of dental problems taken care of in just one visit,” Dr. Marcy Goldin explains. “You can fall asleep wrapped in a blanket on a Tempur-Pedic cushion and wake up to a younger, healthier, more beautiful smile!”
Q: How can I look younger without having surgery?
A: “There are excellent noninvasive and nonsurgical interventions that will make you look up to 10 years younger,” says facial plastic surgeon Dr. Myra Danish, who sees more and more men seeking rejuvenating treatments.
“For men who have deep frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet, I recommend Botox injections about every four months, to cause the muscles to relax and the lines to disappear.
“A lot of men have deep indentations in their lower eyelids due to a loss of collagen. These ‘tear troughs’ make them look fatigued and aged. Injecting a filler will make the lower lids look more rested and more youthful.
“Laugh lines, marionette lines, loss of volume, and flattening of the cheeks can be addressed with injections that cause a lifting of the face that looks natural and masculine, and not like you’ve had intervention,” Dr. Danish adds. “Some men have bands in their neck which also can be remedied with Botox.
“The finishing touch can be laser treatments to make the skin glow and repair age spots, redness, and fine lines.”
Q: How can I shave years off my looks so I can stay competitive in the job market?
A: Dr. Ellen Janetzke, a board-certified plastic surgeon, is seeing an upsurge in the number of men who are coming in for facial and body rejuvenation procedures. Eyelid surgery, laser treatments, injectables, and face-lifts can help to restore a youthful, chiseled profile.
“Lines, wrinkles, folds, and sagging skin can make you look tired, older, and less approachable. When you look younger, you’re perceived as more energetic, enthusiastic, and capable,” says Dr. Ellen, who takes an overall esthetic approach for natural, younger-looking results.
For men who struggle with persistent areas of fat, Dr. Ellen performs liposuction for a leaner and more defined appearance. Treatments for gynecomastia have increased tremendously. “It’s not uncommon for men to feel embarrassed about sagging skin on their chest,” Dr. Ellen says. “We remove the excess skin to give them a natural, masculine-looking chest that they don’t have to hide.”
Call Dr. Ellen today for a personalized consultation.
Q: How can posture alignment improve my backache?
A: “Poor posture is the primary cause of neck and back problems in men,” says physical therapist and Pilates instructor Ron Jegadeesh, the owner of Pilates Fitness & Physical Therapy Center.
“If you sit, stand, or walk without proper posture, one muscle group works harder and becomes stronger than another muscle group. The stronger muscle gets tighter and lacks flexibility, while the weaker muscle loses strength.” Posture alignment is an integral component of every Pilates exercise. In fact, many people achieve far better results with Pilates-based physical therapy than with traditional physical therapy.
“When you do Pilates you have a sense of power, grace, elegance of movement, and self-confidence,” Jegadeesh explains. “The first thing people notice is that their posture and alignment have changed. They feel like they’ve grown an inch taller. As the sessions progress, they notice improved flexibility and strength.”
Pilates includes mat work without equipment, and exercises using a reformer to assist and resist movement.
“At each session I also teach exercises that the client can do at home or at work,” Jegadeesh adds. “I ask them to make a habit of keeping their body in good alignment as they go about their daily activities. They learn to sit taller, stand taller, and walk taller.”
Q: My big old man is a big old baby when it comes to going to the dentist! What might help him get over his fear?
A: Sedation Dentistry!
As dentistry evolves, so, too, does Dr. Aziza Askari. When she realized there were ways to care for patients suffering from anxiety or fear of dental pain, she introduced sedation dentistry to her office. “Sedation dentistry techniques are safe for anyone who experiences anxiety, worry, concern, or preoccupation related to dental appointments,” she says.
Dr. Askari says that if you’re someone who has trouble sleeping before a dental appointment, becomes nervous in the waiting room, cancels appointments out of fear, or feels ill at the thought of going to the dentist, then sedation dentistry may be the key.
Dr. Askari is concerned with every aspect of her patients’ dental experience, including how they react to sight, sound, and touch. It’s why she likes the Waterlase dental laser, which uses water and laser energy to remove decayed tooth portions without the need for noisy equipment that may produce anxiety. She also uses DentalVibe pulse technology, to minimize discomfort associated with dental injections.
Q: Is there a minimally invasive procedure to correct receding gums?
A: With the Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Technique, receding gums are typically treated with no cutting, no stitches, and virtually no pain. Periodontist Dr. Joseph Nemeth was the first gum specialist in Michigan to be certified in the use of this minimally invasive technique by its originator and developer, Dr. John Chao.
“When gums recede, your teeth look much longer and your smile looks older. This condition also can lead to tooth sensitivity, decay, and bone loss,” Dr. Nemeth explains. “Using the Pinhole Technique, we make a small pinhole in the gum above the teeth to be treated. With special instruments, we loosen up the gum tissue and bring it down over the receded areas where it should be. This improves the smile tremendously and prevents further gum and bone recession and loss.”
Dr. Nemeth places Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) through the pinhole. A membrane derived from the patient’s own blood, PRF increases the blood supply in the gums, speeds healing, and further enhances the result.
The Pinhole Technique offers many advantages over traditional gum grafting, including no incisions or sutures, less discomfort, and a faster recovery, Dr. Nemeth says. “It’s a great technique. Patients do well and are extremely happy to have a healthier, more attractive smile.”
Q: How can I have a leaner and tighter abdominal profile without having a tummy tuck?
A: Dr. Mune Gowda finds that liposuction, along with the removal of loose skin, is a popular and effective solution for his male patients.
“Most men who come in for liposuction will be left with loose skin that hangs below their belly button and into the pubic area. Typically, I do liposuction on the lower abdomen to reduce the excess fat and then I will remove that loose skin. This will lift up the genitalia and make that area and the stomach look much better,” Dr. Gowda explains. “The guys are very happy with the results, especially some of my older patients.
“There’s no muscle repair and no need to go under general anesthesia. We do a twilight anesthesia,” Dr. Gowda says. “Recovery is quick — less than a week — which is what most men are looking for.”
Dr. Gowda also offers minimal downtime treatment options that provide excellent results for men afflicted with gynecomastia, the enlargement of the breasts.
Q: How can physical therapy take me from pain to performance on the golf course?
A: Whether you’re an amateur or an elite golfer, the physical therapists at Team Rehabilitation can assess the cause of your pain and develop a plan of therapy for improvement. “The most common problems we see are back pain, shoulder pain, and elbow pain,” says Steve Scher, MSPT, clinic director at Team Rehab Royal Oak and one of several Titleist Performance Institutecertified Team Rehab therapists. “There are a myriad of therapy techniques. It depends on where you’re hurting and what’s causing it.”
Therapists often work with golf professionals to improve the mechanics of a golfer’s swing. “A golf pro might say, ‘My client needs more flexibility in his hips,’” Scher notes. “We can address any physical problems with whatever the golf pro is working on to optimize the individual’s recovery and get them playing again.”
Elite golfers coming off an injury may seek help to return to a high level of play — increasing their driving distance or lowering their handicap. Doing corrective exercises in the clinic and following up at home can help to improve impairments and allow golfers to stay pain-free. “Don’t stop because you feel better,” Scher adds. “It might be only a handful of exercises, but you need to maintain your body to be able to golf weekly or monthly without pain.”
Q: I have quite a bit of gum recession. Is there a difference in the abrasiveness of toothpastes?
A: Yes, there is. The objective of toothpaste is to attack plaque and tartar and remove it from the tooth structure without causing wear on the tooth. In addition, toothpaste is used to remove stains from teeth without scratching the tooth surface.
Unfortunately, many types of toothpaste are highly abrasive. In vitro studies demonstrate that tooth-brushing with abrasive toothpaste produces wear to the dentin. When combined with erosion from an acidic diet or gastric reflux, significant harm may occur to the enamel and root of the tooth.
To help prevent sensitivity, gum recession, and enamel loss, always use a soft toothbrush and brush gently with a low-abrasive fluoride toothpaste. Toothpastes are rated by an abrasiveness index. It is desirable to use a toothpaste that has an RDA (relative dentin abrasivity) value of less than 70.
For more information on how to prevent tooth abrasion and damage to the teeth, call Dr. Mindy Salzberg- Siegel.
Q: What makes laser therapy the best solution for pain management?
A: Laser therapy is the only noninvasive pain management option available to people suffering from any type of pain. Pain Free Life Centers is the only pain management center that offers a state-of-the-art treatment program utilizing High-Dose Laser Therapy.
No one else in the country is focused exclusively on the use of laser therapy for pain management. Pain Free Life Centers doesn’t use ineffective “lowlevel” lasers that don’t have the power, or the wavelengths of light, to create photobiomodulation. This process is necessary to help the body to heal. Pain Free Life Centers are equipped with the most advanced, FDA-cleared, high-dose lasers available.
Most people have tried drugs, injections, and even surgery to help manage their pain with minimal success. If you want a different experience, visit PainFreeLifeCenters.com to watch patients’ testimonial videos. Then, make the choice to live pain-free. Your consultation and first treatment are free. Make Pain Free Life Centers your first choice, not your last resort!
Q: What is the most powerful anti-aging hormone/substance in the world?
A: The answer is human growth hormone and IGF-1
As men age, levels of HGH/IGF-1 and other vital hormones decline, leading to hormone imbalance. This increases health risks and causes many unpleasant symptoms, including low energy and sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fat gain, fatigue, and depression. Optimal hormone levels are essential for optimal health and quality of life. Two of the most important hormones are insulinlike growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and its precursor, human growth hormone (HGH). Due to its unique, powerful regenerative and rejuvenating properties, HGH/IGF-1 is the only hormone or substance on earth that prevents the deterioration of cells and the decline of the size and function of human body organs that occur with aging.
Dr. George Shanlikian, medical director of Genemedics, is a national leader in the field of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and preventive health. He’s a pioneer in prescribing HGH/IGF-1, and one of a few cutting-edge physicians in the country with the expertise to properly balance these hormones. Fellowshiptrained and board-certified in antiaging and regenerative medicine, Dr. Shanlikian has helped alleviate symptoms of hormone imbalance in thousands of patients through customized programs of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, nutrition, nutritional supplements, and exercise.
Regain your energy and recharge your quality of life with hormone replacement therapy!
Q: I have nail fungus and have heard horror stories of oral medications and other topical products that don’t work. Is there a simple and natural treatment for nail fungus?
A: The solution to overcoming unhealthy nails shouldn’t be complicated, chemical, or expensive. That’s why Nail 17 promotes healthy nails naturally, using a powerful, patented formula that combines four plant-based, fungusfighting essential oils: camphor, thymol, menthol, and eucalyptus.
Developed by a world-renowned professor at a leading university in Michigan, Nail 17 is the only product available that effectively kills all 17 microbes known to cause unhealthy nails — without the risks of painful side effects and the high costs of prescription medications. Nail 17’s formula has been proven in laboratory and clinical trials to effectively stop the progression of disease, allowing healthy new nail growth.
Want better-looking feet? Nail 17 is your natural nail care solution.