Boosting Awareness
As local OB-GYN physicians, we would like to acknowledge two of (Hour Detroit associate editor) Monica Mercer’s articles that directly improved our patient care. She nudged our office into emphasizing and offering a vaccine we were farming out to family doctors during pregnancy. “Word of Mouth” (February 2013) told of a Farmington Hills couple who lost their newborn to whooping cough. We have administered more than 500 TDAP vaccines since then. With less than 10 percent of obstetricians nationwide offering the vaccine, we feel fortunate that we had Mercer’s article to shock us into action.
The second article “Ovarian Cancer, the Stealthy Specter” (September 2012) is hands down the best ovarian cancer article. We give reprints of it to many patients who have questions or a family history of ovarian cancer.
Finally, the October 2013 issue struck close to home. Our colleague, Dr. James McBride, was featured for donating a kidney to his friend. Mercer’s telling of the journey demystifies the process. We have heard from hundreds of people who were profoundly moved by the article. We look forward to her next installment.
— Oakland Macomb Obstetrics & Gynecology P.C.
Puff Piece
We have seen some slobbering puff pieces, but nothing tops the embarrassing piece about Dan Akerson (October 2013). It’s (GM public relations’) job to paint Akerson to the media as a caring, altruistic patriot who is just helping out GM at great personal and financial sacrifice because he’s a nice guy. (According to) Bill Conway, co-CEO and co-founder of the Carlyle Group: “He’s risking his reputation, which is extremely important to him.” And here we thought (Akerson) was doing it for the love of the game.
—Mark via email
Lasting Impact
Following up with you about the recognition I am still receiving after the story you ran on my work (“Industry to Art Form,” September 2011). Hour was a huge credit and helped greatly! I still have people logging onto my website, being referred by the link in the story! Continued appreciation; sincere gratitude.
—Frederick Klass Jr.
Torino is Tops!
I was at the opening and still haven’t stopped talking about the place (Torino restaurant review, October 2013). I have seen nothing like it.
—Rob Bourassa via
Have been there twice and it was two of my best dining experiences. I hope this trend continues in Michigan. Plus I spend less at Torino than when I go to a high-end steakhouse where the food isn’t even that great.
—Eric Kelsey via
Mortality Matters
Great article! (“Death Cafés,” October 2013.) As a teacher at Eastern Michigan, I am continually surprised that my students say they have never really talked about death in any school classroom. I teach medical anthropology, so we definitely talk about death. I find it one of the most rewarding parts of the class.
—Cynthia Gabriel via
Fort Wayne Fan From Afar
I fell in love with Fort Wayne (“Historic Comeback,” October 2013) when I traveled from the U.K. to have a ghost hunt and meet some of the TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) guys! I didn’t see a ghost (although I heard a disembodied voice). Instead, I met the most wonderful people who give their time and love. I can’t wait to get back. The Fort is beautiful … and should be taken care of. It’s Detroit’s legacy!
—Andrea Jones via