Hands-On Deck

Let Maker Faire Detroit bring out the geek in you
Many Maker Faire Detroit exhibitors — including the DIY workshop known as i3Detroit — will offer handson workshops. // Photograph by Justin Maconochie

The spirit of American innovation is on display every Saturday during The Henry Ford’s “Tinker. Hack. Invent.” events. But each July, the annual Maker Faire Detroit is sort of like those weekly celebrations on steroids.

This year’s event on July 26-27 will feature more than 400 exhibitors showing off their wares, inventions, and ideas, including demonstrations and hands-on workshops. There’s everything from robots and flame shooters to a pneumatic target range, model railroaders, and makers of Star Wars costumes and droids.

Maker Faire gathers inspiring and ingenious DIY aficionados — and is billed as one of the country’s smartest and most extraordinary family-friendly events. It’s held in the Henry Ford Museum, and there are additional outdoor exhibits.

Call 313-982-6001 or visit thehenryford.org for info.