Contributors: May 2010


Ann Marie Aliotta

A freelance writer, Aliotta has always been interested in Detroit’s many-layered past, especially the fascinating characters who populated the east-side communities throughout history. “The Alger family really came to life for me when I was researching my story (page 62),” she says. “It was great to imagine their house [now the Grosse Pointe War Memorial] not as a cold, stuffy mansion, but as a real home alive with the hustle and bustle of a prominent businessman and his active family. I could just hear the kids running through the halls, the chatter of a picnic on the back lawn, the clinking of fine china at a fancy dinner party.” Aliotta is the co-author of the recent book Grosse Pointe War Memorial (Arcadia Publishing).



Blair Brettschneider

Brettschneider is a recent graduate of the University of Miami (Florida), where she majored in journalism and American Studies. Her internship, she says, helped her get reacquainted with her hometown after being away at school.  “From 1,400 miles away,” she says, “it’s easy to hear only the bad news from Detroit and lose touch with the remarkable things that happen here.” Brettschneider says her first story for Hour Detroit, which was about a Lego/Detroit-architecture enthusiast, reminded her of the city’s rich history and the need to preserve it. “There are people doing incredible things to make this city a better place,” she says. “And I hope that by sharing their stories I’m doing my part to give Detroit a successful and vibrant future.”



Jennifer Wood

Wood, a spring 2010 graduate of Oakland University in Rochester, says Hour Detroit was the perfect place to refine her journalism skills. A metro Detroit native, Wood has always hoped to be a part of a publication that explores the excitement and potential of her hometown. “Having the opportunity to write about local businesses and talent has been extremely rewarding and an awesome learning experience,” she says. “From fact-checking to interviewing, my time at Hour Detroit has helped me become a more confident reporter and a stronger writer.” In this issue, she writes about designer Couni Young (page 37), an assignment that allowed her to get a behind-the-scenes look at one aspect of metro Detroit’s growing movie industry.



Arthur Giron

When creating his illustration to accompany “Gender Gap” (page 52), Giron, a California-based artist, says he tried to convey the sense of isolation and vulnerability a male teacher might feel when dealing with public and parental perceptions. “Being a father of three daughters, I too have my reservations about male teachers,” he says. “But from real-life experience, I know some of the best teachers have been males.” Giron’s work has appeared in Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, and Kiplinger’s. Other clients have included Time, Entertainment Weekly, and The New York Times.